Shotgun slide stuck. But what if that screw won't co.

Shotgun slide stuck i have taken everything apart on the gun besides the trigger manifold, have yet to break that apart. When you pull the fore-end back, the extractor pulls the spent shell out, and when you push it forward, the elevator lifts a new shell Matador shotgun won’t rack. What am I I'm kinda new to the pump shotgun world personally (I've mostly dealt with autoloaders for hunting), and I've been looking to pick up a new shotgun recently (either a Mossberg 590 or a Remington 870 Express). have some doubts that the locking block mechanism that locks the bolt to the barrel extension will let the barrel just "slide off" until that locking bolt is retracted. Howerver, when I placed the bolt back and tried to slide it, it got stuck in the open position. I am thinking your hammer isn't cocked and is stuck up blocking the bolt. agalindo Discussion starter. A forum community dedicated to Shotgun owners and Poor cleaning habits or steel shot can cause a choke tube to become stuck and determinedly resistant to removal. Once the bolt is in the receiver and the connecting rod in the spring cup you can easily I started to reassemble it. The gun is now completely locked up and I cannot move the forend or the bolt slide. I don't shoot it much, but a couple years ago I had an issue crop up where the gun jammed on the first round (and every round) and had to be disassembled to clear the stoppage, during which process, the trigger group would prove to I am wearing eyeglasses in this video and am confident in my fully functioning gun not to blow up in my face. I had forgotten that I had placed the receiver mounted ejector in its slot and now it's keeping the bolt open and wouldn't let go. I hope this helps. I picked up a new spring and installed it the best way I could figure. From the serial number, I'm estimating that the gun was made around WWI. Jump to Latest 21 - 32 of 32 Posts. Add to Cart. I took off the slide, then spring guide/recoil spring and barrel to check over it. he has owned the shotgun a long time and has stripped it down close to 100 times and is fairly fam with it but cannot find a issue that would Slide barrel off of magazine tube Remove magazine end cap (Magazine spring retainer) Remove magazine spring Remove magazine follower Remove shotshell from magazine I was shooting skeet with my Winchester 1200 today and the slide suddenly stuck. From what you describe, there is either part (62) missing, broken or incorrectly assembled in a way that prevents the cross pin in the hammer pushing the leg of part (62) down when the hammer is down, which would in turn rotate I moved the slide forward then back, then it jammed. Never had a used shell get stuck in the barrel but the I have the shotgun broken down, (barrel out, trigger group out etc ) but can't get the bolt far enough forward to let it slide out through the cutaways. The trigger group when removed from the shotgun always by itself fires (I protect it from moving all the way forward with my finger). It is stuck. For some reason the fore-end is really stuck to the barrels, but is tightly fitted. Thank you for posting the info regarding the velcro cases, tho - the flotation bit might over-ride the other possible problems. Please be careful, point the gun at something you want to shoot when you're I have a Winchester 1200 pump-action shotgun and the slide doesn't stay locked during discharge. Any suggestions would be very helpful Heard some mumbles one time about the slide/action arms getting pinched together, or otherwise out of Brand new mossberg 500 20ga, went to tear it down to clean it. me/ I realize this is an old post but I am hoping bootsnhat can give info on how to take the Model 12 apart if the action slide is stuck on the action slide spring. I read the owner's manual and watched several videos on how to clean and reassemble this shotgun. This If the bolt and slide block get stuck between the right and left shell latches, then the slide block may not be seating in the notches on the action bars correctly. I just don't know how to fix it. . I was skeet shooting and all of a sudden my gun would not fire or cycle. This is definitely a problem when shooting skeet, but the 590's primary job is a home defense gun. a) If the hammer drops on a live round and the gun fires, the "push forward" on the forearm happens automatically during recoil There are three basic pump shotgun malfunctions: stovepipe, failure to extract, and failure to eject. So I had a similar situation yesterday on my beretta a300. I f it falls it has been shot ALOT. 410 barrel fit a Mossberg 500 . Kuhnhausen. The button that allows the action to slide wouldn’t release it. Take the trigger assembly out to make sure this is the case. The action slide spring appears to be operating properly as the action will retract slightly when the slide action lock lever is pushed. Come join the discussion about optics, hunting, gunsmithing Winchester 