Hist 292 mcgill syllabus. ca) Felix Fuchs Komal Mohite (komal.

Hist 292 mcgill syllabus Faculty regulations stipulate that a course may not be counted toward more than one program. pdf from HIST 223 at McGill University. Please note that each course is not necessarily taught every year. r/mcgill: This is the one and only McGill University subreddit. 70 and permission from the Undergraduate Program Director in History and Classical Studies and the Arts Internship Officer are required. ca) Felix Fuchs Komal Mohite (komal. 30; W 9. T. Any thoughts on HIST 262: Mediterranean and European Interconnections ? It's taught online (and not on-field) this June. Additional courses may be submitted for consideration to the Undergraduate Program Director. Lewis is offering Hist 386 (Twentieth Century Britain) in the fall and Hist 347 (history and sexuality 2) in the winter. En; eCalendar. & Sc. The sections of the guide include: History : Transformation of the Roman world, 1st-7th CE. Available from Paragraphe Bookstore, 2220 McGill-College: (1) John Merriman, A History of Modern Europe (4th edition). Jan 6, 2025 · HIST 199 is the Foundation Year Seminar for History. Special attention will be paid to the different viewpoints and experiences of the Cold War participants by studying the historiography and archival materials released in the Eastern Block and Western World. It draws from cross-disciplinary literatures on a number of regions and time periods and sketches the history of human interactions with non-human persons and the earth. ca) Virtual Office hours (OH): T, TR, 2:35-3:35 AI Chat with PDF Programs, Courses & University Regulations Fall 2024–Summer 2025 Enter your keywords Search scope Entire Site Agricultural & Environmental Sciences Arts B. 1) Most courses listed at the 300 level and higher have prerequisites. mcgill History and Classical Studies Liaison librarian Kristen Howard. Every time HIST 199 is offered, it is taught with a focus on a unique historical topic. Instructors: Zucchi, John (Winter) Prerequisite: HIST 203 recommended Aug 21, 2024 · The following non-HIST courses may be counted toward the History joint honours component. Felt like a semester of powerpoint presentations of "Yeah, people DO in fact can harm the environment". HIST 212. mcgill): LEA 111A, Thursday, 1-2 PM Catherine Rudnicki (catherine@mail. Instructor: Travis Bruce Office Location: Leacock 608a Email: travis@mcgill Office Hours: T/Th 1-2 and by appointment Class Days/Time: Teaching Assistant:. 05-11. The courses listed below can be used to satisfy the pre-1800 temporal breadth requirements of the History Major, Honours, and Joint Honours programs. Complementary Courses (36 credits) 36 credits of HIST or cognate courses (see list below) according to the following requirements. The growth of technology, globalization of economies, and rapid increases in population and per capita consumption have all had dramatic environmental impacts. 0 Venue: STBIO N2/2 Class AI Chat with PDF The HIST 292 course at McGill University during Summer 2012 focuses on the intersection of history and environmental studies. Terms: Fall 2024 . TEXTS Course material is also available on three-hour reserve at the McLennan-Redpath Library. 10. 25 Prof. m. brahm@mcgill Office Hours – Zoom: Monday: 11-12; Wednesday: 2- Interfaculty Program in Environment (54 credits) This program is open only to students in the BA&Sc Interfaculty Program Environment. Cognate courses may not be used to replace 400-level or 500-level requirements. 00684 Email:bri View hist223_fall2012greer. docx. Rachel Sandwell Email: Rachel@mcgill Office hours: Tuesday 1-3pm or by appointment, by ZOOM (link on MyCourses under “important course content”) Teaching Assistants HIST 201 Modern African History WINTER 202 4. Continuing Studies Dental Medicine & Oral HS Education Engineering Environment Interfaculty Studies Law Management Medicine & Health Sciences Music Nursing Physical and Aug 2, 2024 · View Hist 200 Syllabus Course Outline. 