Dying curse weakaura wotlk. Copy this code on the CurseFire.
Dying curse weakaura wotlk giga glow and sound at 5 stacks. Automatically tracks your target's creature type for hunters that have the Improved Tracking talent. com/forums/community/general-discussion Meeh - Rogue UI [WotLK] - Assassination, Combat, Subtlety is World of Warcraft WeakAura. Features: SwingTimer . WOTLK Battle Shout and Commanding Shout Warrior is World of Warcraft WeakAura. Completely 100% Customizable! Easy and User-Friendly! This WeakAuras package is entirely customizable without any code or WeakAuras knowledge needed. Graphics pop up when Nightfall, Molten Core and Decimation Procs. These WeakAuras offer a clean and minimalistic view of your Vehicle Ui abilities. Shows raid buffs available for WotLK raiding. io/DMS3r2RGn Rogue actives tracker - https://wago. 0) is World of Warcraft WeakAura. Sindragosa: - Unchained Magic - Instability WotLK Eclipse is World of Warcraft WeakAura. - Displays if healer is dead/offline. Be able to track Demonic Pact as Demo Warlock so when you get a good spell power proc, you can send the pet and benefit the raid, while also pulling your pet back so it Copy this code on the CurseFire. Once imported, just drop your totems then move the weak aura anchor to re-position them how Copy this [WOTLK] - PI tracker is World of Warcraft WeakAura. Basic shadow dance aura. Tracks various warrior cooldowns and procs to the left of your character. Helpful on non-random burst AoE damage like Lich King's Infest. Works like retail that when you get a fire starter proc or a hot streak the spell lights up To change the key bind you want to light up with the proc go to Action Copy this code on the CurseFire. io/dLRkQuKF_ (probably, there're Copy this code on Shadow Dance (WOTLK) is World of Warcraft WeakAura. Simple Eclipse WA, including Eclipse CD. I made a video guide , that shows exactly how the the addon works , how you can get the raiding weakaura , how you can create your own Wago Everything in World of Warcraft game. WOTLK Blood Surge Proc. gg/wfNYzsk ----- Welcome to the Wotlk Dungeon WA Shevil's Affliction Warlock Pack - WotLK is World of Warcraft WeakAura. Demo roar in bear form to show how many Copy this code on the CurseFire. Quazii Druid WOTLK Classic WeakAuras This ONE package of WeakAura covers all 3 specs for Druids in Wrath of the Lich King Classic - Balance, Feral, Guardian, Restoration. Track when the Shambling Horror casts Enrage so that the hunter can Tranquilize Shot or the tank can stun them. The main bar indicates the main-hand swing progression, with time remaining. However, if you want to specify a magic Copy this code on the CurseFire. A few simple icons/notifications for the new Titan Rune Dungeon effects in WOTLK Classic. Simple Rotation assistant for Wrath Boomkin. This is Copy this code on the CurseFire. 323 Installs Updated 2 years ago Created 2 years ago. Your spells have a chance to increase your spell power by 765 for 10 seconds. gg/fojjiwow. Used primarily for spell classes. Warlock Buffs (TBC/WOTLK) is World of Warcraft WeakAura. Loss of control display that looks similar to retails. Copy this code on WotLK Boomkin Spells & Eclipse is World of Warcraft WeakAura. Shows reminders for flask, food, focus magic, arcane intellect, mage armor and mana gem. Description Shows spell hit, spell crit, spell power (SD), damage modifier and spell haste. Displays the following information: * Missing debuffs (not lacerate) above combo point/energy tracker * Cat energy while in bear form (no CPs at the moment) * Tiger's Fury cooldown CurseForge - a world of endless gaming possibilities for modders and gamers alike. WotLK Boomkin Eclipse Immersion is World of Warcraft WeakAura. [WOTLK] Death Knight Disease Tracker is World of Warcraft WeakAura. Requires Mage. Ahx's Warrior Procs/Cooldown tracker [WOTLK] is World of Warcraft WeakAura. Arcane mage WotLK is World of Warcraft WeakAura. This notification action will repeat every 3 Copy this code on the CurseFire. Anchors the default active totem(s) frame to a weak aura so that it can be moved and scaled up. Simple circle combo points with global cooldown indicator rings. Utgarde Keep / Pinnacle - Plays an air horn and shows icon if you are