Admincontrol board portal. Upload and share documents.

Admincontrol board portal com voor meer informatie over board portal-software en het organiseren van bestuursvergaderingen . Menu. Get a clear overview on all ongoing deals, progress and actions needed, so you can spend your time on what really matters. Admincontrol Help Centre; Board Portal; Board Portal for Administrators ; Board Portal for Administrators Upload and share documents Oct 16, 2023 路 Board Evaluation from Admincontrol, for example, takes 50% less time to complete than other comparable surveys, costs less to implement than competitive offerings, is embedded within Admincontrol Board Portal processes and requires no new log-in or manual work-arounds. Admincontrol’s board portal provides your board and executive management team with a digital platform for document sharing, collaboration, and access to a historical digital archive and board documents online and offline. Action: Review your board portal’s capabilities with our board portal buyer’s guide. Ontdek de route naar efficiënter bestuurswerk, veilige samenwerking en snellere goedkeuringen met digitale aftekening. Nov 30, 2022 路 Het belang van e-handtekeningen binnen board portal-software. We want to make it easy to access the Board meeting and at the same time having the meeting documentation available. Both Admincontrol’s Board Portal and Virtual Data Room services have been certified. Q. Board portal-gebruikers: Bedrijfssecretarissen en bestuurders A board portal has become a key tool for professional boards, and here we explain why your board should invest in one. It’s now critical that all boards learn from best practice and adopt the technology and habits they need to keep pace. Discover the route to more efficient and secure board work. Portal de panel seguro, fácil de usar y con gran cantidad de funciones, utilizado por más de 35 000 usuarios y 1500 empresas y con una tasa anual de renovación de clientes del 98 %. This ensures a smooth and professional approach to due diligence. Add users and system roles . We streamline due diligence and board work for more than 85 000 users. Konfigurera ett möte på några minuter. A secure and user-friendly sharing and collaboration platform for boards and management Nov 1, 2022 路 A board portal, or board management software, is a centralised, highly secure online hub designed for board administrators and directors to share confidential documents and information and also exercise governance and decision-making responsibilities even when working remotely. Get ahead with a preparation portal Resources and guides Board Portal for Administrators . Vandtæt sikkerhed Se og del Boek een live online demonstratie met een van onze board portal experts. A lot. Document distribution can be done remotely, in a timely way, and is not dependent on the board or supporting administrators meeting physically. Having a data room which is tailormade to streamline and support the diligence process is essential. Use this guide to ensure you make the right choice for your organisation. Deal Hub from Admincontrol is the new way of keeping track of all your deals. You will also find useful information in our Customer Help Centre. Access control and flexible permission settings on every asset in the data room are crucial features to protect the dealmaking process. Bevar forbindelsen Uanset hvor du arbejder, kan du altid bevare forbindelsen med din bestyrelse på en hvilken som helst enhed Fremskynd governance-procedurerne Integrerede værktøjer hjælper din bestyrelse med at træffe beslutninger hurtigere Bevar overblikket over din opgaveliste Kommende møder, mødereferater og anmodninger om e-signatur samlet på ét sted. Digital document sharing and collaboration for the board and management. Een board portal moet voldoen aan de behoeften van zowel bestuurders als directeuren gedurende de gehele levenscyclus van de bestuursvergadering. Microsoft’s Internet Explorer (IE) web browser is unfortunately an outdated program based on older technologies. What are Clean Rooms and when do you need one? Today most due diligences are performed in the secure environment of a Virtual Data Room. Vanntett sikkerhet Vis og del relevant informasjon trygt på […] Business Development Manager Board Portal -tehtävä keskittyy puhtaasti uusien asiakkaiden hankintaan Suomen markkinoilla. Discover now! Advanced or Limited electronic signature? Discover the new Admincontrol iOS app! Book a live online demonstration with one of our board portal experts. Speed up evaluations with short, quick, highly focused surveys that provide all the relevant insights you need. Digital collaboration & secure document sharing. Read more Glasgow: 24 St