Sector area and arc length worksheet. pdf) or view presentation slides online.
Sector area and arc length worksheet This formula allows us to calculate any one of the values given the Printable Math Worksheets @ www. 14. They are particularly useful in calculus and finding the length of an arc or the area of a sector of a circle. First, they find the length of an arc in a circle with a given radius 2. A B In order to find the total space enclosed by the sector, we use the area of a sector formula. com Question 1: For each sector below, calculate the length of the arc. What is the formula of the arc length of a sector in radians? Arc length of a sector, s = rθ. EXTRAS. Arc Length and Sector Area Worksheet Find the length of the indicated arc, to the nearest tenth. Arc: _____ Arc: _____ 3. Given; OP and m Z APC 1200 . Area of sector (needs trigonometry) Summer 2019 P2 Q14. What is the formula of the area of a sector in Radians. An arc is part of the circumference of a circle, and you will need to know how to For other sectors, we need to divide the angle of the sector by 360 and then multiply this by π r ² to find the area of the sector. -1 We have a collection of videos, worksheets, games and activities that are suitable for Common Core High School: Geometry, HSG-C. Find the arc length and area of Worksheet by Kuta Software LLC Honors Math 3 Arc Length and Area of Sectors ©o T2H0a1Z4P qKluntyaD mSuoxfNthwfaRrXey vLvLZCk. Find the Find the length of each arc. Please also find in Sections 2 & 3 below videos, Worksheet 1: Finding Area of a Sector. Each section contains a worked Calculate the area of sector SOT. Arc length and sector area worksheet geometry. Share through 1. notes + 1 This walkthrough worksheet on arc lengths and area of sectors is testament to the high degree of quality poured into each sector of our teaching materials. Find length of arc. Students will: use proportional reasoning to solve problems involving This resource contains all of the Area of a Sector (and length of an arc) questions that have come up in the Edexcel GCSE maths papers to date (Autumn 2021), arranged as a printable worksheet. Quiz Review: Circle Angles, Sector Area, Arc Length • 23 questions. Tes classic free licence. 10th Arc Length, Area of Sectors and Segments 14 Q. It provides formulas to calculate: 1) Arc length Geometry Unit -10 Properties of Circles Page 733 Notes: ARC LENGTH & AREA OF SECTORS TERM: DEFINITON: FORMULA: Arc Length a “piece” of the circumference of the circle. 33 cm. 23 questions. Preview. The worksheet provides step-by-step instructions on how to use the formula A = (πr^2)(a/360), where A represents the area of the sector, r is the A brilliant bevy of printable resources, these exercises feature finding the arc length using the radius and central angle, calculating the length of the arc using the area of the sector, and A1 Find the length of the arc A2 Work out the perimeter A3 Find the length of the arc A4 Work out the perimeter B1 Arc length is 32 mm, find x B2 Perimeter is 25 cm, find x B3 Arc length is 9 These arc length and sector area notes and worksheets cover:A review of circumference and area of a circle that lead to arc length and sector area formulas (1 pg. Round Worksheet by Kuta Software LLC Math 3 Arc Length and Sector Area Name_____ ©O j2T0D1V4O rKiuWtdal YSDoKfGtbwmakr_ew LLHLkCt. Use this activity. The document provides word problems involving calculating the area of sectors and arc lengths of circles. Real-World Applications of Arc Length and Sector Area Article Content: Introduction to Arc Length and Sector Area Arc length is the #kuta #maths #worksheet #circle #geometry Finding arc length from degree and radians, circumference of a circleI hope you enjoyed the video! Please leave a c Our printable finding the area of a sector worksheets usher in renewed knowledge and repeated practice of the topic. pdf) or read online for free. Calculate (i) the length of the arc AB, [2] (ii) the area of the sector OAB [2] 23. (a) The sector of a circle, centre O, radius 24cm, has. We encourage Printable Math Worksheets @ www. Welcome; Videos and Worksheets; Primary; 5-a-day. Log In Join. This worksheet will show you how to work out different types of arc length and sector area questions. (a) A sector OAB has an angle A sector of a circle is a portion of the circle made of its arc and two radii. 8 Worksheet by Kuta Software LLC Kuta Software - Infinite Algebra 2 Name_____ Arc Length and Sector Area . Share. This walkthrough worksheet on arc lengths and area of sectors is testament to the high degree of quality poured into each sector of our teaching materials. 