Speer hot cor vs hornady interlock. They all will do the job and do it well.
Speer hot cor vs hornady interlock 338 WinMag on elk. 412 . of IMR 4895 with the Horndays using PP brass and CCI 200 primers. I really doubt that Hornady's "Interlock Feature" or Speer's "Hot Cor Process" has a definite edge over the other in the field. That 145gr Speer might be a good one if it's a I'm looking at the 115 nosler partition or the hornady 117 interlock spitzer in the aforementioned 257 wby. I know a fellow that slowed his 7 mag down to about 2900 fps with 145 gr Speer hot core bullets and he swore it worked much better for DRT results Another thread questioned the hornady interlock btsp vs the nosler partition. 30 . Don't overlook The Hornady 200g FTX as stated above is designed for the . Speers are actually quite an excellent bullet at . 240" . Don't know if the 130 grain Speer 30-30 bullet is a Hot-Cor, but my uncle had me load some for his lever rifle and he hunted Wi. Dec 11, 2010 2,287 1,465. Sierra at that time were made in california and Speer and Hornady bullets beig from out of ste had to be special ordered at a cost os about a$1. D. POI seem close between the two I just didn't really waant a bunch of mismatched Those of conventional construction, with a lead core encapsulated by a gilding-metal jacket, were represented by the Sierra GameKing and the VLD Hunter from Berger. (As an aside, the Partition was the first hunting bullet specifically designed for weight retention I'm looking at the 115 nosler partition or the hornady 117 interlock spitzer in the aforementioned 257 wby. 5 as long as it shot accurately. The Hot Core's stayed tight in their jacket's and the Hornady's were loose but didn't separate. For a cup an core bullet, the interlock is quite good. NRA Endowment Member SCI Member. I used the Hornady bullet's ever since with one exception. 5X55 rifles in handloads. I decided to compare them side by side. nosler factory loads the 115 partition but for some reason hornady doesn't load the 117 spitzer interlock for the 257 bee,although they load it for the 25-06 rem. I've killed many whitetail with hornady interlock, ELDX and SST bullets but im running out of them. 8mm, 270 Caliber (277 Diameter) Bullets 130 Grain Spitzer with Cannelure Box of I’ve always liked the dependability and accuracy of something like a Speer or Hornady interlock. Have used Rem 140 gr factory corelocts; reloads with 140 Nosler solid base; Speer 145 gr. He killed more elk over his lifetime than anyone I ever knew and swore by that bullet. Flat and Round nose will all give you a freezer full of meat if you do your part. Cor loc or the Hornady Interlock both of which use a mechanical method to hold the cup and the core together. Oh, one little thing. Speer Hot Cor 200g a) 2850fps b) 2650fps Hdy SST 225g a) 2700fps b) 2550fps Hdy I'lock 250g the A samples of the 250 grain Interlock retained more weight and penetrated further than the B sample which had a slower impact That includes Sierra GameKing and Pro Hunter; Speer Hot-Cor, Mag-Tip and Boat Tail; Hornady InterLock, SST and LeverEvolution (FTX); Nosler Ballistic Tip and Partition; Remington Core-Lokt and AccuTip; Winchester Power Point, Silvertip and Ballistic Silvertip; Federal Soft Point and Fusion; Swift Scirocco; etc. My pet load is 49 grs. A 39 inch bighorn and a near record whitetail have If I were to go with Speer I'd choose their hot core bullets (I. I found that 59 grs IMR 4350 was extremely accurate in this rifle and the ballistic coefficient of this I have used a lot 160 and 175 grs 7 mm Speer Hot Core Mag Tip in 7x57. [I also use the Speer Pro-Hunter and the Hornady Interlock FP. Found it in a hunk of blood, hair, and meat. I had some 180 Hot-Cor's laying around and used the brass from the bullets he bought to load them (I load them in I think hot cores and Sierra gamekings are essentially the same, although I think the Hornady Interlock is just a bit more stout. their A-frames. It has a tapered thickness jacket with the Hornady Interlock ring near the lower 1/3 of the bullet to lock the core to the jacket. On paper they actually seem maybe more accurate (only slightly) than the Hornady. and the Creed is fed 140 gr Speer Hot COrs and 129 gr Hornady But then so is the Hornady Interlock both plain base and boat tail also at the lower price level. Found the 120 Speer Deep Curl to perform very well: discontinued. 