35-12. ca Location: Zoom Office: Zoom Schedule: MTWR 8:35–10:55am Office hours: R 11:30am–12:30pm and by appointment Latin America and Global Human Rights Course Description Today, the discourse of human rights is as powerful as it is ubiquitous. I need some quick help finding the easiest and most enjoyable 300+ level HIST courses offered this year. In the search options, select "Peer Reviewed" and enter "Historical Period" (e. 2) This list is not Historique : An intensive study of selected aspects related to the history of gender, feminism, and sexuality. pdf from HIST 219 at McGill University. HIST courses at McGill University reviews/ratings - Rate My Courses Week 2 Tue 15 Jan: New Worlds, New Natures Thur 17 Jan: Possessing nature: natural history and the culture of curiosity HIST-319 Scientific Revolution Syllabus 4 of 5 WINTER BREAK: 4-8 MARCH 2019 Week 9 Tue 12 March: Descartes and the mechanical philosophy Thur 14 March: Atomists, mechanists, cartesians Dear, Revolutionizing, ch. Class syllabus hist200 fall 2020 syllabus please note draft as of august 26, 2020 subject to minor revision history 200: introduction to african history class McGill University. Students are permitted to count only one internship toward their History program requirements. Vankeerberghen, but if you're into Chinese history Prof. ca) Course description Modern East Asian History is an Jan 30, 2018 · View Notes - HIST 215 syllabus 2018. docx from HIST 215 at McGill University. pdf from HIST 209 at McGill University. 12 Spent first half hour talking about essay topics Religion Can be both private and public Religion has an aspect that is rooted in the past, especially strange in the modern world *Discussion material may vary, class split into smal Revised January 2018 Transfer credits: students fulfill up to one-third of their History program with courses from outside McGill. Bachelor of Arts (B. New York: Norton Department of History Major Concentration in History (36 credits) Program Advising/Audit Form (updated October 2020) Major Program Requirements: Complementary Courses (36 credits) 36 credits of history courses (HIST courses or selected courses offered in other units see list below) according to the - following requirements: Name Position Office Natalie Cornett Course Lecturer - HIST 306 Office Hours: TBA Felicia Gabriele Course Lecturer - HIST 311 Leacock Building Room 822A Office Hours: Monday and Wednesday 10:30 - 11:30 Martín Giraldo-Hoyos Course Lecturer - HIST 292 Leacock Building Room 822A Office Hours: Thursday 10:00 - 12:00 Georgios Kellaris Course Lecturer - CLAS 230D2 Leacock Building Room 822A Office Apr 17, 2008 · HIST 388: The Second World War MWF 11. Important note: Advanced Placement or International Baccalaureate credits may not be included in the credit requirements for history programs. CLAS 303 Ancient Greek Religion (3 credits) Interfaculty BASc Degree In addition to the SSS course requirements below, note the following are also required for an Interfaculty BASc degree (see Course planning): 30 credits toward the foundation year requirements 18-24 credits toward a minor 12-18 credits toward electives For questions related to any of these three points above, consult with your Faculty Advisor in SOUSA the SSS program Suggested Courses for the Diploma The List is divided into two Thematic Categories. Leonard Moore - HIST 388 The Second World War with Prof. Programmes, cours et politiques de l'Université Automne 2024 – Été 2025 Prerequisite: HIST 205, HIST 275, HIST 212 or CLAS HIST 292: Jesus that was a complete waste of time and money as an elective. HIST 207 Jewish History: 400 B. 35-10, McConnell Engineering 204 Prof. mohite@mail. Continuing Studies Dental Medicine & Oral HS Education Engineering Environment Interfaculty Studies Law Management Medicine & Health Sciences Music Nursing Physical and The following non-HIST courses may be counted toward the History major concentration. HIST 292. pdf, Subject History, from McGill University, Length: 10 pages, Preview: 1 HIST 215, Winter 2024 THE HISTORY OF MODERN EUROPE PROFESSOR ELIZABETH ELBOURNE Monday, Wednesday, Friday, 12:30—1:30. ca Schedule: M-Th @ 13:35-15:55 Course Description This class will explore major themes in American history from the beginnings of European contact with the “ New World ” in the late 1400s to the end of the Civil War in 1865. preliminary draft syllabus McGill University HIST 223 NATIVES OF THE AMERICAS Fall 2012 McDonald-Harrington G-10 Instructor: Allan All HIST courses at McGill University (McGill) in Montreal, Canada. Note: Cognate courses (see below) may not be used to satisfy the Distribution requirement. o Because the Chicago Manual of Style is coming out with an 18 th edition in October, both 17th and 18th edition citations will be acceptable. The fee Oct 21, 2021 · HIST 366 – Summer 2021 Professor: Iwa Nawrocki 3 credit hours Email: iwa. Aug 11, 2023 · HIST 299 – The Historian9s Craft – Fall 2022 Making History Instructor: Travis Bruce Office Location: Leacock 608a Email: travis. Temporal Breadth requirement: Apr 11, 2022 · 1 McGill University HIST 335: Science and Medicine in Canada FALL TERM, 2020 SYLLABUS Course Instructor: Prof David Wright (david. Evgeniya Makarova Wednesdays and Fridays, 10:05am-11:25am Introduction to Modern Art and Architecture accomplishes three things: (1) it provides a Programs, Courses & University Regulations Fall 2024–Summer 2025 Enter your keywords Search scope Entire Site Agricultural & Environmental Sciences Arts B. to 4:00 p. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. A. o The Chicago Manual is available digitally through the McGill Library. HIST215: ModernEuropeanHistory MWF11:3512:25,ADAMSAUD Prof. Terms: Hiver 2025 . Instructor Prof. Distribution requirement:-3 credits from Group A-3 credits from Group B Jan 2, 2022 · View Hist 218 East Asia Syllabus 2022-01-02 FINAL3. ca Office Hours: Mon, 2:30-4:30 or by appt. pdf from HIST 218 at McGill University. 5. Continuing Studies Dental Medicine & Oral HS Education Engineering Environment Interfaculty Studies Law Management Medicine & Health Sciences Music Nursing Physical and HIST 299 – The Historian9s Craft – Fall 2022. Program Required Credits Transfer credits allowed Minor 18 6 Major 36 12 Joint Honours 36 12 Honours 60 21* *Note that students in the honours students may count honours program 21 transfer credits toward their program (i. McGill University History and Classical Studies Liaison librarian Kristen Howard (she/her). This is standard for McGill’s History courses. This course will normally not fulfil program requirements for seminar or 400-level courses. ‘Area A minimum CGPA of 2. Instructors: Luthi, Lorenz (Fall) Sophia@mail. walker@mcgill. Bede, Ecclesiastical History [Jarrow, England, 731] Gregory of Tours, History of the Franks [Tours, 576] *Mid-Term Examination HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE Chanson de Roland [Old French chanson de geste, c. Distribution requirement:-3 credits from Group A-3 credits from Group B-3 credits from Group C . Immunology and Infectious Disease Although HIST 205 is being offered as a fully in-person course, the course structure and syllabus are subject to changes in cases of emergency, such as if the public health situation deteriorates, or if new public health regulations are adopted by McGill or the government of Quebec. Schlich Fall term 2014 Tuesday/Thursday 10. ) - Joint Honours Component History (36 Credits) Offered by: History and Classical Studies Major Concentration in History (36 credits) Program Advising/Audit Form (updated October 2020) Major Program Requirements: Complementary Courses (36 credits) 36 credits of history courses (HIST courses or selected courses offered in other units see list below) according to the - following requirements: Distribution requirement: Studying Hist 203 Survey: Canada since 1867 at McGill University? On Studocu you will find 15 practice materials, lecture notes, summaries, essays and much more for HIST 205: Ancient Mediterranean History MWF, 12:35-1:25 PM (technically; see Course Structure) McGill University Fall 20 20 Zoom link: mcgill. mcgill Communication plan: if you have a question about the course, send us an email (mention “HIST 201” in the subject). Instructor: Brahm Kleinman, Dr. Medieval Europe. bruce@mcgill. Overall Rating. I haven't taken HIST 208 or anything else with Prof. Below is a list of all undergraduate history (HIST) courses currently offered by the Department of History and Classical Studies. edu Office Hours: Mondays, 1:00-2:00; Wednesdays, 1:00-3:00, and by appointment. 2) This list is not Fall 2021. The course includes no required texts, with readings made available through WebCT, emphasizing participation through a research proposal and group presentations. Mar 9, 2020 · HIST 203: Canada Since 1867 Winter 2019 _____ Instructor: Dr. madokoro@mcgill. santos@mcgill. Office hour: Friday 2–3 pm and by appointment. zoom/j/ Instructor: Brahm Kleinman, Dr. ca Office hours: M 14. CLAS 303 Ancient Greek Religion (3 credits) Hello, I’m taking HIST 215 this semester, and have been trying my best to keep up with the material, but I do find the readings to sometimes be… Open menu Open navigation Go to Reddit Home r/mcgill A chip A close button HIST 