11th Radians and arc length worksheets are essential tools PPT I made to teach how to find the arc length and area of a sector to my Year 10s. pdf) or view presentation slides online. These activities include a scavenger hunt activity, partner match The formula to find the arc length is = (Arc Measure / 360 °) ⋅ 2 π r. Worksheets are 76 arc length and sector area work answer key, Arc length and sector area word problems, This print-and-go set of notes and worksheet is just what you need to help your students start applying arc length and sector area to find missing lengths and measures. Tips for Solving Arc Length and Sector Area Problems 7. Students will Some of the worksheets for this concept are Arc length and sector area, Area of a sector 1, Area and arc length of a sector, Length of arc 1, L 2r, Arc length and area of a sector, Circles work 3 These arc length and sector area notes and worksheets cover:A review of circumference and area of a circle that lead to arc length and sector area formulas (1 pg. 4. It provides students with practice problems to enhance their understanding of these key Skip to primary Sector Area, Arc Length & Radians - Lite. The minute hand of a clock is 1. The sector of a circle has centre C as shown. The excellent work on Sector Area and arc length combined with the very thorough The Arc Length and the Area of a Sector Activities Bundle includes three activities that help students review finding the arc length and area of a sector in a given circle. Find the length of arc CD. This includes 2 worksheets Worksheet A includes 21 P2 (non calculator) questions from past papers Worksheet B includes 25 P4 (calculator) Length of Arc and Area of Sector Scaffolded worksheet on working out the arc length and area of a sector using the formula step by step. ( use Calculate the length of the minor arc AB. x Arc Radius = 3. Last updated. Here we will learn about circles, arcs and sectors, including how to find the area and circumference of a circle and how to find the area and arc length of a sector. MME offers worksheets and questions for circle arcs and segments. This versatile worksheets can be timed for speed, or used to review Arc Length and Sector Area Worksheet. The length of arc EF is The angle of the sector is 150°. Targeting GCSE Foundation Level pupils, the area of a sector worksheet explores the This is a FREE worksheet to give some quick practice on finding the length of an arc of a circle and the area of a sector of a circle. Age range: 14-16. 44. Worksheet 2: Finding Arc Length. International; Resources; Education Jobs; Schools directory; News; Courses; Store; Arc Length and Area of Sector Arc Length & Sector Area of Circles Notes and Practice(3 pages total: two pages of notes and one page of practice)On the 2 pages of notes, students will briefly review how to find the Calculating the area of a sector; Working backwards from a given arc length or sector area to calculate the radius or angle at the centre. Arc length of = # of ° 360° • 2 r c. All you need to teach circles. ≈ (272° / 360 °) ⋅ 2 ⋅ 3. Applications of Arc Length and Sectors Guided Practice: 1. C. Save. Age range: 16+ Resource type: Worksheet/Activity. 12 m 149˚ Find the area of the indicated sector, to the nearest tenth. ( use =3. 𝛉𝒓. Share this. This document contains 5 multi-part math problems involving geometry concepts like circles, sectors, and triangles. 3. This bundle contains worksheets for each of the following topics: **Area of the circle**: 3 worksheets with answers **Circumference of Geometry worksheet covering: • Arc length of circles • Area of sectors You will receive a worksheet as well as fill in the blank notes with the purchase of this free resource. where r is the radius of the circle. Subject: Mathematics. We’ll now look at how to calculate arc lengths and sector These arc length and sector area notes and worksheets cover:A review of circumference and area of a circle that lead to arc length and sector area formulas (1 pg. Draw a diagram of a circle with a radius of 8 units and a sector formed by a central angle of 300. Arc Length and Sectors of a Circle: Worksheets with Answers Whether you want a homework, some cover work, or a lovely bit of extra practise, this is the place for you. So, the length Displaying all worksheets related to - Arc Length And Sector Area. B. Arc Length and Area of a Sector. Arc Length-Sector Area, Wells Worksheet (Given). Main: Examples to find the angle of a sector given its area or arc length. They determine the area of each sector. Arc Length and Sector Area worksheet LiveWorksheets LiveWorksheets transforms your traditional printable worksheets into self-correcting interactive exercises Arc Length-Sector Area Name:_____ Wells Worksheet (W2) 1. j z PAilqlP urzipgshqtgsR Arc Length and Sector Area 778501 worksheets by cgrant . Figure 1 Figure 1 shows the sector OAB of a circle with centre O, radius 9 cm and angle 0. EN. 22 centimeters In Arc Length Video 58 on www. Calculate the radius of this sector POQ. 7 cm F E 100° c. Arc Length-Sector Area, Wells Worksheet (Key). The radius of the circle is 45 units and the length of the arc measures 50 24. Diameter = 20, radius = 10 Circumference and Area Practice using formulae to find areas of sectors, arc lengths and missing information, such as the radius or angle of sector with this worksheet. Lesson 14. Using The bigger sector is known as the major sector. 40. 14 ⋅ 5 = 23. worksheet, trigonometry, angles, arc of angles 2. (2) (a) Find the length of the arc AB. Find printable worksheets to practice finding arc length and area of a sector using formulas and examples. Targeting GCSE Foundation Level pupils, the area of a sector worksheet explores the H B pM Na9dmeP Qwyi7tohr HIon Yf4ianZi ut NeO SA5legIe xb lr6a L c22. com Arc Length and Sector Area Find the length of each arc. com Name : Arc Length and Area of a Sector Sheet 1 t Find the length of the arc and area of the shaded region. Targeting GCSE Foundation Level pupils, the area of a sector worksheet explores the Review of Circumference and Area of a Circle leading to arc length and sector area formulas (1 page notes + 1 worksheet) Application Problems involving arc length and sector area (1 Sector Area, Arc Length and Segment Area - With Answers. So, the length of the arc is about Ex. 7 ft. Mathematics. In this section, students learn how to find the area of a sector. Happymathematician's Shop. Diameter = 10 cm. 6 Arc Length and Sector Area Worksheet Find the length of the indicated arc, to the nearest tenth. The area of a sector can be calculated using the following formulas, Area of a Sector of Circle = (θ/360º) × πr 2, where, θ is the sector angle subtended Work out the Arc Length and area of a sector. Complete Arc Length Sector Area Wells Worksheet W2 within several minutes by simply following the instructions listed below: Select the document template you require from the collection of legal forms. Choose the Get form button to open About This Quiz & Worksheet. A O B cm2 (Total for Question 10 is 4 marks) Math Worksheets Name: _____ Date: _____ So Much More Online! Please visit: www. Find the area of the minor sector to 3 significant figures. 39. Round your answers to the nearest tenth. If the central angle θ defining the sector is given in degrees, then the area of the sector can be Circle: circumference, area, sector and arc length bundle. This document contains 14 problems involving calculating arc lengths and sector areas of circles. Try it as student. 6 Area of Sector and Arc Length Notes 1. Diagram NOT accurately drawn The diagram Arc Length and Area of Sector . Both Arc length and area of sector worksheet - Free download as PDF File (. Arc Length and Sector Area. The document discusses the calculation of arc length and area of sectors in circles. JMAP RESOURCE ARCHIVES AI/GEO/AII (2015 STANDARD G. About Arc Length & Sector Area. We define 1 radian as Worksheet. Choose if you want to find the arc-length or perimeter. Give your answers to one decimal place and include suitable units. Calculate the area of the sector. 2: Finding Arc Lengths • Find the length of each arc. Round your Printable Math Worksheets @ www. 71˚ 15 cm 2. question with hints and then questions Arc Length and Area of a Sector Answer Key Sheet 1 t Find the length of the arc and area of the shaded region. The Arc Length and the Area of a Sector Activities Bundle includes three activities that help students review finding the arc length and area of a sector in a given circle. Worksheet by Kuta Software LLC Math 3 Arc Length and Sector Area Name_____ ©O j2T0D1V4O rKiuWtdal YSDoKfGtbwmakr_ew LLHLkCt. txt) or read online for free. Targeting GCSE Foundation Level pupils, the area of a sector worksheet explores the Geometry worksheet covering: • Arc length of circles • Area of sectors You will receive a worksheet as well as fill in the blank notes with the purchase of this resource. The algebraic formula for arc length and area of a sector Download the Arc Length and Sector Area Worksheet with Answers. Note: if θ is given in degrees, it must be converted into radians To find the area of a sector of a circle, think of the sector as simply a fraction of the circle. Calculate the area of the shaded sector of the circle. There are 5 problems included, and the measure of the central angle and the radius are both given in each 16 Exercises Section 2. 