30-30 plus properly expand at . Given the same caliber and weight, which bullet will mushroom and hold together better? I have used the Hornady's, never tried the The 145 Speer Hot Core was my go-to load for decades. Entrance. Save Share I just loaded up some 145 Grn Speer SP (Hot-Cor) for my 7mm-08 and was surprised at the accuracy. The three bullets I had on hand were the 200g Hot Core SP; the 225g Hornady SST, and the 250g Hornady Interlock SP. I used most of the recognized premiums at that time, the Nos Part, Barnes X, Swift A-frame, and non-prems, the Horn Interlock and Speer GS, all in . Hornady's out shot the Speer by very little. Refine by Price: $20 - $49. Ever try Speer Hot-Cor bullets? Posted By: mathman Re: Go to . However, if you kept your bullets from hitting the shoulder, the Sierras 'may' work. Given the same caliber and weight, which bullet will mushroom and hold together better? I have used the Hornady's, never tried the Speer Hot-Core 170gr FN Winchester 150gr FN Power Point Woodleigh 150gr FN Soft Point Hornady Interlock 150gr RN Hornady Interlock 170gr RN Nosler Partition 170gr RN These are all FN or RN bullets. Last season my son killed one goat with a 30-165 out of an '06 and another with a 6-100 out of a 243. 308/. I was mistaken and corrected by a fellow Reddit member. Both shoot good 100g HORNADY INTERLOCK V 100g SPEER GRAND SLAM (243) Thread starter mick b; Start date Jul 24, 2010; mick b Well-Known Member hot-cor Member. Hornady InterLock and Remington Core-Lokt enjoy a reputation for deeper penetration than most conventional bullets and are considered a particularly good choice for the tougher species of As mentioned by Submoa the Speer Grand Slam is a normal cup and core bullet, but not a locked core like the Hornady Interlock. 308 for accurate game rounds out to 300 yards, after looking it seems I'm down to 165 gr Speer BTSP, 165 gr Hornady BTSP, 165 gr Sierra BTSP or 165 gr Sierra BTHP. Tested them for penetration side by side with factory loaded Remington Cor-Lokt 140s. If FB Speer bullets are not to your liking, try Interlock Hornady's. Nosler Balistic Tips and Hornady SSTs work fine, but some people complain of excess meat destruction. I've use the Speer 180g FP in my Marlin . FREE SHIPPING WITH ORDERS OVER $99 View Details. A partition is cool and all but I don't see the use for them on deer unless your shooting a 243 or 6 rem. currently loading 150gr speer hot cor and speer btsp. There need's to be more to a bullet than super accuracy for hunting and in that the Speer Hot Core get's the edge for me. Elktrack. 243 and a 100gr interlock boattail and it took a REAL beating and held together. Speer Hot Core rather than the Grand 150's for both our 308s. Interlock spire points shoot better in my . Hornady interbond is a excellent bullet out of my 280 AI. Now, on certain bullets--like Swift Siroccos vs. Although I have not shot the hornady 140 interlock in the Creedmoor, I have taken 12-15 deer with that bullet in a 260 Rem. Team 39 # 250, . . However, after a year or two shooting those Hornady "canon" bullets (325gr of pointy lead tested the speer 7mm 145 and 160 grain hot-cor bullets. Andrewlonghi; Jan 12, 2023; Ammunition and Reloading; Replies 15 Views 3K. about 15 years ago I picked up a couple boxes of 180 gr Speer Hot Core. I think they all three are good bullets and you might as well add Rem core lokts to the mix. I picked up some 150 gr Speer BT hot core bullets for the simple reason that these were the only 150 gr bullets the little hardware/feed store that also sold guns and some loading supplies had. A screaming hot piece of lead is going to put a hurt on an animal no matter the bullet design. The Grand Slam was once a very complicated bullet with dual cores, but it now uses a single core of lead alloy inserted using Speer's Hot-Cor injection technology. I've killed two deer with mine --140gr Rem Core Lokts-- and neither deer moved out of it's shadow. I chose this bullet over the Hornady for use in my M88; it is short for it's weight fitting the . Posts: 11,066. Both do I've had poor experience with Speer HotCor compared to Hornady Interlocks, as far as accuracy goes in two different 6. Posted By: earlybrd Re: Go to . Speer Hot-Cor bullets perform really well if they are operated within their velocity (and probably spin) envelope. I broke down this year and tried the Speer Hot Cor 165 and have been very pleased with the accuracy. I have harvested several moose with the Hot Cores - all one shot kills, recovered several slugs usually 30 - 40 % retention. I've used the SST with great success. Even the lightest loads I could find listed for the . 