standing in Icy Path Azjol Nerub Copy this code on the CurseFire. Se iluminan cuando tienes los recursos Copy this code on the CurseFire. displays time left of buff. Description; Images; Copy import string Modified: 2 years ago. functionality (take a look at custom options - sometimes when i update the weakauras i forget to reset the options to defaults): - reply on resurrect - auto-remove sometimes undesirable buffs like Hand of complete suite of weakauras for paladins, thanks to Hrupanka for holy layout and tips :3 . Showcase: I created a special raiding weakaura that is similar to the ones used on retail. Information This will show enemy cooldowns for interrupt skills when they use them. Don't forget to replace the ''hide'' timer by the Copy this code on the CurseFire. Healer Mana Watcher [WOTLK] is World of Warcraft WeakAura. A simple weakaura that tracks the current % health of your target and shows icons for Drain Soul, Death's Embrace and Decimation when they reach the appropriate current % health to activate said spells. Check all rogues in raid. Both players need the WeakAura installed. Estilo Classic acorde a la interfaz del WoW. Works for multiple tanks, in either party or raid. I've used https://wago. Will check the player spec to determine if he is a healer. The calculation is Copy this code on the CurseFire. My TBC version weakaura: https://wago. 0 Downloads Updated 2 years ago Created 2 years ago. Auto Roll (WotLK) WeakAura. It only loads and runs while opening the inspect window. If SoC is active, AOE rotation will be shown. 972 for bears [DEATH KNIGHT] - WotLK 3. your snapshot considering it's the single highest source of spell power you currently have access to until you get a Dying Curse. mostly because I really hate haste). Xaniez - (WotLK) Vehicle Ui WeakAuras. Tracks the following buffs/debuffs: Heart of the Crusader(Rank 1) Heart of the Crusader(Rank 2) Heart of the Crusader(Rank 3) Shadow Mastery(Rank 1) Shadow Mastery(Rank 2) Shadow Mastery(Rank 3) Shadow Mastery(Rank 4) Shadow Mastery(Rank 5) Winter's Copy this code on the CurseFire. Demo Lock Wotlk is World of Warcraft WeakAura. They display the remaining time as it will be at the end of the current cast Ideally, you want Dying Curse while using >23 of the hit rating and Flare of the Heavens. A selection of auras for Affliction Warlock abilities along with a cast bar, mana bar and icons for important cooldown and utility tracking. WA version: 3. Professor Putricide: - Malleable Goo - Choking Gas . It also tracks whenever a boomie gets into a Lunar Eclipse which is also a good moment to PI them. gg/fojjiwow Tracks all Debuffs from multiple classes in a compact format! New version for WotLK, follows same logic as my TBC one See my WeakAuras in Action + More Auras for Copy this code on the CurseFire. It helps to have a macro that uses Metamorphosis and Immolation aura immediately following each other, to ensure you get Auto Roll (WotLK) is World of Warcraft WeakAura. Copy this code on the Unholy DK Cooldowns [WOTLK] is World of Warcraft WeakAura. • Appears 5 Copy this code on the CurseFire. Part of AfenarUI HUD The entire collection of Shaman: Enhancement, Elemental, Restoration specializations for World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich king Classic. Fire Ele Snapshot Weakaura [WOTLK] - Warlock Corruption Snapshot is World of Warcraft WeakAura. Ideally, you want Dying Curse while using >23 of the hit rating and Flare of the Heavens. io/29b1FBZtK Utility - WotLK 3. In the Uncategorized Spells category. Simple energy bar for WoTLK rogue. io/OfcUVe8yr _____ Gearscore display for the character frame (Key: C) -only calculated and refreshed if you open the character window or change equip while the character window is open, once. WOTLK inspect GearScore calculator (GS) is World of Warcraft WeakAura. Basic Swing Timer supporting dual wielding. warlock demo rotation helper 3. WotLK Buffs is World of Warcraft WeakAura. Mage - Portal Teleport Panel (updated for WotLK) is World of Warcraft WeakAura. Raid Debuff Traquer for WOTLK 3. Pol's WOTLK Mage Reminders is World of Warcraft WeakAura. Modified WA from https://wago. [WOTLK] - Basic Raid Buffs is World of Warcraft WeakAura. Lunar and Solar Eclipse proc with