Vincent Place, Glasgow G1 2EU – United Kingdom London: 16-18 Middlesex Road, London E1 7EX – United Kingdom Support: +44 (0) 7520 615187 [email protected] The Sales Development Representative will play an instrumental role in the direct growth of Admincontrol by seeking new business opportunities through prospecting and engaging with potential clients. We are continuously looking at improving the support for sharing and discussing the meeting minutes in the Board portal. The solution is backed up by excellent Admincontrol Client Managers and support personnel. With Admincontrol’s board portal, board members are able to schedule upcoming meetings, create agendas, invite participants, and more, and documenting tools such as commenting, annotating, notes, and minutes are available to log information discussed within meetings. Reach decisions faster with easy set-up of digital agendas, secure online collaboration and rapid digital Contact Support. Based on agenda topics, the board administration can identify whether the board and administration have adequate expertise or if external support is advisable. Security and protecting our customers is extremely important to us at Admincontrol. Collaborate securely with other board members, attend meetings and sign board papers digitally. Pysy yhteyksissä Missä tahansa työskenteletkin, pysy yhteydessä hallitukseesi laitteesta ja ajankohdasta riippumatta Vauhdita hallintomenettelyjä Integroitujen työkalujen avulla hallituksesi voi tehdä päätöksiä nopeammin Pysy tehtäväluettelosi tasalla Nyt löydät tulevat kokoukset, pöytäkirjat ja sähköiset allekirjoituspyynnöt yhdestä paikasta Tiukka tietoturva Tarkastele Dec 19, 2022 路 In board portals zijn twee sets tools beschikbaar: één voor de bestuursleden en één voor het administratief personeel. Admincontrol Board Portal : qu'en pensent les utilisateurs ? Lisez les avis sur Admincontrol Board Portal, consultez ses différents prix, tarifs et abonnements ainsi que ses fonctionnalités. January 2025: Board portal release notes; November 2024: Board portal and Data room release notes; October 2024: Board portal release notes; September 2024: Board portal release notes; August 2024: Board evaluation release notes; August 2024: Board portal release notes; July 2024: Upcoming design improvements for Board portal; April 2024: Board In 2021 Admincontrol entered a partnership with The Swedish Academy of Board Directors, a non-profit membership organisation aimed at improving corporate governance in Sweden. E-handtekeningen zijn een bijzonder belangrijke functie binnen board portal-software, omdat ze bestuurders in staat stellen de notulen van bestuursvergaderingen en andere bedrijfsdocumenten op afstand, veilig en in overeenstemming met bedrijfs- en officiële richtl ijnen te Board portals and efficient board work Checklists, webinars and other resources. Upload and share documents. All posts Data Room & Due Diligence M&A Board Portal Cybersecurity Board evaluation Board work Admincontrol Board of Directors Cloud storage Confidentiality agreements in M&A Press Release board work glossary January 2025: Board portal release notes; November 2024: Board portal and Data room release notes; October 2024: Board portal release notes; September 2024: Board portal release notes; August 2024: Board evaluation release notes; August 2024: Board portal release notes; July 2024: Upcoming design improvements for Board portal; April 2024: Board January 2025: Board portal release notes; November 2024: Board portal and Data room release notes; October 2024: Board portal release notes; September 2024: Board portal release notes; August 2024: Board evaluation release notes; August 2024: Board portal release notes; July 2024: Upcoming design improvements for Board portal; April 2024: Board We streamline and digitalise board work for companies and organisations of all sizes and in all sectors. Discover the new Admincontrol iOS app! Downloading the app. It all starts by deciding who´s going to attend the survey and to send it out for their answers Thereafter, a ready-to-use presentation is generated to facilitate a discussion in the board room. Boka demo. Board Portal from Admincontrol provides a secure approach to c-suite communication and supports effective remote and hybrid working. Working to the highest level of security and with a tablet based intuitive user interface, our services are utilised by private and public sector organisations to enhance the the flow of sensitive information across Boards and Management worldwide. It all starts by deciding who's going to attend the survey and to send it out for their answers. Collaborate securely with other board members, attend meetings and sign board