8 Worksheet by Kuta Software LLC Kuta Software - Infinite Algebra 2 Name_____ Arc Length and Sector Area Displaying all worksheets related to - Pre Calculus 76 Arc Length And Sector Area. The area of the sector POQ is 20-3 cm2. Student preview. Write your answer in exact form with units. Give your answer in terms of π. Here students are asked to fill in the blanks to find the area of various sectors, from a quarter to an angle of 60°, any sized angle and finally, A simple animated PowerPoint file demonstrating how to work out arc length and sector area by thinking of them as fractions of the circle, with questions to practise the basic techniques and then some more challenging Some of the worksheets for this concept are Arc length and sector area, Arc length and area of a sector 1, Arc length and area of a sector, Circumference area and volume module 9, 11 arcs This walkthrough worksheet on arc lengths and area of sectors is testament to the high degree of quality poured into each sector of our teaching materials. These two worksheets could be used separately or together! Necessary formulas and reference diagrams are provided at the top of each worksheet. Choose how many On this step-by-step guide, you will learn how to use the arc length formula and the sector area formula to measure arcs and find the area of a sector of a circle. Arc Length and This Arc Length and Sector Area Worksheet is suitable for 10th - 12th Grade. The diameter is 24 cm. . 8, Angle = 0. sector area of circle: arc length in a circle: 360 (21Tr) sector area of circle: (all radii This worksheet will show you how to work out different types of arc length and sector area questions. riazidan. How far does the tip of the minute hand travel in 40 minutes? 2. Worksheet . FREE Printable Arc Length and Sector Area Worksheets! This page includes printable worksheets on Arc Length and Sector Area. Substitute r = 5 cm, arc measure = 130˚ and π = 3. Find the radian measure Arc Length and Sector Area- Degree AND Radian Measure 10 Q. corbettmaths. Find the area of the sector. ( use ! = 3. Learn the complete definition along with formulas for area, perimeter and arc length with examples. Choose from different units, topics and levels of difficulty. These activities include a scavenger hunt activity, partner match This document contains 4 worksheets with geometry problems involving calculating lengths of arcs, areas of sectors and segments of circles, as well as areas of triangles and composite shapes made of sectors, triangles and The Corbettmaths Textbook Exercise on Arc Length. 1 11 ft 315 2 13 ft 270 3 16 ft 3 2. (π=3. 41. j z PAilqlP urzipgshqtgsR Find the arc length of each sector. Summer 2018 P2 Q14. 14 ) Worksheet by Kuta Software LLC Geometry Arc Length and Sector Area Name_____ ID: 1 Date_____ Period____ ©q O2e0E1N6Q vKTuIttae rSdobfmtSwmaCrbeo nLjLgC]. cm 2 (Total 2 marks) 2. You can access all of them for free. notes + 1 wkst)Application Arc Length and Area of a Sector - Free download as PDF File (. 𝑟=13 𝑘𝑚,𝜃=13𝜋 11 42. 14 = (130˚/360˚) × 2 × 3. 14 ) Example: Arc length 10 AOB is a sector of a circle, centre O and radius 9 cm. Use sector area of circles to calculate the composite area of figures. Each section contains a worked example, a. (a) (b) A circular flower bed in a town park has a radius of 8 metres. 2 - Radians, Arc Length, and Area of a Sector Two rays that have a common endpoint (vertex) form an angle. Kuta Software Free Algebra 2 Worksheets Arc Length and Sector Area; Next. Show answers. Student Outcomes When students are provided with the angle measure of the arc and the length of the radius of the circle, they understand how to Browse arc length and sector area activity resources on Teachers Pay Teachers, a marketplace trusted by millions of teachers for original educational resources. 43. 𝑟=17 𝑘𝑚,𝜃=90° Find the area of each sector. What formulae do I need to know? You need to be able to calculate the length of an arc and the area of a sector. w O CAXlIlS urziggrhMtTs_ Brse]sCePrWv`eIdE. Textbook page references. 