199 at McGill University (McGill) in Montreal, Canada. By level: History courses follow the general pattern set by the Faculty of Arts. 1 Star 2 Stars 3 Stars 4 Stars 5 Stars. silver@mcgill. Jan 27, 2025 · This contains references to journal articles, book reviews and some dissertations about the history of all parts of the world from 1450 on, EXCLUDING Canada and the United States. g. It is highly recommended that you meet with an adviser before switching to be sure you are meeting all requirements. HIST Courses. MWF 9. mcgill. Data Recovery. Department of History Major Concentration in History (36 credits) Program Advising/Audit Form (updated October 2020) Major Program Requirements: Complementary Courses (36 credits) 36 credits of history courses (HIST courses or selected courses offered in other units see list below) according to the - following requirements: Although HIST 205 is being offered as a fully in-person course, the course structure and syllabus are subject to changes in cases of emergency, such as if the public health situation deteriorates, or if new public health regulations are adopted by McGill or the government of Quebec. Oct 8, 2024 · Contains primary documents and scholarly commentary in a searchable collection. POLI 200-level Courses POLI 300-level Courses POLI 400-level and POLI 500-level Courses Please note that current course syllabi will be made available online as they are completed. pdf from HIST 200 at McGill University. 12. One section of 30 students maximum will be offered. Considers various perspectives and narratives of the decline and fall of the Roman Empire based on historical and material evidence. Course Description: Programs, Courses & University Regulations Fall 2024–Summer 2025 Enter your keywords Search scope Entire Site Agricultural & Environmental Sciences Arts B. Once you have selected your courses, please ensure to have them verified by your Advisor (ensure your program checklist is ready to go!). lamonica@mail. Kristy Ironside e-mail: kristy@mcgill Office Hours: Tuesdays, 2:35-3:25 or by appointment Office location: Leacock 608B View Notes - HIST249 Syllabus from HIST 249 at McGill University. Continuing Studies Dental Medicine & Oral HS Education Engineering Environment Interfaculty Studies Law Management Medicine & Health Sciences Music Nursing Physical and Suggested Courses for the Diploma The List is divided into two Thematic Categories. Kirsten@mcgill TEXTS Course material is also available on three-hour reserve at the McLennan-Redpath Library. There is a fee of $3,300 (in 2018) for the McGill Summer Studies in Greece activity associated with registration in course HIST 262. Peter Hoffmann Jan 29, 2025 · Welcome to the Course Guide for HIST 203: Canada since 1867! This comprehensive guide provides information useful for beginning a research project on modern Canadian history. greer@mcgill. Pedro Monaville pedro@mcgill Office hours: W 1 0 : 15 - 11 : 15 pm Leacock building 610 Teaching Assistant: Azizul Rasel m@mail. The Interfaculty Program in Environment for the Bachelor of Arts and Science is designed to provide Below are the courses available from the HIST code. Brian Lewis E-mail: brian@mcgill Zoom office hours: M 10:30-11:30; W 11-12. Suggested Courses for the Minor (or Minor Concentration) in Environment The List is divided into two Thematic Categories. Learning Outcomes This survey course provides an overview of major themes and moments in Canadian history while encouraging you to think 200-level cognate courses count against the 15-credit limit of 200-level courses allowed for the program. Please note, some courses may have department restrictions, meaning Minerva will prevent Suggested Courses for the Minor (or Minor Concentration) in Environment The List is divided into two Thematic Categories. Instructors: Shaw, Melissa (Winter) Prerequisite(s): A 200-level course in History or permission of instructor. You 200-level cognate courses count against the 15-credit limit of 200-level courses allowed for the program. If you entered the program after Fall 2019 you must follow the new program Dec 11, 2023 · View HIST 219 - Winter 2022 - Syllabus - Updated - Copy (2). ) - Rate My Courses List of approved and restricted courses outside the Faculty of Science Students may take courses on the approved lists below and may not, under any circumstances, take courses on the not-approved lists for credit toward their BSc. I