papers digitally. Setting up the app. Glasgow: 24 St Vincent Place, Glasgow G1 2EU – United Kingdom London: New Broad Street House, 35 New Broad Street, London EC2M 1NH – United Kingdom Support: +44 (0) 7520 615187 Get board members on board with a high-quality process developed through years of real board member experience. If the module is enabled in your portal, you will find Messages on the left sidebar when using the web application. Verschaff dir einen schnellen Überblick zu Benutzerfreundlichkeit, Vor- und Nachteilen & vergleiche Admincontrol Board Portal mit ähnlichen Produkten. All information contained in virtual data rooms and board portals hosted by Admincontrol, and the mere fact that Admincontrol hosts such virtual data rooms or board portals for specific clients, is considered as confidential information. Experience seamless collaboration, secure document sharing, and much more. It’s a natural fit to integrate our board evaluation tool into digital working processes that are already well established and have wide market reach. The solution serves the board members, the management, administration and the stakeholders of the company. Verken het veilig delen van documenten en samenwerking voor betere besluitvorming: Contact Support. This is where to find all our resources covering board portals, efficient board work and digital meetings. Feel in control with a secure 360° view of board matters and governance on any device at any time. Digital board work is secure, simple and paperless. Board Portal | Unlock the Secrets to Streamline Board Work and Due Diligence - Expert Tips, Powerful Tools, and Valuable Insights. With more than 7000 members they offer education of board members as well as creating good processes and guidelines for board work. Effektiviser styreprosessene Integrerte verktøy som lar styret ta beslutninger raskere. Fill out the form or send us an e-mail to support@admincontrol. . Always available, via web browser and iOS app, online and offline. We streamline and digitalise board work for companies and organisations of all sizes and in all sectors. Board Portal Data room Preparation portal Webshop Resources Resource centre Due diligence checklist Help centre eBook: Board behaviour – 5 new working styles Support FAQ Board Portal. not email or messaging tools; Dedicated onboarding and training for all administrator and board members with 24/7 call centre support. Fast & easy. Admincontrol Joins the UK G-Cloud 14 Framework! 馃殌 We’re excited to announce that Admincontrol is now officially part of the UK Government’s G-Cloud 14 Framework for both Board Portal and All posts Data Room & Due Diligence M&A Board Portal Cybersecurity Board evaluation Board work Admincontrol Board of Directors Cloud storage Confidentiality agreements in M&A Press Release board work glossary Nov 2, 2023 路 By adopting an advanced digital portal, you can reduce the administrative burden on your board, allowing members to focus more on strategic discussions and decision-making. The tool has also been developed with input from academics, law frameworks Blijf verbonden Waar u ook werkt, blijf altijd en op elk apparaat verbonden met uw bestuur De bestuursprocedures versnellen Geïntegreerde tools om uw raad van bestuur te helpen sneller beslissingen te nemen Blijf op de hoogte van je to-do-lijst Komende vergaderingen, notulen en verzoeken voor een e-handtekeningen allemaal op één plek. Board portal. Preparing for meeting. Accelerate your board with secure, digital ways of working. Often this will hinge on the level of support they provide. Secure areas Lille Grensen 7, 0159 Oslo – Norway +47 22 83 61 00 [email protected] Privacy and cookies Whistleblower channel Cookie Settings (int) Change language January 2025: Board portal release notes; November 2024: Board portal and Data room release notes; October 2024: Board portal release notes; September 2024: Board portal release notes; August 2024: Board evaluation release notes; August 2024: Board portal release notes; July 2024: Upcoming design improvements for Board portal; April 2024: Board Subscription Subscription Included data (MB) Monthly price Price extra usage per MB Pre-due diligence room Unlimited 3000 N/A Due diligence data room 500 7000 10 Services Services Price Client Manager (per hour) 1750 USB 1st copy 3000 USB extra copies 1000 Uw gids voor het kiezen van een board portal voor non-profitorganisaties – ontdek wat een non-profit board portal voor uw organisatie kan betekenen Hoe lever je best-in-class bestuurlijk leiderschap Admincontrol Board Portal | Accelerate your board with secure, digital ways of working. Styrelseportal – Digital dokumentdelning och samarbete för styrelse och ledning Board