308 Win 150 gr load - 01/10/18. Speer Hot-Cores? Forums Member List Calendar Active Threads: Previous Thread: Next Thread : Print Thread: Hop To : Hornady Interlocks vs. I have shot the Speer 200 SP in the . It holds up orders better than the BT. While working up loads for this year's deer season recently I started to reflect on how Speer Hot-Cors and Hornady Interlocks have performed for me in the past. What are your thoughts on the Core Lokt bullets VS the Hornady Interlock bullet? I am thinking specifically about the 200gr . My favorite of this list are. , etc. Hornady InterLock 6. Other members of this performance category include the Home Forums Reloading Big Game Rifles Speer Hot Cor vs BTSP: Forums Member List Calendar Active Threads: Previous Thread: Next Thread I have a couple 25s and LOVE the 100 gr Interlock. They all will do the job and do it well. Speer hot-cor. If you don't have confidence in the Hornady, have you tried a Speer hot core? Or a nosler accubond? They will penetrate for sure. 358 250 gr. Today, the design has been changed to a lead core of single hardness—using Vernon Speer’s HotCor process of injecting molten lead at 900 degrees F—along with a much Home Forums Hunting & Shooting Ask The Gunwriters OK, apples to apples: Hornady Interlock vs Speer Hot Core: Forums Member List Calendar Active Threads: Previous Thread: Next Thread : Print Thread: Hop To : Page 2 of 2 : 1: 2: Re: OK, apples to apples: Hornady Interlock vs Speer Hot Core #1203951 01/20/07. Hornady retained 85% of its weight, mushroomed very well but the core and the jacket were so loose I could hold the jacket and turn the core. com Home Forums Hunting & Shooting Ask The Gunwriters OK, apples to apples: Hornady Interlock vs Speer Hot Core: Forums Member List Calendar Active Threads: Previous Thread: Next Thread : Print Thread: Hop To : Page 2 of 2 : 1: 2: Re: OK, apples to apples: Hornady Interlock vs Speer Hot Core #1203951 01/20/07. If you are interested in the handgun restwww. 358 bullet. 45 gr h4895 noslers or interlocks 👍 Posted By: bsa1917hunter Re: Go to . 257 Weatherby-100g flat base Hot Core 7/08-130g BTsp at 3000- Hot Core flat base on hogs; 145g Speer Hot core is another great bullet 308 + 30/06-165g BTSP I like to shoot 8" behind the front shoulder, takes out heart, lungs, and Diaphragm with the Speer Boat tails. Given the same caliber and weight, which bullet will mushroom and hold together better? I have used the Hornady's, never tried the Not trying to dissuade from Hornady bullets (the Interlock is my favorite) but take a look at the 145 Speer Hot Core in the . The Speer The 175 grain Sierra Pro-Hunter at around 2,750fps for general use and the 200 grain Speer Hot-Cor at around 2,600fps as a heavy close range bullet (under seventy-five yards) for pig where I want penetration and also Midway has some Speer Hot Cors and Hornady Interlocks, sadly no Ballistic Tips or Accubonds available. Myself, family members, and friends have killed many varieties of big and smaller game with Hot Core, some have been quite amazing testaments to the quality of this bullet. Shooting the 160gr Speer Hot Core in the 7mm, out shot every Hornady bullet I tried! Hornady's InterLock ring keeps the jacket and core together to ensure deep penetration, while the exposed-lead tip gets expansion started quickly and leaves devastating wound channels in its wake. A quality lead-core hunting bullet placed in the heart-lung area with sufficient energy and velocity will kill any elk, including a big bull, but sometimes you need a bit more weight retention The GRAND SLAM has been Speer's premium bullet since 1975. I had the Speer Hot Core 170 gr bullets already. Had a 7mm Rem Mag back then that was especially hard on bullet's. The Speer Hot Core retained the same weight and the core was not loose in the jacket. Originally Posted by earlybrd. I have never recovered any of these bullets either. 00 to Shot both into bunded newspaper from that 7mm mag. I just a few weeks ago loaded with the Speer hot cor because it was all I could find for a long time. Standard cup and core bullets will work great at 7mm-08 speeds. His bullet of choice was the Speer 250 grain Hot Core. Sierra, Speer, Hornady, Nosler. At the ranges you speak and with the Creed's velocity, a traditional cup &a core bullet like the Interlock, Sierra Pro Hunter or Game King, or Remington CorLokt are fine. These 3 cup and core bullets are hard to beat in the 2600-2750 fps range. I don't think targets or game know the difference. with the 150gr Hornady sp interlock. 0 2860 Speer Hot Cor's and Grand Slams are some of the best bargains out there for good big game bullets. As a dedicated 6. 242 1458 130 3. Years ago, I shot some Speer and Hornady 170's into wet lap. 312" 150 gr. 30-06 muzzle velocity of 2700 either will work. I really doubt that Hornady's "Interlock Feature" or Speer's "Hot Cor Process" has a definite edge over the other in the field. I think this is a more even playing field. But the other day I was I am getting ready to load a batch of 30-338 and thought I would give the interlock a try. I never had an issue with any weight/caliber. 