larger icon, Lunar and Solar Eclipse with smaller on CD icon, Faerie Fire, Insect Swarm, Moonfire, Starfall, Force of nature, Typhoon (red border if not glyphed, green border if Copy this code on the CurseFire. If you want more offensive stats you can install my other WA [Wotlk] Melee Stats at the bottom of this description. [WOTLK] - Shambling Horror Enrage is World of Warcraft WeakAura. Dependencies: LibClassicInspector, LibDetours-1. Classic Theme Thottbot Theme. WOTLK rogue package. Hotfix: savage roar didn't display properly. Affli Dots Wotlk 3. WOTLK Talent Calculator. A simple proc tracker for Warrior's Bloodsurge talent. Share to Basic shadow dance aura Boomkin WA Set - WotLK is World of Warcraft WeakAura. Rogue Tricks - [WoTLK Classic] is World of Warcraft WeakAura. For the Rogues it shows a visual + sound alert & glowing unitframe when Tricks of the Trade is requested. Full warlock UI (works for all 3 specs), inc reminder for your personal buffs (fel armor, flask, food, spell/fire stones), aswell as a full rotation dot timers + cd trackers ( trinkets, items, healthstone, abilities Copy this code on the CurseFire. [Wotlk] Tank Stats (Panel) is World of Warcraft WeakAura. io/f0tGhGaGw For recommendations/info/help hmu on discord(Tregi/Metalcore#6625) or battlenet(Tomas#2808) WeakAuras with I haven't used this but you could try https://wago. Shows your current short term cooldowns on frequently used abilities such as Kidney Shot or Kick. Perfect for PUG groups! No Oculus Drakes Health Bars. Combo points start as red and change to brighter pink when at 5 combo points. By request of Druid Discord. io/xu1ybQZDZ and modified it slightly to fit a different need/want - original WA credit to Zyim's Auto Roll Weak Aura. Lava Burst Icon that is grey when Flame Shock will expire before Lava Burst's cast would complete. Tracks specific debuffs on your target. io/9l-mHuVk3 ) - only with some events and optimization for inspecting. Wotlk Spell Procs (Fire mage) is World of Warcraft WeakAura. Also show a warning icon WOTLK Tank CDs is World of Warcraft WeakAura. io/G6FHkDAOv The latest version of this WA needs WeakAuras-5. io/bxPN28n8m , in collab with NapNap. 5 or up due to: - the region:Rotate has been renamed to region:SetRotation Copy this code on the CurseFire. WotLK Rogue Assassin 3. Only tracks current target when in combat. blp are obtained from https://wago. Only shows your own casts' durations, only shows in combat (modifiable). Dorkin's Serpent Sting and Blk Arrow Duration Tracker is World of Warcraft WeakAura. - Based the rotation and priority on pre-patch raiding, will update to remove moonfire as well as add new pots/snapshotting procs from buffs/engy gloves, etc once wrath comes. Also Unitframe Power Word: Shield - PWS (WOTLK) is World of Warcraft WeakAura. io/GvIMY8ZBM DK BLOOD + UNHOLY [WOTLK CLASSIC AURAS] is World of Warcraft WeakAura. Alert and track of Battle Shout and Commanding Shout based on BoM in raid. [WotLK] Warrior Important Debuffs on target is World of Warcraft WeakAura. Share to [WOTLK] - Inspiration is World of Warcraft WeakAura. Discord for questions/requests/help here: https://discord. Anything but the Extract of Necromantic Power(I freaking hate that trinket. Auto Roll (WotLK) v2. Afenar | Mage | WotLK is World of Warcraft WeakAura. If any other seal than SoC is active, Single-Target rotation will be shown. Description; Images; Copy import string Modified: 2 years ago Curses the target with agony, causing 1740 Shadow damage over 24 sec. https://www. Something I threw together on beta. WOTLK Blood Surge Proc is World of Warcraft WeakAura. configurable panel showing selected player stats in respect to character's spec (examples given are with default configuration). Smart debuff timers for affliction and demonology warlocks that dynamically adjust to cast time and gcd. Pyro fake queue wotlk is World of Warcraft WeakAura. This is to make it easier to do group loot in a raid with your guild. 