Portal | Unlock the Secrets to Streamline Board Work and Due Diligence - Expert Tips, Powerful Tools, and Valuable Insights. To make the work as efficient as possible, you can now choose to discuss the minutes not only in a one-to one conversation, but also in a group conversation with selected members of the board. Our board portal is a secure and efficient tool for interaction and document sharing among the board, executive management and other key stakeholders. Glasgow: 24 St Vincent Place, Glasgow G1 2EU – United Kingdom London: 16-18 Middlesex Road, London E1 7EX – United Kingdom Support: +44 (0) 7520 615187 [email protected] Alltid tilkoblet Uansett hvor du arbeider fra og når, kan du holde kontakten med styret via alle typer enheter. Before you decide on a board portal software provider, it’s also a good idea to read customer reviews and find out what other clients have to say about working with the provider you have in mind. Reach decisions faster with easy set-up of digital agendas, secure online collaboration and rapid digital sign-off – all fully Manage the end-to-end board evaluation process digitally within the secure Admincontrol board portal Get started in minutes Send evaluation surveys to board members securely with minimal set-up time New on the board? This is what you need to know; Boardroom: The digital habits of highly effective boards; Handbook: How to manage the impact of hybrid working on cybersecurity; Infographic: The anatomy of the digital CEO; Electronic signature solution; Quiz: Would your board be more efficient and productive with a board portal? Admincontrol recently acquired TLT Leadership’s board evaluation module – an easy-to-use tool that is now seamlessly integrated into our board portal and provides a hassle-free digital evaluation process for our ’‘Admincontrol has given us easier and more secure distribution of documentation to decision-making bodies. What is a preparation portal? A preparation portal is a restricted platform used only by your internal teams and advisers, allowing you to get prepared and organised prior to inviting a buyer group to join. It also provides a solid base for achieving compliance with the relevant data protection and privacy regulations such as the GDPR. Download the guide to discover: What to look for in a board portal platform; What questions to ask a potential supplier Lille Grensen 7, 0159 Oslo – Norway +47 22 83 61 00 [email protected] Privacy and cookies Whistleblower channel Cookie Settings (int) Change language This webinar explores the benefits of working with Board Portal, the most common challenges the board and management are facing, and how to solve these challenges working with the Board Portal from Admincontrol. January 2025: Board portal release notes; November 2024: Board portal and Data room release notes; October 2024: Board portal release notes; September 2024: Board portal release notes; August 2024: Board evaluation release notes; August 2024: Board portal release notes; July 2024: Upcoming design improvements for Board portal; April 2024: Board Board Portal for Administrators . Our board portal is a secure and efficient tool for interacting and exchanging documents between the board, executive management and other key stakeholders. Discover more about our board portal DNV GL on Admincontrol’s Board Portal A structured annual plan enables more time for both the chairman of the board and board members to prepare the agenda topics, resulting in more efficient meetings. Admincontrol Help Centre; Board Portal; Board Portal for Administrators ; Board Portal for Administrators Upload and share documents Optimise the performance of your board The new and improved Admincontrol iOS app is designed to optimise access to business-critical information and speed up board work for board members. Key features include reporting, e-signatures, and a board book. e. Admincontrol is ISO 27001:2022 and SOC 2 Type II Collaboration and digital solutions from Admincontrol, Scandinavia’s leading supplier of board portals and virtual data rooms. That means no more wasting time searching computers for saved files or printing off endless copies of updated documents. Share sensitive business information securely and speed up strategic and financial decision making. com and we will respond as quickly as we can. Vraag een demo aan Portal del panel Admincontrol: la solución de ventanilla única para paneles eficaces. Microsoft stopped supporting Internet Explorer on the 17th August 2021. Simplify Your Processes and Boost Efficiency Today! January 2025: Board portal release notes; November 2024: Board portal and Data room release notes; October 2024: Board portal release notes; September 2024: Board portal release notes; August 2024: Board evaluation release notes; August 2024: Board portal release notes; July 2024: Upcoming design improvements for Board portal; April 2024: Board Optimise the performance of your board The new and improved Admincontrol iOS app is designed to optimise access to business-critical information and speed up board work for board members. How has using the Admincontrol Board Portal helped? A. The Sales Development Representative will pursue leads and generate interest as a brand ambassador for the Admincontrol Board Portal. 