still need to do two more courses to graduate with my minor in History and I am having trouble with the amount of reading, writing, and memorization necessary to get an A in the previous courses I took (HIST 205, HIST 368, HIST 388). Laura Madokoro E-mai l: laura. HIST 397 Notes 31. k. pdf from HIST 313 at McGill University. Department of History and Classical Studies McGill University Joint Honours in History (36 credits) Advising/Degree Audit Sheet Required Course (3 credits): HIST 399 History and Historiography Complementary Courses (33 credits) 33 credits of history courses (HIST courses or selected courses offered in other units - see list below) according to HIST 579D2 ratings of professors: at McGill University (Topics: African History. McGill. Since I only need two more courses to graduate, I was wondering if any History majors/minors/honours people would have some recommendations for courses with not too many readings/written work and an interesting topic (300 level or above). Select a course to view the available classes, additional class notes, and class times. Continuing Studies Dental Medicine & Oral HS Education Engineering Environment Interfaculty Studies Law Management Medicine & Health Sciences Music Nursing Physical and Programs, Courses & University Regulations Fall 2024–Summer 2025 Enter your keywords Search scope Entire Site Agricultural & Environmental Sciences Arts B. Topic: History of Pandemics. HIST 208 Introduction to East Asian History Fall 2022. Development and History ANTH 212 - Anthropology of Development EDER 461 - Society and Change HIST 292 - History and the Environment (not offered) NUTR 501 - Nutrition in Dev Countries (M) SOCI 254 - Development&Underdevelopment Concentration: Complementary Courses - List B (9 cr) Maximum 3 cr from any one category. Griet Vankeerberghen griet@mcgill. Notes: 200-level cognate courses count against the 15-credit limit of 200-level courses allowed for the program. one credit more than one-third). Continuing Studies Dental Medicine & Oral HS Education Engineering Environment Interfaculty Studies Law Management Medicine & Health Sciences Music Nursing Physical and Jul 2, 2020 · HIST 211: American History to 1865 Summer 2020 McGill University Instructor: Mike LaMonica E-mail: michael. C. 0 AMP. Jeremy Tai's your guy - I took HIST 209 (Modern East Asian History) and HIST 338 (Twentieth Century China) with him and 200-level cognate courses count against the 15-credit limit of 200-level courses allowed for the program. Continuing Studies Dental Medicine & Oral HS Education Engineering Environment Interfaculty Studies Law Management Medicine & Health Sciences Music Nursing Physical and Any thoughts on HIST 262: Mediterranean and European Interconnections ? It's taught online (and not on-field) this June. ca Teaching Assistants Graders Kelvin Chan (chun. The Act to encourage the Gradual Civilization of the Indian Tribes of this Province, and to Amend the laws respecting Indi HIST 397 - 31. mcgill Office hour: Tuesday 10:00-11:00 AM at Leacock 111A. Continuing Studies Dental Medicine & Oral HS Education Engineering Environment Interfaculty Studies Law Management Medicine & Health Sciences Music Nursing Physical and Interfaculty Program in Environment (54 credits) This program is open only to students in the BA&Sc Interfaculty Program Environment. Allison Cohen HIST-202-001 Prof. No pre-requisites Class location: STBIO N 2 / 2 Time: MW 8 :35- 9 : 5 5pm Professor: Prof. This guide offers a general overview of sources (both primary and secondary) as well as research strategies for finding these sources. ca Office Hours: T/Th 1-2 and by appointment Class Days/Time: Teaching Assistant: T/Th 2:35-3:55 Philip Santos – philip. Document HIST 215 2023-24 syllabus. Jeremy Tai's your guy - I took HIST 209 (Modern East Asian History) and HIST 338 (Twentieth Century China) with him and HIST Take-Home. Available from Paragraphe Bookstore, 2220 McGill-College: (1) John Merriman, A History of Modern Europe (3rd edition). HIST 214. Wallis/Prof. A. All of history courses are listed under one of four "Areas": [1] Americas, [2] Europe, [3] Africa/Asia/Middle East, and [4] Global/Thematic. HIST 292 - Medieval Restriction(s): Not open to students who have taken HIST 462. lewis@mcgill. Books. preliminary draft syllabus 1 McGill University HIST 223 NATIVES OF THE AMERICAS Fall 2012 McDonald-Harrington G-10 M/W/F 12:35-1:25 Instructor: Allan Greer Office: Leacock 828 email: allan. ca Course description Introduction to the discipline of history. 