300 Savage for my Dad and brother using 165 gn Hornady BTSP. When I was hunting with a . Do you by chance mean interlock? The interlock is a cup and core soft point like the Speer but still a good bit tougher. Hornady's SST vs. every year and he said they worked perfectly on whitetails. Joined: Jun 2001. My experience shows that the Flat-Base Interlock is typically easier to get accurate loads for, while the Hot-Cor may have a sli Especially the 140 gamekings, 140 Speer hot-cor. My Hornady . After that stunt, I shifted to mostly nosler for the 7mm bullets and never really looked back. I have my old original Rem M700 in . Sakohunter264 #16250466 07 /13/21. The Sierra 165 GK worked great on deer and caribou. They're cheap, old technology, not the latest Bullets tested from Patrick’s . Terminal performance The Winchester Power Point, Sierra Pro-Hunter and Speer Hot-Cor are classic soft point bullets. I got a partial box of Speer 100gr Hot-Cor bullets to try from a friend Strange that Hornady would do away with the plain base 100gr Interlock! Very strange, GLAD I have a stash of them. Spitzers. The Hornady bullet kept it's core intact while the Cor-Lokt was found with jacket and core separated. Speer 30 Cal 150 Grain Spitzer 100/Box Md: 2023 Speer uses uni-cor Technology To Take Full Metal Jacket Bullets To Their highest Levels. The Grand Slam Speer was/is a great bullet. With a max load of 48. Is it any less of a bullet? Is The hornady 165 flat base has become unobtainable, been looking for some time. The . Coastal Georgia. Mar 8, 2023 #5 RL338 Handloader. The Hornady's core was loose in the jacket but it was intact. No need to avoid shoulder shots with them and expand reliably. 338 and for interests sake a 250-gr Barnes . I have found even the none-Hot-Cor BTSP to be about as good, if not better, than the flat based Hot-Cor. Looked like the Speers were slightly Over the years I shot a lot of Sierra bullets. Oct 30, 2016 #14 Guy Miner Master Loader. tom Another thread questioned the hornady interlock btsp vs the nosler partition. I'll start Home. Jan 10, 2020 #4 P. Speer's Hot-Cor is another classic cup-and-core The Hot Core IS NOT like the Rem. The velocity window of the . Hornady Interlock Hornady Spire Points rank among the most accurate softpoints. Speer Hot-Cores? #513565 06/24/05. Reset Quickview Home Forums Hunting & Shooting Ask The Gunwriters OK, apples to apples: Hornady Interlock vs Speer Hot Core: Forums Member List Calendar Active Threads: Previous Thread: Next Thread : Print Thread: Hop To : Re: OK, apples to apples: Hornady Interlock vs Speer Hot Core #1203955 01/20/07. Just pick the one that is the most accurate in your rifle. ] :bandit: the Speer Hot Cor Soft Point Flat Point # 2011 was designed to safely feed in the . Forums. Posts: 2,778. with good results on a few deer but the 200g RN both Rem and Hornady seem to have better on game performance. These are spitzer and semi-spitzer style flat base bullets. This one broke both shoulders of a 130 pound animal. Soon Speer changed the jacket, to something resembling the Hornady Interlock's jacket, with an internal ring inside the jacket between the harder rear core and softer front core. Hornady Interlock Built with a cannelure that helps to keep the jacket attached to the lead core, the Hornady Interlock is a wonderful deer bullet. 30-06 included: (1) Remington 150-grain softpoint roundnose W/C, (2) Hornady 150-grain InterLock, (3) Speer 150-grain Hot-Cor and (4) Hornady 180-grain InterLock boat-tail softpoint. Ironically, I believe Remington contracts out the manufacture of the Core-Lokts to Hornady. My hunting conditions were about like you describe your ranges. For reference, my nephew (in the picture) is 6'2" and 235 lbs. 313"+ Mosins than my Speer Hot Core . In 140s I would probably go premium if it were me, but thats because I'm anal about having the "best. What's new. 280 Rem: 145gr. The two companies have definitely expanded their relationship, with the recent deletion of all Nosler bullets from Remington's ammo, including the replacement of the Ballistic Tip in their line with the Accu-Tip/ Hornady SST. 308 velocities I’m using them at. Accuracy has often been incredibly good. It merely has a thicker jacket in the nose section than similar for instance the Sierra Game King bullets, and a MUCH thicker jacket than the Noster Ballistic Tip. They have failed for me. 5 and 150gr 308 hot cor recently as it was quite a bit better priced than other similar offerings. Ive never used or found a reason to try the Nosler Partitions in my whelen or my 358 win BLR, as the 250 grain speers seem to work almost ideally at the impact velocity they get used at, I have used the 250 grain hornady Home Forums Hunting & Shooting Ask The Gunwriters OK, apples to apples: Hornady Interlock vs Speer Hot Core: Forums Member List Calendar Active Threads: Previous Thread: Next Thread : Print Thread: Hop To : Page 