97 shell stuck in chamber The Dave McCracken Memorial Shotgun Forum Used it tonight and about one of five shells would fire but I wouldn't be able to slide the pump back to eject the used shell. As I was putting the slide back on, somehow I got it wonky and I can't get it off. The problem is that there is a spacer that rotates clockwise under Residue or some kind of debris will foul up the action slide lock. This is also the pin that drops down releasing the slide when you push the manual slide release button. I have exactly the same A forum community dedicated to Shotgun owners and enthusiasts including the Remington, Beretta, and Mossberg shotguns brands. The shell comes from the magazine tube and goes between the breech bolt and the shell lifter. The back of the slide is on the rail, the front is resting on top. NRA Shotgun Instructor/RSO Range Owner: https://606f79f3c2431. advise to inspect these welds as they may be prone to failure The problem I am facing with the Taktik is that when I pump it and if the nose is slightly pointed down, the fresh cartridge exits the magazine then slides back down and a couple of millimeters of its front end get jammed between I pulled the slide back and what do you know, the slide and action still got stuck in the rear position. When I have a shell in the chamber and I need to depress the slide release to open the chamber and kick out the shell, the slide hits a hard stop half way, so basically I have to depress the slide release, start the slide back just a little, release the slide release, and then I'm finally able to fully bring back the slide. Slide will not budge. Also known as a slide-action, it has a moving fore-end that can be manually operated to extract and load shells. bolt slide stuck in maverick 88. 1100 is a semi auto gas operated shotgun. i also used an old spent shell to test something and the breach block got stuck in closed position with shell in chamber. Here's all there potential reasons for a failure to lock up that are listed in "The Remington M870 and M1100/M11-87 Shotguns, A Shop Manual" by J. Quickview. I was shooting a round of skeet with my 11-48 and it jammed hard on the extract stroke (bolt was back about 1/2 inch, but the shell was still in the chamber). The slide is the rear past the frame. Will not budge whatsoever. After doing the full break down again last night, I really feel that it is in the slide that is causing the problem. So I played with the barrel a bit, moving it back and forth to align the barrel link with the slide release lever hole. I was having difficulty aligning the slide release lever hole with barrel link. I expect that the barrels of your Belgian made SxS double have double underlocking lugs secured by a sliding underbolt and a Greener-type rib extension which is secured by a crossbolt (very common on Belgian SxS doubles). If the cartridge cut-off is bent, it could cause action slide lock failure. Thanks l! I recently inherited my grandfather's shotgun, a Winchester Model 50 semi-auto. and Mossberg shotguns brands. _____ Kill em all and let God sort em out! USAF October 5, 2011, 06:09 AM #13: ShipWreck This will normally pull even a badly stuck case out. 590A1 jammed. Now it cycles fine but will not lock in the closed position. clevolver New Shotgunner Posts: 8 Joined: Wed Nov 06, 2013 5:50 am. I have a Ranger 30 ( Stevens 520) that has a cycling issue. 4. My old 500ATP had a broken safety button I had to replace and ever since then I replace the cheap plastic buttons with the metal versions even if I have to pay scalper prices to get my hands on them when I can find them. The action safety lever was stuck up so couldn't depress it to move the slide back. I had fired two quick shots, then it wouldn’t action the next Shell. In stock. This condition is caused by water getting into the choke tube As the slide is stuck in the rearwards position, the hammer is already down. shotgun. I've been reading information regarding both of these shotguns and noticed they have a slide release near the trigger. Come join the discussion about 1) Stuck Choke Tube. 900. I have an issue with my Remington 20 g pump shotgun. I then reinstalled the barrel and forearm and hit the bolt release button. Come join the discussion about optics, hunting, gunsmithing, styles, reviews, accessories, classifieds, and Shotgun World General Forums. A forum community dedicated to Shotgun owners and enthusiasts including the Remington One problem with that gun that I had forgotten about was when you chuck real hard and fast (usually when shooting a double) the safety will slide back and engage. Looks like this is the place to be for shotgun info. The action safety lever was stuck up so Brand new mossberg 500 20ga, went to tear it down to clean it. When I pull the forearm back, push it forward completely then pull the trigger. You should also check to see that the hammer pin has not been driven in too far, thus interfering with the slide lock's function. The front part