5 is World of Warcraft WeakAura. com/wow/addons Innervated [WotLK] is World of Warcraft WeakAura. Quick Facts Black with High Contrast Color Raid Aura for Fury WOTLK in brutalism style with centralized arrangement. If you want WotLK Feral Cat UI is World of Warcraft WeakAura. Update (5th october 2022) - v1. Fully customized Rogue WeakAura for Wrath of the Lich King Classic. io/VJmEJV_oX They need to be manually downloaded from github and placed in: \World of Warcraft\_classic_\Interface\AddOns\WeakAuras\Media\Textures They [WOTLK] Rupture tracker is World of Warcraft WeakAura. Formula used for Avoidance (vs lvl 80) enemyMissCoef = 0. Corruption Snapshot WOTLK classic is World of Warcraft WeakAura. Basic raid buffs and debuffs everyone should track. Designed for all Track WotLK trinkets, uptime, cooldown & ICD Description A smart WeakAura package that keeps track of your trinkets uptime, cooldown and their internal cooldowns. Instant. So one of the most important things about realizing your full pump as Ele in WotLK is mastering the opener which is all about getting a huge snapshot on your fire elemental totem. If you want it to grow horizontal instead of vertical, select Copy this code on the CurseFire. Merfin: T8 - Raid Auras (WotLK Classic) is World of Warcraft WeakAura. Remember, this is for 3/13/55 or 0/13/58 Warlocks. io/X_b78PkIc for WotLK level 80 5-Dec-22 Factors in Sigil of the Unfaltering Knight when equipped EH calculation is only counting DR from Move Default Totem Frame - WOTLK is World of Warcraft WeakAura. GearCheck is a WeakAura for WotLK Classic that you can share with your raid that lets you inspect them from anywhere in the world. Install with Afenar | Shaman | WotLK is World of Warcraft WeakAura. Added in World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King. io/XWIG0jzu_) Move it to the pCooldowns group for best results Check out Voidspawn's WotLK Classic Warlock UI is World of Warcraft WeakAura. These include Victory Rush (+Glyph of Enduring Victory) with a timer attached, Bloodsurge/Sudden Death/Sword and Board procs a highlighted effect for double Berserking Copy this code on the CurseFire. complete suite of weakauras for death knights. WOTLK Database. Dynamic bar shrinks/enlarges as more buffs are active. Dying Curse Instant: Your spells have a chance to increase your spell power by 765 for 10 sec. com/wow/addons [WotLK] Warrior Shout Reminder (Battle & Commanding) is World of Warcraft WeakAura. Used primarily for tanks. My personal WA Set for Boomkin Includes literally everything you need · Starfall active, CD and Out Of Range · Texture - Threat >95% and Range (36y) Icon · Reminder - Moonkin Form (Top Fojji - Deathknight UI [WotLK] - Blood, Frost, Unholy DPS, Unholy Tank. The WA contains everything a rogue would ever need and more, making it easy to just get going without a big hassle. io/p/Luxthos -for Resource bar! Setup for Resolution 2560x1440 Tracks Mangle or Trauma (Arms Warrior) Bleed increase effect. Basic Boomkin Trackers - WOTLK is World of Warcraft WeakAura. Modified version of https://wago. Weakaura for inspecting: WOTLK inspect GearScore calculator (GS): https://wago. dalaran-wow. Shows Power Word: Shield on raid frames with the clearest indication using border swipe. two-bar display for focus threat one bar will always be showing tank in yellow, while the other bar will be relative to current threat situation if there's no one contesting threat, the white bar below Copy this code on Fully customizable Warlock WeakAuras for World of Warcraft: Cataclysm Classic. Sno's WoTLK rogue UI setup: Combo points - https://wago. 0 25 MAN is World of Warcraft WeakAura. RoyalT's Mage Portals [WOTLK] is World of Warcraft WeakAura. Track the intercal cooldown for Rupture talent in order to maximize your mana gains. - Major Armor (Sunder Armor, Expose Armor, Acid Spit) - Minor Armor (Faerie Fire, Curse of Weakness, Sting) - Bleed Damage Copy this code on the CurseFire. It will serve nicely until I get Dying Curse or something else from Naxx. Designed for all This epic trinket of item level 213 goes in the "Trinket" slot. Has a pulsing glowing icon for Life Tap when glyph of life tap buff is not active. io/pAL-CtERv Cadd's - WotLK Frost DK Rotation Helper is World of Warcraft WeakAura. Also proc of Missile Barrage with timer. Called via macro /run WeakAuras. Buff check WOTLK Classic is World of Warcraft WeakAura. [DRUID] - FERAL - WotLK 3. Afenar | Priest | WotLK is World of Warcraft WeakAura. [WOTLK] - Warlock Demonic Pact tracker is World of Warcraft WeakAura. Fork of https://wago. io eine dynamische Gruppe, die Procs und Abklingzeiten von Gegenständen und Verzauberungen anzeigt. WOTLK - Druid Thorns Tank Check is World of Warcraft WeakAura. 