2 of 2 : 1: 2: Re: OK, apples to apples: Hornady Interlock vs Speer Hot Core #1203951 01/20/07. I was using AA3100 back then but that was before all these newer slow burners that have come along. Another caribou bullet, this one a 6mm RN 100 grainer was taken from a cow shot at 100-200 yards with a The Sierra has a 3% antimony lead-alloy core, while the Hornady has a 4% core, plus the Interlock ring--which may or may not make it tougher, though I have a few "expired" Interlocks in my collection that are expanded right back to the ring and no further. Apr 6, 2006 17,842 6,335 Home Forums Hunting & Shooting Ask The Gunwriters OK, apples to apples: Hornady Interlock vs Speer Hot Core: Forums Member List Calendar Active Threads: Previous Thread: Next Thread : Print Thread: Hop To : Page 2 of 2 : 1: 2: Re: OK, apples to apples: Hornady Interlock vs Speer Hot Core #1203951 01/20/07. Joined: Jun 2004. I love the Speer Hot-Cor. I have been using the nosler accubond. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk . 5 fanatic I think the better comparison would be Hornady Interlock versus Speer Hot Core both in 140. When it comes to the Hornady Interlock, and the Speer Hot Core and Grand Slam bullets, I've mixed results. This supposedly made them expand more like Nosler Partitions. over the years especially in 308 Win I have harvested deer with all of them mostly 165gr in 308 Win. 338 solid. PJGunner Handloader. 242 1459 130 3. 30-'06 velocy levels. SPs (or BTSPs) is a great example. 0 2577 56. I load the round nose version in a couple of my lever guns. 270 WSM (which doesn't like 130gr bullets). My brother and I have used 139 Hornady, and 145 and 160 Speer hotcor on mule deer and whitetail enough to feel both brands are very good. The Rem uses the canalure, while the Hornady uses not only that, but a ridge of jacket metal that is swaged into the inside of the jacket before the core is placed into the cup and the total swaged to Alot is mentioned on the site of just how good a bullet the Interlock is. These bullets are single alloy but the molten lead is poured into the jacket vs a lubed lead core inserted. I’ve used many different types of Hornady Interlocks, in many different calibers, and have never had a The others I tested were the 90g Sierra HP, 130g Hornady Interlock SP, 130g Speer Hot Cor SP, 130g Nosler Ballistic Tip, 150g Hornady SST and the aforementioned 160g NP rounded out the six. -Mn. Reactions: wvbuckbuster, KinleyWater, Slimfinn and 3 others. I have Hot-Cor competes in the marketplace with the Sierra Pro Hunter, Remington Core-Lokt, Winchester Power Point, Hornady InterLock and similar bullets in terms of both price and The Hot Core IS NOT like the Rem. Plastic tipped, lead core bullets, such as the Nosler Ballistic Tip, Remington AccuTip, Swift Scirocco and Hornady SST have also proven very effective on Class 2 game. These Super Accurate, Many hunters avoid these questions by picking the first box of ammo they find in their price range. and Mi. Layton, UT. Mar 23, 2017 3,453 5,662. I even loaded some of the old Hornady 180g SSP designed for the Contender in . Big game & varmints HATE em! Re: Speer Hot Cor vs BTSP. 5 grains of H4895 for a little over 2,800 fps for my Model 7 in 7mm08 . 0Grn of IMR 4350 I was getting a muzzle velocity Another thread questioned the hornady interlock btsp vs the nosler partition. 260 lends itself very nicely to standard cup and core bullets. Joined: Dec 2004. I use a 165 grain bullet Yesterday I got just 7 Nosler Partitions from a guy at work. shot from a 7mm Remington magnum into ballistics gel at 100 yards. New posts Search forums. 99 In Stock Available. 5 and 30 I load . Jan 21, 2023. Use anything that shoots well. I'm wanting a bullet for my . I've used a 7-08 as my primary whitetail rifle for quite a few years. Given the same caliber and weight, which bullet will mushroom and hold together better? I have used the Hornady's, never tried the Home Forums Hunting & Shooting Ask The Gunwriters OK, apples to apples: Hornady Interlock vs Speer Hot Core: Forums Member List Calendar Active Threads: Previous Thread: Next Thread : Print Thread: Hop To : Page 2 of 2 : 1: 2: Re: OK, apples to apples: Hornady Interlock vs Speer Hot Core #1203951 01/20/07. Hot Cor and Grand Slams; Hornady 139 gr FB; 160 gr. Speer’s 150-grain Hot-Cor and Accurate Hornady inter bond is not really comparable at all. #ballisticsgel #hunting #ballistic Speer Hot Cor process worked well as well as Hornady interlock SP. I loaded some of the Hornady Interlock 139 gr 7mm bullets over 42. But the Hornady 150gr Interlock BTSP dropped a buck for me with my . Although this may apply to another thread more so than this one, the . They Completely Encase The Lead Core In a Seamless Jacket. The Interlock builds on that reputation with an inner belting to hold the core in place during upset for deeper penetration. You are over thinking this. efw for some reason I thought you were comparing Hot-Cors to Hornady BTSP even though you My nephew used a 180 grain Hot-Cor to take the large cow elk below in October 2021. 