of the receiver seems to have risen a bit, while the back In the end we removed the side lever that pops open the barrel and apparently also keeps the slide spring in position and managed to tap the slide back to its place with a rubber hammer without damaging anything. Once you've got all this installed and the bolt still slides freely, then install the trigger assembly. Sorry for the wrong wording. The exploded views are unclear as to whether there's a spring behind the pin, or not. The shroud is pretty thin and I have put less than a hundred rounds through this gun, and now everytime i shoot the gun jams, slide is stuck and the action release jams up. Slide is jammed in the forward position . The slide may be stuck backwards, but not as far as it normally goes when the mag is empty. All you should have to do is complete the slide movement all the way to the rear and then back forward to load a new shell into the chamber from . was taking apart my maverick 88 to add a new pump and grip, and this happened. After brushing and swabbing the barrel with the action open, I Took my 870 out for the second time today and had some issues with the slide sticking. The shotgun cycles shells. So if anybody has any ideas on what Shotguns 101. However the problem I'm running into is that I cannot rack the forestock to A friends older model 1200 slide locked in the chamber open position on a recent hunting trip. It seems to stop the slide from traveling back far enough to allow the elevator to rock. To Hi, I'm new to airsoft, and literally just got my first GBB pistol. Beretta, and Mossberg shotguns brands. The way the gun presently operates is that very time the slide action is to be operated, the slide release button needs to 84K subscribers in the Shotguns community. I was told that it hasn't been shot in years so of course my first course of action is to clean it before shooting, just as a safety precaution. having the same exact problem with one i just recently purchased at an auction sale except just playing with the action sliding it, it locks up and the release behind the trigger is also seeming to be jammed as the action is stuck I have been asked to repair a Stevens 520 "Humpback" 12ga. A forum With the hammer cocked, the slide release lever is held upwards by the action lock/disconnector spring (63). I shot the rest of the round and when I got home decided to give it a good cleaning. Shotguns. I cleaned and lubricated it. You should be able to slide the carrier out and down forward. Come join the discussion This is because the Slide Lock is engaged. Hopefully, this helps someone else. I took it apart and found it had a broken slide release spring. Shotgun - Technical ; Stuck choke tube Stuck choke tube. Whether you like Hunting, Skeet, Clay Pigeon, Home Defense or anything that involves a Shotgun Welcome to /r/Shotguns Members Online So now I own 2 of the most iconic, expensive boat anchors ever made. Now its jammed open, I looked and cannot see a way to get to it. I've taken a number if these guns apart; many were filthy, as they had a reputation of being difficult to put back together; this was the main issue, and on some the bolt handle was held in by Wait, the trigger group is in in all your photos. Even after removing everything - trigger, stock spring, just the bolt and slide left stuck in the receiver - it became clear the slide had jammed on the release/shell stop lever. Piece of said block is jammed between barrell and slide which is why its stuck. Hello, I was recently gifted a Remington 870 Wingmaster in 20 gauge which I'm super excited about. with holes in either end to slide onto the barrel about an inch back from the muzzle. *UPDATE The button is still stuck when the trigger group is out of the receiver ruling out any receiver to trigger group interference. The shotgun will not let me turn the safety on. When you shoot the gun, it releases the pin allowing the slide to come all the way back. The "push forward" on the forearm only comes into play when you pull the trigger and the hammer drops. My reliable shotgun jammed up dove hunting last weekend. Joined Jul 17, 2014 Messages 2,683 Location 1100 breech bolt stuck The Dave McCracken Memorial Shotgun Forum : The Firing Line Forums > The Hide > The Dave Many semiauto shotgun designs have a bolt return spring in a tube that extends back into the stock a ways. There is a long narrow bar that sticks out proud of the side of the carrier and pivots on a teeny little screw. A forum community dedicated to Shotgun owners and enthusiasts including the Remington, Beretta, and Mossberg shotguns Go to Shotguns r/Shotguns • by ghostfacegobrrrr. On the 300 the slide is installed on the side of the bolt and the whole assembly slid over the mag tube and into the receiver. General Shotgun Discussions Need advice with a mossberg 500 that has a slide that sticks causing the elevator assembly to get jammed between the bolt and receiver wall. I then reassembled and performed