14 × 5 = 11. pdf - Free download as PDF File (. 18 radians, Arc Length = , We hope that the free math worksheets have been helpful. 5 m 2. (b) Find the area of the sector OAB. Worksheets are Arc length and sector area, Arc length and area of a sector 1, Area of a sector and arc length, Area of a sector Angles geometry inscribed identifying mathworksheets4kids radius 4th theorems addition Arc length and area of sector worksheets Arc length and area of a sector worksheet – We split up our circles unit into 2 parts (Part 1: Circle Basics, Circumference & Area, Area of Shaded Regions, & Tangent Lines; Part 2: Arcs, Central Angles, Chords, Sector Area, Arc 10) The arc EF of a circle, centre O and radius 30 m, has length 83 m. H B pM Na9dmeP Qwyi7tohr HIon Yf4ianZi ut NeO SA5legIe xb lr6a L c22. Spring 2017 1. 15 cm 12m Find the area of the indicated sector, to the nearest tenth- Find the radius. notes + 1 wkst)Application Let your learners discover the general formulae for area of a sector and arc length with this worksheet. 𝟐. To learn about Arc Length & Sector Area please click on the Arc Lengths & Sector Areas Theory link. Round the answer to two decimal places. 10 cm central angle Printable Math This ready-to-print lesson includes notes and practice worksheets that provide students with opportunities to calculate the arc length and sector area of circles. English Deutsch Français Español Português Italiano Român Nederlands Latina Dansk Svenska Norsk Magyar Bahasa Indonesia Türkçe Suomi Latvian Lithuanian česk In this length of an arc and area of a sector worksheet, 10th graders solve and complete 12 different types of problems. 5 GEO. 15 mins. There is also reference to Showing top 8 worksheets in the category - Arc Length And Sector Area. notes + 1 wkst)Application Length of an Arc- Area of a Sector 1403694 worksheets by Miss Charles . Find the area of shaded sector shown in fig. 53 24 This walkthrough worksheet on arc lengths and area of sectors is testament to the high degree of quality poured into each sector of our teaching materials. Arc Length = 30/360 (2*12*π) = 2π Area of Sector = 30/360 (12^2π) = 12π squared units 2. angle AOB = 60°. Round the answer to Lesson 9: Arc Length and Areas of Sectors . ( use !=3. One ray is the initial side and the other is the Arc Lenth Sector Area Practice ANSWERS - Free download as PDF File (. There are 12 questions in Calculating the Area of a Sector: Area, A, of a sector, with radius. Standard questions with diagrams 14. 06 78 reviews. 5-a-day GCSE 9-1; 5-a-day Primary; 5-a-day Further Maths; Geometry Worksheet Name_____ Arc Length, Sector Area, Segment Area Date_____Period_____ Find the shaded area. GeoTrig - Let your learners discover the general formulae for area of a sector and arc length with this worksheet. 2 cm long. com Name : Radius, Central Angle & Arc Length Sheet 1 Arc length of a sector (s) = central angle 180! x " x radius = # x " x r 180! 1) H B pM Na9dmeP Qwyi7tohr HIon Yf4ianZi ut NeO SA5legIe xb lr6a L c22. (a) (b) (c) Worksheets, presentations, worked examples & more PP questions. Arc length of =EF 100° 360° • 2 (7) EF 12. This is all you will need for higher level GCSE pertaining to parts of a circle. . Substitute r = 5, Arc Measure = 272 ° and Π ≈ 3. c. Lesson 14 Created Date: 20201021104556Z' A “how-to” worksheet with QR code link to a video tutorial. (2) (2) The Printable Math Worksheets @ www. Your knowledge of the arc length and the area of a sector will be evaluated in this quiz, where you'll be asked to perform several calculations when given a variety of 6. International; Resources; Education Jobs; Schools directory; News; Courses; Store; Resource type: Worksheet/Activity. The Math Worksheets Name: _____ Date: Please visit: www. Find the length of arc AB. 8 Worksheet by Kuta Software LLC Kuta Software - Infinite Algebra 2 Name_____ Arc Length and Sector Area In this length of an arc and area of a sector worksheet, 10th graders solve and complete 12 different types of problems. com Name : Radius, Central Angle & Arc Length Sheet 1 Arc length of a sector (s) = central angle 180! x " x radius = # x " x r 180! 1) Calculate the arc length and the area of the sector subtended by the central angle of {eq}150^{\circ} {/eq} in a circle having a radius of 2 yards. 14) 1) Finding the area of a sector. Also looks at working backwards, given the area or arc length to find either the radius or the angle at the centre. com Name : Finding Arc Length Sheet 1 Find the arc length for each sector. (Feb 21 2017) Unit 13 Review Problems (Circles and Lines) (Wed Feb 24) Cavalieri's Principle Worksheet Video Lesson 1 Starter: Spot the mistake activity: calculating the area of a sector. The Printable Math Worksheets @ www. A Level Arc Length & Area of a Sector. 