280 a lot in the 1990's, my general deer load was a 139 Hornady Interlock at 3100 fps, but killed my biggest mule deer buck ever Hot-Cor® 27 Speer Part No. Past experience with the hot cor line tells me it should be good to go at the . . If anything mono will hold well at short range , but they’re pricey. with the roundnose again slightly more accurate than the pointed Hornady InterLocks. I've had OK results from the Hornady. Both retained 86% of their weight at 100 yds. Never let me down. M. Please make sure to comment below on which of these two bullets you want to see move on. Speer hot cor will hold together a bit better. 332 . When I was a kid, we shot Core-Lokts and Winchester Power Points and Federal Hi-Shoks in factory ammunition, and if we handloaded, we used mostly the Interlock, Speer Hot-Core and Sierra GameKing. I thought we’d start with this one, because I mentioned it in the above story, and it’s been putting meat in the freezer for more than 40 years. Its boattail design and secant ogive contribute to increased accuracy and a flatter trajectory. That was impressive to me. 35 Rem. Speer Hot-Cor . 300 WM at similar ranges, unless the old Also their "hot core" bullet. The Speer also mushroomed perfecrly, the core and jsacket remained tight and it retained 85% of it's weight. navigation. Weight, grains COAL Tested Ballistic Coefficient Sectional Density 1465 130 3. 270 WCF with about any 130 gr bullet has yielded more "drop right there" shots than most bullets out of the . Speer Hot-Cor Flat Nose Bullets are designed for safe use in firearms with tubular magazines. Dick284. They won't let me think of switching to anything else. But in all my rifles except one, a 7mm Rem Mag, the Hornady bullet out shot the Speer. He bought the only 30-06 ammo he could find and it did not shoot well out of his gun. 270 and it fires 1" groups with Hornady 150gr Interlock BTSP and believe it or not, shoots just as well with Hornady 150gr ROUND NOSE!!! Home Forums Hunting & Shooting Ask The Gunwriters Hornady Interlocks vs. trifectahandgun. A regular “cup and core” type bullet such as the 139 grain Hornady Interlock or Speer Hotcor would work much better in my opinion. Home Forums Hunting & Shooting Ask The Gunwriters OK, apples to apples: Hornady Interlock vs Speer Hot Core: Forums Member List Calendar Active Threads: Previous Thread: Next Thread : Print Thread: Hop To : Page 2 of 2 : 1: 2: Re: OK, apples to apples: Hornady Interlock vs Speer Hot Core #1203951 01/20/07. Hornady American whitetail, federal blue box and non typical (I actually think their the same just different box). Reactions: Alex38 and EKYHunter. Speer, Sierra, Hornady . Partition--there are structural differences, even if the traditional bullets are not "bonded" in the new sense of the word. Hornady InterLock and Remington Core-Lokt are classic examples of proven, all I've had good luck with the Hornady but that only makes sense because its all I've ever loaded in my 30--06. " I would have gone with the 140 XLC Hornady InterLock. My son took a deer years back with a . Shop Speer Ammunition's selection of rifle bullets for hunting, law enforcement, and personal protection. Ok, really like the 120 Hornady Home Forums Hunting & Shooting Ask The Gunwriters OK, apples to apples: Hornady Interlock vs Speer Hot Core: Forums Member List Calendar Active Threads: Previous Thread: Next Thread : Print Thread: Hop To : Page 2 of 2 : 1: 2: Re: OK, apples to apples: Hornady Interlock vs Speer Hot Core #1203951 01/20/07. My experience shows that the Flat-Base Interlock is typically easier to get accurate loads for, while the Hot-Cor may have a sli Home Forums Hunting & Shooting Ask The Gunwriters OK, apples to apples: Hornady Interlock vs Speer Hot Core: Forums Member List Calendar Active Threads: Previous Thread: Next Thread : Print Thread: Hop To : Page 2 of 2 : 1: 2: Re: OK, apples to apples: Hornady Interlock vs Speer Hot Core #1203951 01/20/07. About all I have hunted with for over 30 years are Hornady cup and core bullet's, never had one fail me! Many years ago I used the Speer Hot Core in a 7mm rem mag, they work really well and the only reason I'm not using them today is the Hornady's were a bit more accurate! Home Forums Hunting & Shooting Ask The Gunwriters OK, apples to apples: Hornady Interlock vs Speer Hot Core: Forums Member List Calendar Active Threads: Previous Thread: Next Thread : Print Thread: Hop To : Page 2 of 2 : 1: 2: Re: OK, apples to apples: Hornady Interlock vs Speer Hot Core #1203951 01/20/07. With my latest 280, think I will try some 120gr BTips, just because folks around here speak so highly of them. These are for their model 99 Savage's. Posts: 11,471 Also had good luck with the 120 Speer Hot Core: discontinue d. Very few people mention Speer's HotCor, however. No great surprise here. Speer Hot-Cor bullets are made by pouring a molten lead core into a gilding metal jacket, rather than swaging the jacket cup around a solid lead core. it had to be that way, Speer had a great thing going. 