5. What does ISO 27001:2022 mean for Admincontrol? An ISMS is an effective way of ensuring the proper management of information security and sufficient controls to reduce the risk of data breaches. Reach decisions faster with easy set-up of digital agendas, secure online collaboration and rapid digital sign-off – all fully compliant with EU data privacy regulation. Two factor Authenticatie (2FA) Een extra beveiligingslaag die tijdens het inloggen een eenmalig wachtwoord naar een mobiel apparaat stuurt. Simplify Your Processes and Boost Efficiency Today! January 2025: Board portal release notes; November 2024: Board portal and Data room release notes; October 2024: Board portal release notes; September 2024: Board portal release notes; August 2024: Board evaluation release notes; August 2024: Board portal release notes; July 2024: Upcoming design improvements for Board portal; April 2024: Board Create digital board packs; Share and distribute all documents easily and securely; Keep all board discussions secure within one channel? i. DNV GL recommends Admincontrol’s Board portal Oaklins recommends Admincontrol’s Data Room Looking for tips for efficient board work? January 2025: Board portal release notes; November 2024: Board portal and Data room release notes; October 2024: Board portal release notes; September 2024: Board portal release notes; August 2024: Board evaluation release notes; August 2024: Board portal release notes; July 2024: Upcoming design improvements for Board portal; April 2024: Board Board portals & data rooms. There is a lot to do, oversee and control when selling (or buying) a company. Enter your registered Admincontrol username and password to log in. Admincontrol and our selected partners use cookies and similar technologies (together “cookies”) that are necessary to present this website, and to Meeting Book ensures board members always have the documents they need in the meeting folder. Admincontrol Board Portals offer a cloud-based board management solution designed for businesses of all sizes. No time wasted. A board portal provides a simple way to work paperless with sensitive documents, and gives you a more effective board work. Vi är väldigt nöjda med vårt val, som har underlättat och förbättrat hanteringen av känslig dokumentation och information avsevärt. Lille Grensen 7, 0159 Oslo – Norway +47 22 83 61 00 [email protected] Privacy and cookies Whistleblower channel Cookie Settings (int) Change language All posts Data Room & Due Diligence M&A Board Portal Cybersecurity Board evaluation Board work Admincontrol Board of Directors Cloud storage Confidentiality agreements in M&A Press Release board work glossary Admincontrol Board Portal is a secure, user-friendly and feature-rich board portal used by more than 60,000 users and 3,500 companies of all sizes. Read more Dec 6, 2018 路 What is Admincontrol Board Portal? Admincontrol Board Portal - The one stop solution for effective boards. From security to app performance, there are many aspects you need to consider when selecting a new board portal. Add your link to the meeting in your portal. January 2025: Board portal release notes; November 2024: Board portal and Data room release notes; October 2024: Board portal release notes; September 2024: Board portal release notes; August 2024: Board evaluation release notes; August 2024: Board portal release notes; July 2024: Upcoming design improvements for Board portal; April 2024: Board Admincontrol take security seriously and are working continuously to ensure that our service is compliant with the latest security standards and advances within the security field. Meeting Book ensures board members always have the documents they need in the meeting folder. You can also contact us by phone +47 22 83 61 00 . Admincontrol has been a trusted partner for DLA Piper in Norway in several due diligence processes. What do you need to think about when setting up a new data room? Access our checklist to learn more about the smartest and […] In Admincontrol we have taken all necessary measures to ensure that we, when we are responsible for the collection of personal data (Data