check. This moves the trigger somewhat. If you had to press the Slide Release to open the gun, it could be that the Slide Lock isn't moving as freely as it should. I noticed yesterday that the slide release button was stuck in the open mode pushed up allowing the action to move When clearing my shotgun tonight to clean it, I pulled the slide to the rear to eject the shells from the mag. There is no shell in the chamber, it happened when I unloaded and sent the bolt forward. i did not want to hit on the cocking lever so i removed the handguard from the magazine tube, exposing the blowback "slider" and spring. Kinda sounds like the bolt release is stuck in or up however you look at it. I had to completely disassemble gun and use a cleaning rod to remove jammed round from barrel. Scoured the internet for a solution, my 29 barrel was stuck solid but Watch as BarrelThreading. You need to put it in a vice and beat it with a rubber. I'm in a remote area and the island (PR) is in quarantine Today i went thru a box of 25 (Winchester Universal 2. You can put the shotgun together but it won't action. Rod The slide drops open when the muzzle is up and the butt is down. I'm using snap caps to get accustomed to shooting with it. Just be sure it is the slide against the edge, not the barrel, and that the bench or whatever you use does not move easily. Stuck Case Removers; Shotgun Reloading Dies; Expander Die Bodies; Blank Crimp Dies; Blank Crimp Die Sets; Powder Extrusion System; Leather Shotgun Slide 12 Gauge 6 Loops . Slide jams, fired shell stuck. Took it out for the dove opener the other day and after about 15 rounds (2 3/4" dove load) the gun jammed. Thanks! Jump to content. I tired a few "encouraging wacks" but no dice. Long story short, it kept jamming on me and when I finally Got the jammed bbs out, it racked and fired about a half dozen times before finally locking forward with no give at all Normally, I like Velcro but I have had a shotgun slide out of a case that was tied shut but the leather thong broke. You need to remove the trigger group like this. I can dry fire without problem. But the problem was definitely friction, either from my shotgun (dirt, or not enough Shotgun bolt stuck open Yeah, I don't know how I did it, but I took my Stoeger model 2000 apart for cleaning and when I put it back together, I pulled the bolt to the rear and it locked like normal. I think it might be a snap shell Brand new mossberg 500 20ga, went to tear it down to clean it. 1 2 Everyone has to realize that these guns were built back when shotgun shell manufacturers produced shells that were different than todays. The 1100 is one of these. The carrier moved upward and the bolt moved about halfway forward and It sounds like it's stuck in which would allow the top lever to return to center before the gun was closed. A Looks like your bolt has moved up & out of the slot that it rides in on the action bar assembly. This is necessary to give you a stable forearm to hold while shooting. Look on the left side of the carrier. I took it apart to see what was wrong. Even if the slide lock function does not work any longer it is still very safe to shoot and will still last several lifetimes. Come join the discussion about optics, hunting, gunsmithing, styles, reviews, accessories, classifieds, and more! The slide will move maybe 1/8" back, but the barrel does NOT disengage from the slide AT ALL, which when comapred to my XD9SC, it should move down slightly. Real brass bases, not steel washed in brass to look like brass bases, etc. Without grease on the hinge, a tightly fit break open shotgun can gall the mating surface between hinge and knuckle. replaced the trigger assembly and pulled the slide back where it again locked up in the open position. Remove the bolt then remove the shroud from the bolt replace bolt if it moves freely it is the shroud hanging up on the receiver. Depending on age, you can get a shell stuck under the bolt on top of the lifter. - Extractor, spring Local youth group bought several 870 Express 20 ga. If you push the forend FORWARD, it will move about a quarter of an inch, which allows the slide release to be pushed upward and you can rack the gun. Call 801. Obviously the circumstance doesn’t necessarily translate to different shotguns, but this is how it worked for me: When the hammer came forward, it locked itself into a part of the slide making it impossible to move around unless the hammer was cocked back. Advise if you have success trying this. Safety started moving while shotgun was disassembled. basic guide for jamming shotguns. After two, the slide stuck to the rear and nothing I can see (and nothing I have tried) will get the bolt/slide to move forward more than 1/2 inch or so, just enough to raise the elevator to chamber level and drop it back down again. It is about 6" long and 1/4" wide. The left magazine tube follower was feeling weak. We're talking really stuck. There is an action link assembly that assembles against the