10: https://wago. Dying Curse. Everything in World of Warcraft game. (WotLK) Vehicle Ui WeakAuras is World of Warcraft WeakAura. This is the version for WOW Classic WotLK Forked from: nanShield TBC - v1. *Will update for WotLK post release. It will count them up to 5. io/R76GH2pOR The subreddit for all things related to Modded Minecraft for Minecraft Java Edition --- This subreddit was originally created for discussion around the FTB launcher and its modpacks but has since grown to encompass all aspects of modding the Java edition of Minecraft. You can fully change the design, add borders, change the amount of icons displayed, change the Copy this code on the CurseFire. 5 Affli dots timer tracker with haunt cd/time and shadow embrace stacks/time Note: when debuff is detected, icon alpha get to 100%. Rogue - WOTLK . Needs /rl after an update. In the Trinkets category. Within this one package, contains four sub-groups Copy this code on the CurseFire. Shows abilities when they are on CD. Tracks the following abilites, Horn of Winter Blood Fury Blood Tap Gargoyle Death Grip Death and Decay Anti Magic Shell Icebound Fortitude Death Pact Raise Dead Strangulate Haste Copy this code on the CurseFire. Full Preconfigured support atm for: Mage Shaman Warlock Druid Priest Deathknight Rogue more to come. --- Contains: -Power Word: Fortitude -Divine Spirit -Arcane Intellect -Mark Copy this code on the CurseFire. Basic, light tracker for wotlk boomkin. nanShield WotLK is World of Warcraft WeakAura. (Classic-WotLK) Ret-Rotation is World of Warcraft WeakAura. 3. Warrior-based swing timer for WOTLK Classic. Track the stacks of Sunder Armor and the name of the Warrior who applied them. WotLK - Boomkin Eclipse - Balance Druid. For custom Copy this code on the CurseFire. Description Panel version of my [Wotlk] Tank Stats (see at the end of description). They contain a complete setup for all Warlock Specializations by covering rotational abilities, cooldowns, resources and utilities. io/r2AAJdwQx Got UI Sno - Rogue WoTLK Combo Points + GCD Timer is World of Warcraft WeakAura. Warlock WotLK Debuffs on Target is World of Warcraft WeakAura. aura shadowbolt inst. curseforge. Simple icon aura that shows the remaining time for your diseases on a target. Brings up a panel with Portals and Teleports to be cast on click. Auras para DK TANK BLOOD+FROST+HIBRIDO + Unhloy DPS (depende de la especialización en la que estés, aparecen unas auras u otras). Buff Rogue - WOTLK is World of Warcraft WeakAura. Duration: n/a: School: Physical: Mechanic: n/a: Dispel type: n/a: WotLK Eclipse is World of Warcraft WeakAura. The list includes: - Faerie Fire (from feral and boomie) - Sunder Armor (from warrior and rogue) - Wrath of Air (shamman haste totem) - Shadow Mastery Copy this code on the CurseFire. gg/fojjiwow Snapshot WA for Affliction Warlocks (Corruption) How does this WeakAura work? - Stores your Spell Crit/Damage Modifier as a value when you cast either Corruption (also factors in target debuffs, Copy this code on the WOTLK Classic Heroic+ / Titan Rune Affixes is World of Warcraft WeakAura. only dislays when you have stacks maelstrom weapon. Displays the icon of the debuff with their timers + stacks if they have any. ScanEvents("PORTAL_MACRO"); and goes away after a few seconds. Merfin: T8 - Raid Auras Auras group contains the most significant stuff that you wanna track divided by few meaningful groups: - Ulduar: Flame Leviathan - Ulduar: Circled Textures - Ulduar: Dynamic Icons - Ulduar: Copy this code on the CurseFire. WeakAura. Spell Details. [WOTLK] - Sunder Armor is World of Warcraft WeakAura. Just everything in Wrath of the Lich King game version. io/p/Tiesha -for Combo Point Bar! Credits to https://wago. 4+ classic version (that also covers other traps) try Thadiv's version: https://wago. Comment by 303838 When used in conjunction with Glyph of Metamorphosis in 3. Tank Crit-Immunity WotLK is World of Warcraft WeakAura. Install with WeakAuras Merfin: Equipped Items (WotLK Classic) is World of Warcraft WeakAura. Download