Controller) and where we process personal data on behalf of our customers (Data Processor) that this is performed in line with the requirements of the GDPR. Data rooms that also offer Clean Room functionality, adds […] Admincontrol is ISO 27001:2013 and SOC 2 Type II certified. nr Office address: Access to personal data: Purpose: Data location: Admincontrol AS,987992883: Lille Grensen 7, 0159 Oslo, Norway: Yes: To provide the January 2025: Board portal release notes; November 2024: Board portal and Data room release notes; October 2024: Board portal release notes; September 2024: Board portal release notes; August 2024: Board evaluation release notes; August 2024: Board portal release notes; July 2024: Upcoming design improvements for Board portal; April 2024: Board Secure Messages is well suited for sending messages to the board and management, as well as creating a dialogue and communication between users. Sign in to manage your Microsoft account settings and access personalized services. It is an increasing security risk to permit access to your critical data via Internet Explorer going forward. The Admincontrol board evaluation module is an easy-to-use and easy-to-access module in your Board Portal. Admincontrol Board Portal | Accelerate your board with secure, digital ways of working. January 2025: Board portal release notes; November 2024: Board portal and Data room release notes; October 2024: Board portal release notes; September 2024: Board portal release notes; August 2024: Board evaluation release notes; August 2024: Board portal release notes; July 2024: Upcoming design improvements for Board portal; April 2024: Board Dec 11, 2023 路 Protecting documents and the way your board works. Guide: Board behaviour – 5 new working styles Advanced boards are accelerating changes to the way they work to adapt to digital and reflect new demands. View content Nov 1, 2022 路 Questions you should ask about board portal performance history and support . Ladda först upp möteshandlingarna till relevant mapp och låt sedan mötesboksfunktionen guida dig genom processen för att skapa en digital dagordning. Companies both large and small enjoy the benefits of Admincontrol’s board portals and data rooms. Waterdichte beveiliging Gevoelige informatie […] Admincontrol Board Portal - The one stop solution for effective boards. Manage users and permissions . Elevate your board meetings with the advanced features of our Board Portal. De Board Portal gebruikt geavanceerde technologie voor volledige gemoedsrust. According to the vendor, Admincontrol Board Portal sees a 98 percent customer renewal rate year over year. Electronic signing of meeting Se hvordan en styreportal kan forvandle måten styret arbeider på gjennom en uforpliktende demonstrasjon. Best-practice folder structure for common data room use-cases The wizard comes with four ready-made templates built on best […] Glasgow: 24 St Vincent Place, Glasgow G1 2EU – United Kingdom London: 16-18 Middlesex Road, London E1 7EX – United Kingdom Support: +44 (0) 7520 615187 [email protected] The workflow gamechanger. Lille Grensen 7, 0159 Oslo – Norway +47 22 83 61 00 [email protected] Privacy and cookies Whistleblower channel Cookie Settings (int) Change language All our employees have signed our “Statement Regarding Confidentiality And IPR”. System roles Here you can get help if you have problems using our solutions. Admincontrol’s Folder Wizard is a dynamic and user-friendly tool that allows you to build your initial folder structure in the data room, either from one of our templates, or from scratch. Nov 30, 2022 路 Bezoek admincontrol. Having a single supplier and solution for both board portal and data room is one of the man reasons we reccomend Admincontrol. The Admincontrol Board Portal is very beneficial for remote working. processes supported by our Board Portal worked well. Tutustu uuteen Admincontrolin iOS-sovellukseen! Uusi ja edistynyt Admincontrol iOS-sovellus on suunniteltu tarjoamaan paras mahdollinen pääsy liiketoiminnan kriittisiin tietoihin ja nopeuttamaan hallituksen jäsenten työskentelyä. SOC 2 gecertificeerd Collaboration and digital solutions from Scandinavia’s leading supplier of board portals and data rooms. Ausführliche Erfahrungsberichte zu Admincontrol Board Portal mit detaillierten Infos zu Funktionen, Preisen und Bewertungen. Competence assessment. This website uses cookies to ensure you get the best experience. Secure, user-friendly and feature-rich board portal used by more than 80 000 users and 4000 companies in all sizes, and with a 97 per cent customer renewal rate year on year. Sep 13, 2023 路 As board members, we have used Admincontrol’s digital board portal extensively over the