2 – Arc Length and Sector Area 1. 7. 1. 5, derive Investigate Area of a Sector and Arc The formula to find the arc length is = (Arc Measure / 360˚) ∙ 2πr. txt) or view presentation slides online. com Name : Finding Area of a Sector Sheet 1 Find the area of each shaded region. The problems involved in these pdfs include calculating the sector’s area [Worksheet] Arc & Area of Sectors - Free download as PDF File (. Multiple Choice. 14)\), \(r=3 ft\) , \(\theta=\frac{π}{3}\) Solution: Use this formula: Length of the Sector Area and Arc Length Worksheets - With Answers Segment Area Worksheet - Including Answers. There are also circles, arcs Arc length : 360 Area of sector : zr or 360 circle. mathworksheets4kids. 45. 28 March 2023. REGENTS EXAM ARCHIVES 1866-now. Length of an Arc- Area of a Sector worksheet LiveWorksheets LiveWorksheets transforms your traditional printable worksheets into self Arc Length And Sector Area Worksheet With Answers - The length of arc AB is 6 cm Find the area of the sector Give your answer in terms of A O B cm2 Total for Question 10 is 4 marks . 7 radians. Zeta National 5+ Maths CCSS Description: Derive using similarity the fact that the length of the arc intercepted by an angle is proportional to the radius, and define the radian measure of the angle as the constant of proportionality; derive the formula for Are you looking for an engaging, no-prep digital activity?This digital activity covers area of a sector AND arc length of circles given radius and the central angle. And best of all they Sector Area Trigonometry Example Find the shaded area. Here, students are asked to fill in the blanks to find the area of various sectors, from a quarter to an angle of 60°, any sized angle, and Comparing the area of sector and area of circle, we get the formula for the area of sector when the central angle is given in radians. Section A is all about area of sectors with This fun Geometry activity tests the knowledge of finding sector area and arc length using different sized pizza slices. The angle formed in a sector by the two radii is often labelled Arc length and sector area worksheets, questions and revision for GCSE Maths. A Level Example 2: Sector Area & Arc Length. In this arc length worksheet, students find the designated arc length of various circles. 14 ) Example: Arc length of a sector (s) = 140! x 3. 14 x 7 = 17. 4, Angle = 6 radians, Arc Length = , Sector Area = Radius = 6. MATH 1330 - Section 4. \((π=3. The sheet matches the video exactly, including a real exam question on the topic. Give your answer correct to 3 significant figures. Students will practice the necessary skills of arc length & sector WORKSHEET GENERATORS. First, they find the length of an arc in a circle with a given radius Unit 7: Circle Arc Length, Sector Area, Volume. Substitute the values in the formula for. 2. Revise . Radians provide an alternative measurement for angles. The excellent work on Sector Area and A worksheet where you need to find the area and arc-length/perimeter of sectors given the radius and angle of the arc. Some of the worksheets displayed are Arc length and sector area, Arc length and area of a sector 1, Area of a sector These arc length and sector area notes and worksheets cover:A review of circumference and area of a circle that lead to arc length and sector area formulas (1 pg. r, and subtended angle, θ, in radians is given by: A = 𝟏 𝟐. Topic : Area of Sector and Segment - Worksheet 1 Do the following: 1. EffortlessMath. 9th - 10th Radian measure and arc length 20 Q. There are 16 35,000 worksheets, games, and lesson plans. [1] 11) The area of a sector of a circle of radius 11 m is 16. This MME gives you access to maths worksheets, practice questions and videos. pdf), Text File (. The length of arc AB is 6π cm. Then, find the perimeter of the shaded boundary. It gives the formulas, values to substitute, and asks the reader to calculate the exact and decimal approximations of the results. On problems 1-3, find the arc length for the Arc Length and Sector Area – Example 3: Find the length of the arc. Example 1: Given: OP and Ttr m ZAPC: where m is the measure of the Find the area of the shaded sector. Angles are given in radians. Examples, solutions, videos, activities and worksheets that are suitable for A Level Maths.