the best mods and addons! Sno - Rogue WoTLK short CDs + stance tracker is World of Warcraft WeakAura. The spark indicates the off-hand swing progression, to track that your weapons aren't synced. io/8u1Ik1EnN If Gossamer isn't on there just copy the weakaura and change the spellID to the proc, you can find it on wowhead Reply reply Idk if this works in WOTLK, but I had an addon in TBC. visual for duration of the trap's placed ready state and it's active damaging state . TMW (Tell Me When) it’s a really good addon for tracking ICDs and use of items like that. You will see a micro stutter, which is what causes the delay to be reliable. Entdecken Sie auf Wago. A bunch of visual reminders for wotlk raiding mages. Re-uploaded for WOTLK. Also shows all available Teleport and Portal spells when the Copy this code on the CurseFire. Requires Everlasting Affliction talent. Your spells have a chance to increase your spell power by 765 for 10 sec. Quazii Druid [WOTLK Classic] - Balance, Feral, Guardian, Restoration is World of Warcraft WeakAura. Fojji - Corruption Snapshotter [WotLK] is World of Warcraft WeakAura. Wotlk Pre-Patch* Serpent Sting and Black Arrow tracker, with glow at <= 5 seconds duration remaining. io/3_4x7VfZt Energy bar Copy this code on the CurseFire. Will only show when out of combat in raids or dungeons. 0 Downloads Updated a year ago Created 2 years ago Passive Trinket ICD Wotlk 3. Shows you the best spell to cast next based on a priority system. 5a is World of Warcraft WeakAura. While on group loot, will automatically roll on specified items while in a raid. Healer Mana Watcher [WOTLK] WeakAura. 1. 5 WoTLK is World of Warcraft WeakAura. -healer mana percent -range check -offline/visible/dead status -drinking/innervate/soulstone status. Part of AfenarUI HUD The entire collection of Priest: Holy, Discipline and Shadow specializations for World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich king Classic. Should integrate nicely with Passion's Priest Suite (https://wago. Added features: "Lacerate" timer is now displayed for bear weaving / "Mutilation" timer will now display even if an other cat or bear used it / If a warrior applies "Trauma" (+30% bleed damage), the displayed timer of mutilation will switch for a "Trauma" timer. Track the crit value and percentage damage modifiers in order to snapshot a more powerful Corruption. Healer Mana Watcher - WotLK Classic is World of Warcraft WeakAura. Warlock WotLK execute indicators is World of Warcraft WeakAura. Only one Curse per Warlock can be active on any one target. Show an Icon and plays a sound effect when Innervate is cast on you. Part of AfenarUI HUD The entire collection of Mage: Arcane, Frost, Fire specializations for World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich king Classic. OPTIONS For non-warriors, please de-select "Player Class" in the "Load" tab. 4. WARNING Currently, the vast majority of my auras check for name of spells, meaning if you're playing with a non-english version of WotLK, some auras won't work. Luxthos - Paladin - Wrath of the Lich King is World of Warcraft WeakAura. Original WA here: https://wago. Mori's WOTLK Swing Timer for Warriors (and others!) is World of Warcraft WeakAura. Shows hit, armor, avoidance, expertise and crit reduction. 3. Contains a Copy this code on the CurseFire. Displays the abilites of Dungeon/Raid Bosses and Mobs in the tooltip. Be immersed in your Eclipse! Blue or Yellow glows to go with your Eclipse. Tracks: Curse of the Elements/Ebon Plaguebringer/Earth and Moon (13% magic damage debuff) ISB/Improved Scorch/Winter's Copy this code on the CurseFire. io/OK4sQ0oIY It replaces Icons with Progress Texture. Collection links: Afenar's Auras Collection Support:. - Displays if healer is drinking. Interrupt Bar - WotLK Classic is World of Warcraft WeakAura. All in one icon. Forked from https://wago. Tricks Me WOTLK is World of Warcraft WeakAura. 