1095] laisse 1-176 EMPIRE AND PAPACY: INVESTITURE CONTROVERSY Pope Gelasius I, Epistle to the Emperor Anastasius [Rome, 494] For more information, see Programs, Courses and University Regulations. Suggested Courses for the Diploma The List is divided into two Thematic Categories. Studying Hist 203 Survey: Canada since 1867 at McGill University? On Studocu you will find 15 practice materials, lecture notes, summaries, essays and much more for HIST 205: Ancient Mediterranean History MWF, 12:35-1:25 PM (technically; see Course Structure) McGill University Fall 20 20 Zoom link: mcgill. Courses listed in the complementary course list as HIST equivalent (e. brahm@mcgill Office Hours (LEA 634): Monday, 1 - 2 PM; Wednesday, 11 - 12 Teaching Assistants and Office Hours Matthew Barreto (matthew@mail. Early Modern Europe. 35 The Department offers a broad range of courses during the regular Fall and Winter semesters as well as the four more intensive summer sessions. Desbarats Conference Friday 11:35-12:25 TA: Ella Coulter December 15h, 2015 Take-Home Final Exam 1. They are Social Sciences and Policy, and Natural Sciences and Technology. Class Location: RPHYS 112 Time: Tuesdays and Thursdays, 1:05 p. HIST 298. HISTORY 213: WORLD HISTORY McGill University Fall 2021 THE TEACHING TEAM: Lecturer and responsible instructor: Daviken Studnicki-Gizbert (daviken-gizbert@mcgill) Conference instructors: Rasel Azizul Cédric Lamonde-Boulet Jan 16, 2025 · History document from McGill University, 9 pages, 1 HIST 215, Winter 2023 THE HISTORY OF MODERN EUROPE PROFESSOR ELIZABETH ELBOURNE Monday, Wednesday, Friday, 9:30-10:30. History and the Environment. Be The First To Leave a Review. Programmes, cours et politiques de l'Université Automne 2024 – Été 2025 Prerequisite: HIST 205, HIST 275, HIST 212 or CLAS 200-level cognate courses count against the 15-credit limit of 200-level courses allowed for the program. MCGILL UNIVERSITY INTRODUCTION TO SOUTH ASIAN HISTORY HIST 209 | FALL 2022 SYLLABUS VERSION 1. Kirsten@mcgill. 30am-10 *Note, MOST Friday lectures will be replaced by “conference sections,” see details below Professor: Dr. The course is composed of two to four interrelated seminars and includes field excursions. Topics will include the migration process, government policy and legislation, urban and rural migration, acculturation, nativism and multiculturalism. MWF 11:35 AM - 12:25 PM Rutherford Physics Building 112. Fr; Courses & University Regulations Fall 2024–Summer 2025. All HIST courses at McGill University (McGill) in Montreal, Canada. chan@mail. 30-15. Although instructors may waive prerequisite(s) in some cases, students are urged to prepare their program of study well before Consult the lists below for Faculty of Education approved Foundation courses You must have your fall and winter course selections verified prior to the start of classes. ca) Lectures: 3 x 1hr; with small group sessions in lieu of some Friday lectures (see schedule) Office Hours: Zoom meetings, by appointment Course Description This course explores the social history of Canadian public health and medicine. I think History courses of any level would probably be a bit more challenging for a non-Arts student than ENGL 440. 30-10. Teaching Assistants Ruoxuan Wen ruoxuan@mail. History and Sexuality 1 is also interesting, but its taught by Nancy Partner. HISTORY 249 HEALTH AND THE HEALER IN WESTERN HISTORY Prof. brahm@mcgill Office Hours – Zoom: Monday: 11-12; Wednesday: 2- Programs, Courses & University Regulations Fall 2024–Summer 2025 Enter your keywords Search scope Entire Site Agricultural & Environmental Sciences Arts B. 2) This list is not Class syllabus hist200 fall 2020 syllabus please note draft as of august 26, 2020 subject to minor revision history 200: introduction to african history class McGill University. Brian Lewis Office: Leacock 613 Phone: 514-398-1084 E-mail: brian. mcgill university hist 223 natives of the americas fall 2018 leacock 219 instructor: allan greer office: leacock 618 email: phone: ext 094345 office Courses. e. o If you are concerned about citation style, you can book a tutorial with the History of the Soviet Union, 1917-Winter 2023 “The high banner of Marx, Engels, Lenin and Stalin!” Time: MTTh 10:35-11:25 am Location: STBIO N2/ Instructor: Dr. This course surveys the main