years to help facilitate our work and collaborate with colleagues. Stay on top of your to-do list with signature requests, upcoming meetings, and secure messages- both in the app and as a widget for complete control. Visit this page if you have forgotten your username or password If two-factor authentication is activated in the portal or for your user, you will be requested to enter an authorization key on the next screen. ’’ Martin LundBy, Head of finance and investor relations at hafslund Wij nemen de veiligheid en privacy van uw gegevens en informatie zeer serieus. Admincontrol is used for board work and due diligence by many of the listed, private and state-owned enterprises in the markets where we operate. Det är enkelt att strukturera dagordningen med en mötesbok. January 2025: Board portal release notes; November 2024: Board portal and Data room release notes; October 2024: Board portal release notes; September 2024: Board portal release notes; August 2024: Board evaluation release notes; August 2024: Board portal release notes; July 2024: Upcoming design improvements for Board portal; April 2024: Board Admincontrol is a leading Board Portal and Virtual Data Room provider. Participants can then access the online meeting by redirecting to the meeting provider or by using the copy-paste function. Sep 27, 2023 路 Board evaluation embedded in Admincontrol's Board portal The Admincontrol board evaluation module is an easy to use and easy to access module in your Board portal. Their data room solution is easy to use and intuitive, which is crucial for us and our clients. Admincontrol streamlines the way your board works through one portal. Complete a regular board evaluation Company,Reg. Digitaal delen van documenten en digitale interactie voor de raad van bestuur en het management Admincontrol heeft ISO 27001:2022 en SOC 2 Type II January 2025: Board portal release notes; November 2024: Board portal and Data room release notes; October 2024: Board portal release notes; September 2024: Board portal release notes; August 2024: Board evaluation release notes; August 2024: Board portal release notes; July 2024: Upcoming design improvements for Board portal; April 2024: Board January 2025: Board portal release notes; November 2024: Board portal and Data room release notes; October 2024: Board portal release notes; September 2024: Board portal release notes; August 2024: Board evaluation release notes; August 2024: Board portal release notes; July 2024: Upcoming design improvements for Board portal; April 2024: Board Bekijk hoe de Board Portal de manier waarop uw bestuur werkt kan veranderen met een gratis en vrijblijvende demo. January 2025: Board portal release notes; November 2024: Board portal and Data room release notes; October 2024: Board portal release notes; September 2024: Board portal release notes; August 2024: Board evaluation release notes; August 2024: Board portal release notes; July 2024: Upcoming design improvements for Board portal; April 2024: Board January 2025: Board portal release notes; November 2024: Board portal and Data room release notes; October 2024: Board portal release notes; September 2024: Board portal release notes; August 2024: Board evaluation release notes; August 2024: Board portal release notes; July 2024: Upcoming design improvements for Board portal; April 2024: Board Admincontrol Board Portal | Accelerate your board with secure, digital ways of working. All board work collected on a single platform; Always access to board papers This webinar explores the benefits of working with Board Portal, the most common challenges the board and management are facing, and how to solve these challenges working with the Board Portal from Admincontrol. Misschien bent u ook geïnteresseerd in onze Ultieme gids voor moderne bestuursefficiëntie, met richtlijnen voor: Hoe board portals kunnen helpen de efficiëntie van het bestuurswerk te maximaliseren Admincontrol is certified by the Crown Commercial Service (CCS) to be part of its Digital Marketplace, which allows public-sector bodies in the UK to purchase IT products and services through faster, simpler procurement processes. Vi valde Admincontrol som leverantör av styrelseportal av främst tre anledningar: den höga säkerheten, det lättbegripliga gränssnittet och en väldigt bra supportfunktion. Ha full oversikt over dine gjøremål All info om kommende møter, referater og signaturforespørsler på ett sted. It will help your board to save time and money by accessing digital board documents, running online board meetings and speeding up decision making with the electronic signing of minutes. zgcif cifaj vpjj ygjxt sjrtvc ddyidm jffsx kcereu srlglmj lnkc zyt mpsuos irwmc lyfl uycppt