action bar assembly which actuates I have noticed that shells sometimes get jammed between the shell lifter and the bolt on some semi automatic shot guns. This check will indicate whether the shotgun has been I'm new to shotguns and this forum. Take off the magazine cap, pull the barrel, see if that’s the problem. Save Share The shell wont slide out on its own when I removed barrel, mag spring and tipped upside down. I have a new in box Maverick 88. $20. TECH QUESTION I’ve had nothing but issues with this gun but I’d like to fix it and sell it. A forum community dedicated to Shotgun owners and enthusiasts including the Remington, Beretta, and Mossberg shotguns brands. Item Number: OLP7523 . A real good clerk will lube the gun and show you how to do it. I have a Stevens 67 series E 12 gauge pump shotgun that won't let the 'slide' be moved to eject and load again. DF Montani Semper Liberi Hello, It is possible that the bolt-slide link (a long plastic part) attached to the bolt-carrier is not inserted into the recoil-spring (a long spring in a tube in your stock) follower (a plastic receptacle at the end of the recoil-spring that you can see in the rear of the receiver) and you can only pull the bolt back partially. When you apply backpressure on the slide, it pushes against this pin and does not allow the pin to drop and release the slide until you release the pressure. Reply ghostfacegobrrrr While fumbling around with those two parts the forend of the shotgun got pulled to the rear and I believe the action cycled, or attempted to cycle, and it resulted in the bolt slide being stuck in place while attached to the bolt. But what if that screw won't co I have a Winchester SXP pump shotgun that the slide/forend locks in the rear position after prolonged use. Now the slide is jammed with no way to get the shell out from the slide. There is another post here where someone said they often have a problem loading a new shell into the chamger after firing. It jammed pretty tight. I have a brand new Super Nova 12 Gauge that I just cleaned for the second time after shooting 50 rounds of trap. The bolt is stuck in the rearward position, and the It is an Anson push rod and it moves easily. My kel tec ksg shotgun wasn't feeding the shells out of the tube. Come join the discussion about optics, hunting, gunsmithing, styles, reviews, accessories, classifieds, and more! Firearms Instructor and Remington certified Armorer, Jim Humphrey takes you through common types of pump action shotgun malfunctions, including the double fe Let me first start by saying i really have no knowledge when it comes to shotguns but i do have a mossberg 590, now i need your help guys, I was planning on cleaning my shotgun today, i started by taking out the barrel, Pull slide back, slide stuck, push feed ramp down and action bar over, slide goes forward. Come join the discussion about optics, hunting, gunsmithing, styles, reviews, accessories, classifieds, and more! All subassemblies were properly put back together. It appears that when I move the slide to the rear position and then move it forward, again, the shell ejector rotates up and the action bolt seems to pinch on it (unless something It isnt that the action slide release is stuck in the depressed position, its just doin its thing as part of the normal cycle of loading a shell to the chamber TM 9-1005-338-13&P 0017 00 FUNCTION CHECK A safety/function check should be performed anytime the shotgun is reassembled. There are a number of methods on the inter-net to try first but this one worked for my application when the others did not. It will cycle new rounds perfectly fine, but as soon as i get a spent round it locks up. But during this process, the barrel got stuck inside of the slide and followed it back. I'm beginning to wonder if it is the shell ejector mechanism. - With your finger off the action slide release move the forearm forward locking the action closed. and Mossberg A slide lock refit or replacement is not something that all 'smiths can do with familiarity, and I have had to repair botched "fixes" done by those that had no inkling of what the actual functioning part was designed to do. The shell is a factory REM gun club 12 gauge 2-3/4", its possible the shell was swollen, but I really, really, really doubt it. Not a tutorial on firearm repair. When I was reassembling the fore-end and the bolt, when I got the action bars in to where I could use the slide release to bring the bolt back, the action bars stuck and the slide release was stuck. Will a Mossberg 510 . It looks like the latch on the bolt slide isn't in the right place on the bolt assembly. Of the 25 rounds i had maybe 3 rounds fail to eject completely and more importantly three spent rounds got stuck/jammed in the barrel. Action Slide Lock If the action slide lock does not function properly, the activating springs may be worn or broken, so they should be replaced. When I first noticed the problem, I didn't try to rack the slide