358 Norma mag and 250 gr I got a bunch of 140gr 6. 242 START CHARGE MAXIMUM CHARGE Propellant Cartridge Case Primer GrainVelocity (ft/sec) Grain Velocity (ft/sec) Accurate 3100 Winchester CCI 250 52. 8mm, 270 Caliber (277 Diameter) Bullets 130 Grain Spitzer Box of 100 versus three similar products. Options: Federal Power-Shok, Remington Core-Lokt, Hornady InterLock, Sierra GameKing, Winchester Power Point. GB1 Re: 25-06 Load Data. Speer Hot-Cor Traditional softnose construction put Hot-Cor bullets in the same class as Federal Hi-Shoks, Hornady Spire Points and Now they say the Speer BTSPs aren't a Hot-Cor. Besides the price, you read lots of positive notes on expansion, reliability and the like. Another thread questioned the hornady interlock btsp vs the nosler partition. or Nosler BTs vs. We are always discussing the merits and realtive worth of the high-end bullets, but I have been wondering about the old I’m considering using a 117gr Hornady Interlock for game up to and including cow elk. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Just curiousanyone use the plain ole 165gr Speer Hot Cor for elk? We know all about the super bullets, and as "regular" bullets go even the 165gr Hornady Interlock gets some good press here. Start either of the two at a reasonable muzzle velocity of 2,800 fps and both will bring home the venison if the shooter does his/her part. RSY In this video I compare two classic hunting bullets. Tried some 139 grain Hornady and accuracy wasn't close to the Hot-Cor's. Given the same caliber and weight, which bullet will mushroom and hold together better? I have used the Hornady's, never tried the They would be equal with the grand Slams, but the Hornady interlock is a better bullet than the hotcore speer IMO. 308 Win 150 gr load - 06/20/24. I like The Hot Core's stayed tight in their jacket's and the Hornady's were loose but didn't separate. Anyone have experience with hot cor bullets? What kind of velocities do they like for good expansion? View a detailed list of comparable attributes for the Speer Hot-Cor 6. I don't know if it was the result of using a 30 year old bullet but I've got a gilding metal cup from a Hornady Interlock that took down a pretty good eight point last November. Posts: 1,627 The 145 gr Speer has been my go to bullet in my 7X57. The Hornady 139 Interlock was the first bullet I tried when I went through my 7mm Mag phase. New posts New media New media comments New It shows a lock ring similar to the Hornady interlock ring but more pronounced. E - FB). My Sako . And the estate stipulated "factory loaded" ammunition only and that was all I could get at the It was a Mark X Viscount Mauser 98 style 30-06. And outside of that envelope, they start to fail. The 358 would be right at home with any of the 250 grain Speer, Hornady, Nosler, Hawk or Woodleigh offerings. It was good to benchmark like-for-like with the Interlock vs the Hot Cor. I've seen the Hornady bullet take a real beating and still hold together. the Hornady 154 and the Speer 160. 30-30 velocities . Myself, for my money, and in my case, it's just hard to beat Remington's good 'ole fashioned Core-lokt. 284 WIN. I mostly run 165gr Hornady SP now with 165gr Fail Safe bullets for Standard bullets used in these factory loads (and some premium factory loads as well) include the Winchester Power Point, Power Point Plus, Positive Expanding Point and Silvertip; Hornady Interlock; Federal Soft Point; Speer Hot-Cor; Sierra GameKing, Remington Core-Lokt and Core-Lokt Hollow Point. Search suggestions. Joined: Jan 2005. They seems to be very tought and usually pass completely Red Deer hit broadside including soots in the spine or shoulder. I grabbed a few boxes of Hot Cors and Interlocks for the 6. Then Speer for a while did not even offer there hot core 145 or 160 gr. Shooting the 160gr Speer Hot Core in the 7mm, out shot every Hornady bullet I tried! Speer Hot Core has been my favorite hunting bullet for more than 30 years. lever action. 35 Rem in my Whelen. If you are going after bigger game than deer, any of the premium bullets should do fine. When I want shoulder shots, the Hot Core always completely penetrates. 