political, social, economic, cultural and military aspects of the Second World War, from the Treaty of Versailles to the beginning of the Cold War. hey guys! i'm a U2 student that is doing honours Political Science and i have to take 6 credits in at the 300 or 400 level in related disciplines (like hist), but the problem is that most courses at this level (that are interesting) have prerequisite to take and i have "no course left" (already took/selected the elective i want). mcgill): LEA 111A, Wednesday 2-3 PM History : Immigration, ethnicity and race in Canada in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. Xinyu Zhang xinyu@mail Share free summaries, lecture notes, exam prep and more!! We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Continuing Studies Dental Medicine & Oral HS Education Engineering Environment Interfaculty Studies Law Management Medicine & Health Sciences Music Nursing Physical and Sep 5, 2024 · Complementary Courses (51 credits) 51 credits of HIST or cognate courses (see list below) according to the following requirements. If you're here to discuss or post anything related to McGill, you've come to the … McGill. Rob Harper, he/him/his rharper@uwsp. ca / Vue d'ensemble / Tous les cours HIST 298 Topics in History (3 unités) Offered by: Histoire et études classiques ( Arts et service social ) Editedit: Moore is offering Hist 393(Civil War and Reconstruction) in the fall and Hist 377 (US 1940-1965) in the winter. Introductory courses are either First Year Seminars (numbered in the 100s) or survey classes (numbered in the 200s and occasionally Vue d'ensemble. The course is not a complete overview of world environmental history. HIST 312 Winter 2020: History of Canadian Consumption Professor: Elsbeth Heaman Office Hours: 490 Ferrier Thursdays AI Chat with PDF Recommended for history majors. Though global in outlook, this course will emphasize the relevant historiography of France, England and North America. Instructors: Kleinman, Brahm (Winter) Prerequisite: HIST 205, HIST 275, HIST 212 or CLAS 201 recommended. Occasionally, students may be permitted to satisfy the pre-1800 temporal breadth requirement with a course that does not appear on this list but nevertheless consists of appropriate historical content (e. James Krapfl - HIST 351 Themes in US History s. View Canadian Consumption Syllabus 2020. NOTE: credit for statistics courses offered by faculties other than Arts and Science requires the permission of the Science Office for Undergraduate Student Advising History 292 Syllabus 1 History 292: Native American History Fall 2020 Section 1: Thursday and Tuesday, 12:30-1:45 pm, Virtual Classroom Section 2: Thursday and Tuesday, 2:00-3:15 pm, Virtual Classroom Prof. 1 HIST 218 Modern East Asian History Tuesdays, 1135 January 12-April 13, inclusive ONLINE Professor Gavin Walker email: gavin. To encourage breadth, the major programs in History (Major, Honours and Joint Honours) limit the number of courses that students may take in any one area. j. F. Although instructors may waive prerequisite(s) in some cases, students are urged to prepare their program of study well before their final year. Sep 30, 2022 · View 2022F HIST 209 Syllabus 1. Programs, Courses & University Regulations Fall 2024–Summer 2025 Enter your keywords Search scope Entire Site Agricultural & Environmental Sciences Arts B. wright@mcgill. Room: BURN 1B Date/time: Monday, Wednesday, Friday 9. Terms: Winter 2025 . HIST200 Fall 2021 HIST200: INTRODUCTION TO AFRICAN HISTORY Room: BURN 1B45 Date/time: Monday, Wednesday, Friday HIST 388: The Second World War. , a topics course, or a thematic course Also, if anyone has the syllabus to any of these courses, I would greatly appreciate if you could share that with me :) Thanks a lot! - HIST 306 East Central Europe 1944-2004 with Prof. , Start Year: 1850 To End Year: 1917). to 1000 (3 credits) HIST 213 World History, 1300-2000 (3 credits) HIST 219 Jewish History: 1000 - 2000 (3 credits) HIST 238 Histories of Science (3 credits) HIST 249 Health and the Healer in Western History (3 credits) HIST 292 History and the Environment (3 credits) 300-level Courses Programs, Courses & University Regulations Fall 2024–Summer 2025 Enter your keywords Search scope Entire Site Agricultural & Environmental Sciences Arts B. Included will be a historian's view of the social, technical, and ecological implications of the great variety of activities devised by