fully, and just tried to push it back forward to achieve a positive lock. The carrier would periodically jam and disable the bolt relea The hammer gets stuck in them, push the slide back as far as you can and use a shimming tool and theres this black or silver flat ball you can push down letting the slide go fully back. Jump to Latest 64K views 12 replies 10 participants last post by agalindo Dec 31, 2007. Jump to Latest ( which slides up , on top of the bolt , into the locking lug of the receivers action ) This part might be jammed so tight , it won't come down , releasing the bolt to come back ? With the trigger group out , take off the It always sounds so easy in the instructions. site123. The best method I've found was to open the bolt as you slide the barrel into place. Come join the discussion about optics, hunting, gunsmithing, styles, reviews - With the barrel assy in position and bolt locked up, slide the action slide rearward and press up on the action slide release button and the action will open with the action slide lock into position. I've tried basic disassembly (not of the FCG, of course), cleaning and reassembly with no luck. The bolt Check one more thing,where the operating rod from the slide passes through the receiver extension,see if the slide rod has a bend or twist that causes it to bind when The latch or hook on the bolt slide is jammed on the bolt, it slipped out of place before the trigger assembly was installed. Come join the discussion about They have a few notorious customers that will pick up a new semi-auto shotgun at the start of waterfowl season, and return it 30 days later. There's also a few springs in the assembly that come into play. Shotgun shell stuck in barrel. Most of the time it also seems to get stuck here, and will not slide back forward without significant force. If you havent degreased and lubed in recently do that For some reason the slide where one puts the shells into will not release and is stuck on the top part of the action and the slide will not come back to allow me to get the shell out properly. The barrel is completely stuck halfway in the receiver and the bolt won’t budge. I took out the trigger assembly but slide is still stuck. It can be only be moved a couple of millimeters down, and upon letting it go it returns. 3352 to get your chamber polished In this video I diagnose and repair a carrier latch on a Remington 1100 semi-automatic shotgun. It would cycle when pushing the slide release button, bit would not cycle after firing. What am I missing? How do I get the slide back towards the rear? Featherlight 37 - 20 ga. Following the directions listed, I pulled the slide back and racked it a few times to spread around the oil. Mossberg 590 Pump Action . Mallet. It's been through some adventures for sure, some of them even with me. Treat ever Not quite correct for a Model 12. Thread starter Shadowdog; Start date I was cycling the action to unload it and with the first pump the action lock lever stuck in the up position. Expert's Assistant: Is there anything else important you think the Hello, One of my older guns is a nice Stevens 520 double hump. Cleaned up all the excess WD40 and used a few drops of gun oil. I accidentally let the pump slide forward, and the receiver jumped out and into my hand. The lifter button was already back and the trigger and safety, were also locked up. In fact, the shot forces the slide all the way back and I have to pump it twice to load a new shell. Come join the discussion about optics, hunting, gunsmithing, styles, reviews, accessories, classifieds, and more! On the older 500's when the action bar assembly gets stuck going of of the receiver, what is stuck is the tube that the action bars are attached to, and it is stuck on a couple of detents that protrude out from the magazine The slide release seems frozen and will not move. Ive attached some pictures. Shooting shotgun shells in a chamber shorter than the shell by a minor amount When I racked it the cage (thing that brings shell into chamber) went up empty without chambering a shell, and a shell dropped after the cage was up. I fixed that issue, and the action now closes and shoots fine, however you can not pump it until you hit the slide release again. The bolt and slide are jammed to the rear of the receiver. The action safety lever was stuck up so I have a brand new Super Nova 12 Gauge that I just cleaned for the second time after shooting 50 rounds of trap. As to how to get the gun apart, my suggestion is to remove the trigger assembly if possible. The 400 yes. I don't trust Velcro that much. I took off the stock and the trigger assembly and it looks like the bolt plate is wedged in. I am not an armorer. Now the bolt release is stuck in the up position and I can't move the slide back to open the bolt . Your seller should have told you of this common shotgun lube technique before you left the store. The slide lock moves down when the hammer goes forward. I took the trigger group to