0. Description; Images; Copy (WotLK) Raid Buffs Missing is World of Warcraft WeakAura. The texture eclipse_sun. They contain a complete setup for all Paladin specializations by covering rotational abilities, cooldowns, resources and utilities. Pops up an icon when anyone set to "Tank" group role, or marked as Main Tank in raid, is missing Thorns. complete suite of weakauras for feral druids, both bears and cats -- redesign and rework of https://wago. This will allow you to track your Maelstrom Weapon procs. They are always centered and contains everything you need while fighting in your Vehicle. WOTLK fork of the Shadowlands version from here: https://wago. Creator's Library Premium Nameplates (Plater profile) Premium Nameplates' ElvUI Profile - WotLK Mana and Cast Bar for Premium Nameplate's ElvUI Profile - Copy this code on the CurseFire. ("performance optimized") -based on calculation from gearscore-lite Player Stats - WotLK 3. The Copy this code on the CurseFire. [WotLK] Swing Timer is World of Warcraft WeakAura. Install with WeakAuras . io/3_4x7VfZt Energy bar - https://wago. [WOTLK Classic]) Shows auras (and if they're missing) and which ones don't overwrite each other. WeakAura will Copy this code on the CurseFire. Items, NPCs, Quests. [Wotlk] Spell Stats is World of Warcraft WeakAura. Shows and Copy this code on the CurseFire. 5 How to use: - Replace buff id in trigger by the id of the buff given by the trinket you want to track. 5 Based on The Comprehensive List of Raid Buffs/Debuffs by Zig . Copy this code on the CurseFire. WotLK - Boomkin Eclipse - Balance Druid is World of Warcraft WeakAura. Copy import string Modified: a year ago. Show the Inspiration / Ancestral buff on tanks (10% less physical damage taken). com/wow/addons Customizable Paladin WeakAuras for Dragonflight Fully customizable Paladin WeakAuras for World of Warcraft: Dragonflight. shadow trance wotlk classic (3. for WotLK 3. Track when a raid member gets PNL proc which is quite useful for PI buff. (Works level 70~80) What does this brings that others HUDs dont? • [Jiw_Curse_of_Agony] - Activates when you don't have Curse of Agony on target. Same core as in the WOTLK personal GearScore calculator (GS) ( https://wago. Watch and display healer mana percentage. You must install this Addon for the font & textures: https://www. Who tricks? This wa show source name and target of Tricks. Basically just a dynamic group containing several useful weakauras to help you track your active buffs and spells. Innervated [WotLK] WeakAura. Ability Pops Animated (3 sec before CD if not instant) [WOTLK] Lava Burst Flame Shock Tracker is World of Warcraft WeakAura. A Discord has been setup to allow for a much easier communication regarding feedback and pushing updates: https://discord. Xaniez - (WotLK) Raid Buffs Missing --- These weakauras are dynamic and only loads when you have a player of that class in your raid. io/VJmEJV_oX They need to be manually downloaded from github and placed in: \World of Warcraft\_classic_\Interface\AddOns\WeakAuras\Media\Textures They WOTLK maelstrom tracker simple is World of Warcraft WeakAura. io/uwQGAy7HM instead This fixes pyro munching by reducing failure rate of regular /cqs macros. Changes color/icon for queued Heroic Strike and Cleave. io/x9vYzryC7. Auto requests Tricks of the Trade from a pool of Rogues from a single macro. Jiw's WotLK Warlock Rotation is World of Warcraft WeakAura. Assassination and Combat Specs. Frost DK rotation helper, shows what the optimal cast should be for each GCD and helps line up 5 Obliterates during your Unbreakable Armor cooldown. Install with WagoApp. changed a bit from the CN version (Xa Raid Buffs Mod [WOTLK Classic]) Shows auras (and if they're missing) and which ones don't overwrite each other. For a lighter weight version (that updates less frequently) try the one in Fojji's shaman pack. Track WotLK trinkets, uptime, cooldown & ICD Description A smart WeakAura package that keeps track of your trinkets uptime, cooldown and their internal cooldowns. 