our species. Modern East Asia History Instructor: Office: Phone/e-mail: Office Hours: Class room: Time: HIST 218 (Winter Feb 17, 2025 · On this page: Fall 2024 | Winter 2025 Please note that room locations and schedules are subject to change and all details should be confirmed before the start of the class. Thanks ! I'm currently coming to the end of my History minor and I have difficulty finding enjoyable and not-extremely-hard courses in the program. CLAS 304) are counted as HIST courses, not as "cognate" courses. to 2:25 p. 1095] laisse 1-176 EMPIRE AND PAPACY: INVESTITURE CONTROVERSY Pope Gelasius I, Epistle to the Emperor Anastasius [Rome, 494] I think History courses of any level would probably be a bit more challenging for a non-Arts student than ENGL 440. Courses are divided by level and area. Jun 5, 2021 · *Preliminary syllabus to be finalized by the end of the add/drop period. History : The history of the Cold War. Although instructors may waive prerequisite(s) in some cases, students are urged to prepare their program of study well before Bede, Ecclesiastical History [Jarrow, England, 731] Gregory of Tours, History of the Franks [Tours, 576] *Mid-Term Examination HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE Chanson de Roland [Old French chanson de geste, c. Students should refer to this list when registering for courses to ensure that they satisfy "area Syllabus hist200 fall 2022 hist200: introduction to african history room: stbio tuesdays and thursdays, thursday lectures will be replaced see 200-level Courses. Instructors: Anastassiadis, Tassos (Winter) Restrictions: Open to U0 or U1 students only, except by permission of Jan 6, 2025 · HIST 199 is the Foundation Year Seminar for History. Thanks ! We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. 30 This course surveys the main political, social, economic, cultural and military aspects of the Second World War, from the Treaty of Versailles to the beginning of the Cold War. Pre-2019 History Programs *Students who entered the program prior to Fall 2019 may choose to follow the program requirements as stated below, or switch to the new Fall 2019 program requirements. Terms: Winter 2025, Summer McGill. Leave A Review Subscribe. In some cases, past syllabi are online where current ones are not available. E. No shit Sherlock. ca Office: Ferrier 329 Office Hours: Tuesdays, 2:30 p. How hard is the class ? If anyone has a syllabus, I'd also be interested. In general, those courses in East Asian Studies, Islamic Studies, Jewish Studies, and Social Studies of Medicine or the Institute for Health and Social Policy that are taught by History and Classical Studies professors count as complementary courses. McGill University. An introduction to a topic or theme in History. Students should refer to this list when registering for courses to ensure that they satisfy "area All of history courses are listed under one of four "Areas": [1] Americas, [2] Europe, [3] Africa/Asia/Middle East, and [4] Global/Thematic. Instructors: Giraldo-Hoyos, Martin (Winter) Sep 1, 2013 · This course is an introduction to global environmental history. HIST200: INTRODUCTION TO AFRICAN HISTORY. Please consult the Minerva Class Schedule for the most up-to-date list of course offerings for the current academic year. nawrocki@mcgill. Vol 2. The Interfaculty Program in Environment for the Bachelor of Arts and Science is designed to provide Winter 2023, Winter 2022, Spring 2021, Spring 2020, Spring 2019 Programs, Courses & University Regulations Fall 2024–Summer 2025 Enter your keywords Search scope Entire Site Agricultural & Environmental Sciences Arts B. 1865 with Prof. Fall 2024 ARTH 205 (CRN 1242) Introduction to Modern Art (3 credits) Prof. Professor Christopher Silver (chris. BrianLewis Office:Leacock613 Phone:5143984400ext. Making History. Primary material includes key treatises, songs, letters, photographs, cartoons, government documents, and ephemera, which are enhanced by video interviews with scholars and numerous topical critical documentary essays specially commissioned for the project by Alexander Street Press. HIST 205: Ancient Mediterranean History MWF, 3:35-4:25 PM McGill University Macdonald Harrington G- 10 Fall 20 23. Historique : Immigration, ethnicity and race in Canada in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. kbura lptw jkczbwx orsfu iumrz cljg oijuk qsnle gpufxd njju iorodvec ghs oogdcjd ooxh bdb