try and see what’s going on. 75", 3 Dram, 1&1/8 oz, #8). Come Shotgun receiver stuck . If the gun is truly locked and you want to open it without firing, yes, you must press the release button. It was locked up mid stroke. The trigger assembly helps to hold it in place. It appears that when I move the slide to the rear position and then move it forward, again, the shell ejector rotates up and Was out hunting today when the bolt on my Remington 1100 got stuck in the chamber. Paper hulls. gun jammed untill the owner cleaned up the chamber using a brake hone then ploished with a dremel tool. Brass bases. Anyway, the frame and slide are now literally stuck together and will not move. Once the hammer goes forward, the Slide Lock moves out of the way and you can pull the slide back. 16410 posts · Joined 2004 Add to quote; Only show this user #1 · Jul 15, 2007 (Edited Hello, I am new to this forum. Slide jams, fired shell stuck Jump to Latest 5K views 31 replies 13 participants last post by brewsterII Jan 7, 2018 That one time I tried to extract a mystery shell from a shotgun without blowing my hand off. See this video: As the title says, my action lock lever on my Mossberg 500 is stuck in the up position, allowing me to cycle the gun solely by racking the slide. The slider needs to slide downwards into the "Safe" position indicated by an "S" that should now be visible before it can be slid side-to-side to select the top barrel or the bottom barrel to for first when the trigger is pulled indicated by the visible "O" for the top barrel or the "U" for under which this shotgun is currently set at Now I love my Mossberg shotguns but for the life of me, I will never understand why they quit offering for sale metal safety buttons. Trying to check things each time. Same results. please like, comment and subscribe. Come join the discussion about optics, hunting, gunsmithing, styles, reviews, accessories, classifieds, and more! I emptied the shotgun of shells and put on the safety before removing the trigger group. That shouild do it. By Jpdx9c Before you master speed shucking, it’s vital to understand the intricacies of a pump shotgun. It’s caused by not pushing the shell fully home when loading. The Jammed shotgun slide . They can be caused by a dirty weapon, a weapon with a bad or damaged part, shooter error, or Fix for Slide Stuck. The "hook" on the action slide release has not been filed that I can tell. The hinge are will loosen up. When you fire the Stevens 320 pump shotgun with some heavier loads, the slide We kicked off our new season of "Gun Bullies" by tossing our Remington 870 shotgun into a Louisiana swamp. I can see where the slide stops against the reciever and has made a small abrasion on the reciever. This is generally done on a modern pump action gun by punching out one or two If all the internal parts are fine including the ejector and bolt face I'd take a close look at the trigger assembly to see if the slide release is working fine and not sticking. Looks like the new shell gets stuck between the bolt and the top of the chamber. Both on ejection and loading. Because here is the piece that is holding your bolt (Larger side view - it's actually your hammer) The photo is of Winchester 1300 group - they solved In fact the way to determine how much a used model 12 has been shot is to dry fire it point at the ceiling and observe if the slide stays in place or if it falls slightly. I do NOT believe this is a result of the new trigger bar, I beleive it is the frigging guide rod, but that still doesn't explain why the firing pin didn't set off the round. After brushing and swabbing the barrel with the action open, I went to cycle the action but the pump/slide got firmly stuck in the open bolt position. Come join the discussion about optics, hunting, gunsmithing, styles, reviews Open and close the empty gun for an hour. I show how I repair a Remington 870 that has a problem with shells hanging in the chamber. Whether you like Hunting, Skeet, Clay Pigeon, Home Defense or anything that involves a Shotgun Welcome to Just bought a maverick 88 on sale. I tapped out the pin removed it and lightly lubed it. Years ago there was an in Pay particular attention to the sections on bolt/slide/forend disassembly at 8:32 and bolt/side/forend reassembly at 15:43 of the video. It's a WE Glock 18C G-force T1 (salient arms type g18c). Now the slide is stuck and won't go all the way forward again, though it can go back far enough to engage the slide hold lever. when I assembled it, the slide is now stuck and will not allow me to rack the slide forwards or backwards. Top. will it not just slide out back out of the action and into the operators hand? I think that the shell stop holds the shells in When I got it the slide release button appeared to be installed incorrectly and the action would not stay closed. 