284 case well and hopefully will make the transition to the new Speer Deep Curl, which should be an improvement in quality. Skip to main content Skip to footer content. Based on my bullet testing, I can say that the 250gr Speer spitzer was a lot more likely to come apart than a Hornady 250gr Interlock spire point. #3 04-20-2020, 04:30 PM cowmanbob : Join Date: Mar 2011. Given the same caliber and weight, which bullet will mushroom and hold together better? I have used the Hornady's, never tried the I've shot a couple of cows with a Hornady Interlock, worked fine, but for the most part on something the size of an elk I think a bonded core or mono is preferable. Howa superlite 308 ammo Home Forums Hunting & Shooting Ask The Gunwriters OK, apples to apples: Hornady Interlock vs Speer Hot Core: Forums Member List Calendar Active Threads: Previous Thread: Next Thread : Print Thread: Hop To : Page 2 of 2 : 1: 2: Re: OK, apples to apples: Hornady Interlock vs Speer Hot Core #1203951 01/20/07. With a muzzle velocity under 3000 I think he’ll be fine. Don't know what cartridge your using, for me it would make a difference. But, for the Hornadys, both are called Interlock bullets. Hot-Cor Rifle Bullet Price $20 - $49. 270 hates anything but Rem CorLok in 130gr. The Remington Core-Lokt, Hornady Interlock, Speer Hot Core, and Sierra Pro Hunter. But the jacket wasn't thick enough to support the cores, and they didn't work very well. The Hornady's expanded a little more on the several I shot, and the Speers slightly less. 383 . The hot core process keeps the core in place, drives deeper vs separating or sliding forward reducing penetration. These bullets also hold together better because the Home Forums Hunting & Shooting Ask The Gunwriters OK, apples to apples: Hornady Interlock vs Speer Hot Core: Forums Member List Calendar Active Threads: Previous Thread: Next Thread : Print Thread: Hop To : Page 2 of 2 : 1: 2: Re: OK, apples to apples: Hornady Interlock vs Speer Hot Core #1203951 01/20/07. Jul 26, 2010 This is loaded to about 3,100fps with the standard Hornady Interlock 100 grain bullet. Affordable and effective, they are capable of excellent results on deer and deer-sized game. No, partitions are a different animal all together. But at the standard . The Interlocks (129g SP) average To me the Hornaday is a controlled expansion type bullet and the Hot Core is an almost bonded bullet. Speer Grand Slam; and maybe a few others that I don't recall. 311" 150 gr spitzers. In choosing between the two, I'd pick the one that shot best in my rifle. The Hornady and Speer 165gr Spitzers also worked great. bullet in the 6. pka45 #17098536 03/25/22 If you are hunting deer sized game with a 7mm-08. and it might be a different story in a 35 Whelen, so caliber is the determining factor to one degree or another. Both ideal for medium game they deserve to be used more. They are designed to penetrate and expand at 30-30 velocities. MarkinGA OP. The 130g Interlock for a lightweight cheapy, really did the business. 99. I would be confident with any 140gr. If I were to choose Sierras I would stick with paper at the speeds from a 270. I went the game king route and I found those to be pretty explosive. I'm not sure it is classified as a Hot-Cor. 11-10-2020, 04:37 PM. I got a partial box of Speer 100gr Hot-Cor bullets to try from a friend While working up loads for this year's deer season recently I started to reflect on how Speer Hot-Cors and Hornady Interlocks have performed for me in the past. Never recovered a bullet yet, so can't tell you if they truly fold over into the classic round ball with a short stem (mushroom) or not. Lead-core bullets like the Hot-Cor will work well for most elk, particularly if you’re hunting in timber or are exclusively looking for a cow or spike. This eliminates Exposed Lead at The Base And a Need For An Accuracy Robbing, Separation Prone Second Piece To Cover The Lead. Then Speer changed the construction 'single core not two' and in doing so in my opinion just made a Speer version of the hornady interlock. 308 Win 150 gr load - 06/19/24. For the 7-30 Waters, I would be more inclined to go with the 145 gr. 308 gets 150-165 Interlock Speer TNT for lite accuracy loads of prarie rats Some non-bonded bullets feature design characteristics that maximize integrity on impact, such as the locking ring in the bullet jacket on Remington's Core-Lokt and Hornady's InterLock; the "H" jacket design of Nosler's Partition, and so forth. Start either of the two at a reasonable muzzle velocity My experience shows that the Flat-Base Interlock is typically easier to get accurate loads for, while the Hot-Cor may have a slight edge in terminal performance. IC B3 Re: Speer Hot-Cor Minimum Impact Velocity - . Good results with all 3. Team 30 Speer Ammo. uklu bof mpmh dbha uawt psiun ohergr twjhd ehkgr wtij