1, you can get an extra 6 seconds out of this spell per Metamorphosis CD (as this CD for this spell is 30 seconds, and with the Glyph, Metamorphosis lasts 36 seconds). Tems Wotlk Dungeon Pack is World of Warcraft WeakAura. If using <23 of the hit rating on Dying Curse, use Illustration of the Dragon Soul. Adittionally, if you want to resize or move the UI, that can be done by selecting the main group of the UI and changing it's location. I modified this weak aura to perform the following actions in WotLK 25 Copy this code on the CurseFire. Now updated with Dalaran for WOTLK! Save tons of actionbar space by having all Mage Portal spells show automatically when the trade window is open. Based Copy this code on the CurseFire. Currently includes: All WotLK Dungeons All abilities are from heroic mode! In normal you may see abilities which are only present in heroic! Automatic Copy this code on the CurseFire. WOTLK Missing Buffs + Consumes is World of Warcraft WeakAura. Warlock All-in-one Rotation HUD for WotLK Classic, featuring self detecting talent spec. Collection WotLK Mob Lexicon is World of Warcraft WeakAura. Reminds you to use Battle Shout if you aren't buffed with Blessing of Might, or Commanding Shout if you are already buffed with Battle Shout from another warrior or Blessing of Might. complete suite of weakauras for warlocks with help from ABox and Bulvarix i play melee and tanks only, so my cast bar implementation is rudimentary at best, i recommend using Empress' cast bar if you Copy this code on the CurseFire. My thanks to Crateria)). It is looted from Maexxna. Focus Threat - WotLK 3. Tracks Ret Aura for the Haste and Damage gains Copy this code on the CurseFire. Shows raid debuffs relevant to Warriors on your current target with stacks and duration. Rogue Tricks - [WoTLK Classic] WeakAura. ATTENTION: If you experience LUA Erros or the aura doesn't work, re-import and update your WeakAuras Addon! Merfin: Equipped Items (WotLK Classic) Equipped Items is an aura that automatically finds and displays equipped Items with Copy this code on the CurseFire. Loads only in 10 Man Raids or more. Wotlk Boomkin Rotation Helper is World of Warcraft WeakAura. Good base for your own edits. blp and eclipse_moon. Feral UI Wotlk is World of Warcraft WeakAura. 5 WotLK PVE Rogue Assassination - combo points, bars, cooldowns, poison check, etc. Options Magic School is retrieved automatically by default. It also tracks Expose Armor from Rogues. WotLK Debuff Tracker - Fojji is World of Warcraft WeakAura. Cannot differentiate Moonkin Aura and Improved Moonkin Aura, assumes if you have MA then your Boomie has spec'd improved. Fully customizable Weakaura to track Raidbuffs and Consumables. And show the buff icon when tricks is active. Dying Curse ICD is World of Warcraft WeakAura. Or, you may change the "Player Class" dropdown to the Copy this code on the CurseFire. [WARLOCK] - WotLK 3. Maelstrom Tracker - WOTLK is World of Warcraft WeakAura. WIP display showing delta between applied and potential corruption's damage increase and critical chance for the purposes of monitoring "corruption rolling I would definitely get this if it dropped because I still have an old 55 sp trinket and it will pair nicely with the Majestic Dragon Figurine I picked up on a PuG. ***CURRENTLY NOT WORKING*** Use https://wago. Resizing is done by going to that same main group, clicking . Shadow Dance (WOTLK) WeakAura. Holy priest - Surge of Light - Serendipity Trackers WOTLK is World of Warcraft WeakAura. This damage is dealt slowly at first, and builds up as the Curse reaches its full duration. Shows some selected cooldowns of defensive nature being active currently on your target frame character, focus frame character or a specific character within your party / raid group. . Also shows weakened soul. Copy import string Modified: 2 years ago. we cast the spells we see on the icon on the left I was making this aura to eliminate the need to track extra bars showing the duration of my debuffs and CDs * on Copy this code on the CurseFire. Tracks: - Lunar / Solar Eclipse - Starfall with buff duration, cd and target range check (Adjusts automatically for Glyph of Focus but Copy this code on the CurseFire. Holy priest helper: - Surge of Light procs -> Light halo above character with timer - Serendipity charges and full charge timer -> Little light Sno - Rogue WoTLK Energy Bar is World of Warcraft WeakAura. Requires SwingTimerAPI by Ralgathor Copy this code on the CurseFire. WOTLK warlock is World of Warcraft WeakAura. Once you reach 5 stacks the box will highlight and shake. 956; -- 0. i recommend using Empress' cast bar: https://wago. Shows stacks, timer, inrange check and oom for Arcane Blast. Credits to https://wago. ewwuihfdjiirzyciwglvelmagpuhjssxiffdclalrapbfuxjfawwrt