79. Stand it in the rack and it drops. The trigger however does not affect the hammer. Sucks for Scheel's, great for the customer! was cleaning my XD 45 tonight and when I went to put the slide back on the frame--something went terribly wrong and my slide is now stuck in the fully racked Thanks for the idea. I haven't seen another shotgun with this issue (and have never paid so little for a shotgun and may have therein answered my own question). Can you slide the fore-end support (#44 in the parts list of your instruction book) up & down the bars of the action bar assembly? Shows two factory welds that failed, re-welded and addition welds to insure reliability. 410 shotgun? Brand new mossberg 500 20ga, went to tear it down to clean it. Sometimes it will pop out or become adjar, it is only spot welded in. thank you Customer: I've got a Mossberg 590 Shockwave pump shotgun. The bolt was in the closed position. I took a deep breath and gently wiggled the barrel--as shown on the "Beretta 1301 - Basic Maintenance" YouTube video and I was able to remove the barrel but the bolt was still stuck. Slide works as advertized, but safety frozen solid in the safe position. Took off the barrel and went to grab it and the slide locked forward. I placed it back together, then push the pump back to seat it all together, but it seems that I had misplace the receiver slightly, and it is now stuck. Another 12 ga. Merry Christmas! Here's a quick video explaining how to fix a jammed nerf rival. Shotguns, Shotgunning, and Shotshell Reloading Winchester 1200 Action Stuck Open. Sep 15, 2019 #2 3855WIN Well-known member. I had to work at it a bit and then it would come out. Looking for advice on how to remedy the situation. Reactions: ohio mike and F*W*F. I've taken this thing apart & put back together 5 times now. Add to Wish List Add to Compare Sometimes after doing a press check the slide won't lockup like it should unless I remember to give it a good forceful slam just like when shooting the gun. The number one problem with choke tubes is getting it stuck inside the barrel. Otherwise, try what mb1500 recommended. Removing the trigger group (see the above video at 1:23 and 13:57) should allow you good access from beneath the receiver to get a flat head screwdriver in behind the Give me your best tips for a stuck choke tube. guns for a 4-H function, all of them jammed and one broke the lug off on the barrel/mag tube. Then install the barrel, gas piston, and forend. I also show disassembly and reassembly of the 870 and discuss why It must have been 'jamming' due to friction / dirt, either from the locking lugs being dry and 'hanging' or due to build-up of sludge in the chamber/locking lugs. I fit the trigger group back in and took it off safe. com polishes a 12ga Remington 870 chamber to help with smooth shell extraction. While trying to put trigger assembly in the slide was moved forward, the claws fell out as is normal, however, the bolt slide is stuck on these notches pictured. The trigger was in loose condition, which was slightly wiggled a bit. This is an old post, but the same happened to me now and i fixed it. When u buy another locking block order two. Mossberg is backed up with service requests and is 3-4 days out. But we had a slight issue of spent shells ejectin Mossberg 500 stuck safety! Has any one experienced this before ? Safety is stuck in the firing position and will slide back slightly but not enough to put the safety on. I think the wooden clothespin will work but will not be around the gun for a couple of weeks. Hope you guys can help. If that fails (it should not), then you would have to remove the extractor screw and extractor to open the slide, then use a dowel or rod to force the case out. I used masking But I’m having the same issue with the slide not locking trying to find a fix? Save Share A forum community dedicated to Shotgun owners and enthusiasts including the Remington, Beretta, and Mossberg shotguns brands. Come join the My 1100 12 gauge is stuck closed. I looked inside and the bolt slide was all the way back but the bolt wasn't. The shield should slide over the bolt as the bolt comes back, to a point. I have a Remington 870 12 gauge Tactical with the Knoxx stock. I applied a little more pressure and it finally slid down. I know I'm a idiot but can someone please help? Try wiggling the pump back and forth while pushing the slide back into the bolt. also look and Featherlight 37 - 20 ga. The gun was new around 2005. Try checking inside your shotgun action for this stop and see if it is adjar. The sliding underbolt AND the crossbolt are actuated by the top lever. Jump to Latest the slide and action still got stuck in the rear position. If the gun is jammed or not functioning properl Inside the action there is a stop bar for the shell in the magizine. You remove Screw X from your firearm, and proceed with the project, easy-peasy. Other posts have suggested the The slide lock spring can be broken or non-functioning, and yet, with the trigger assembly out of the gun, the disconnecter spring may have enough force to make everything seem to work normally.