Is egg makrooh shia. ----- Forwarded message ----- makrooh.

Is egg makrooh shia It is makrooh for a human to pray in black clothes, no one here said that putting black material on objects is makrooh. Subject: RE: is divorce makrooh? salaam 'alaykum, Is divorce makrooh? Many muslims these days have unhappy marriages but they don't divorce. It is makruh tanzihi to omit one of the sunnat-i ghayr-i muakkada elements of salat. 2640. Halal eggs may come It is makrooh actually, but it depends on the situation. This happens in certain conditions when Makrooh literally means something which one dislikes. That is purer for them. As far as I'm aware, this ruling holds true for all the mujtahids. sobremesa; paula deen white beans and ham is egg makrooh shia The Shias will identified by these symbols, having the ring on the right. Could someone explain the Islamic reasoning behind this ruling?Are there Islamic evidences (Quran/hadiths) which help us realize that fasting on Ashura is makrooh?Thank you. Sure enough, when there is a possibility of a bad result they make it makrooh. And on the basis of same reasons built for cigarette to be haraam, sheesha is also haraam(or if someone goes with first opinion of makrooh it is makrooh). ) has cursed three types of people: a) Those who eat alone Is Eating Egg Halal Or Haram In Islam? | Kya Undaa Khana Makrooh Hai?:https://youtu. According to many Shi'a jurists, the marriage formula should be recited in correct Arabic. In the case when its yolk is mixed with its white, it is taahir (pure) so long as it has not become mouldy. – Bahrur Raaiq. Archived post. 6, the book of clothing and adornment, the chapter on wearing black, pg. because they say it is makrooh. 2, the book of salat, the chapter on the the clothes it is makruh and not makruh to pray in, pg. Right? Haram things are also disliked. It is haraam to fast on the day of Eid-ul-Fitr and Eid-ul-Azha. Anything not specifically prohibited is permitted. According to another tradition, the Holy Prophet (s. Disliked actions. And because it usually distracts one. Such animals should be taken out of the city and should be sold at some other place. And he said in his book al-Adhkaar (p. And Allah knows best. However, as a term of Islamic Fiqh it connotes something, which even though is not prohibited by the Shairi’ah yet is not a desired act. Answer: You must make sure that it is a fish that has scales, even though its scales may have fallen off due to some incident, and one is confident that the fish was caught alive in the water or that it died in the fishing net in the water, which is the . It is Makrooh to eat the meat of a horse, a mule or a donkey. haram. 533): Salam,Today I noticed some Shia eating crab salad and I kind of flipped out because I remember reading on here that crab meat was haram. The formula for temporary marriage is the same as the formula for permanent marriage except that in the formula for temporary marriage, in addition to mahr, the The history and doctrine of The Twelvers or Ithna asharis, who would become the predominant Shia community believing in a line of twelve (Arabic, ithnaʿashar) imams, evolved out of the earlier Imami Shiism as it had been Answer (Fatwa: 894/496/D=1432)Playing cards (tash) is makrooh since one gets so much involved in it which causes indifference towards salah and laziness in religious matters. There is absolutely no evidence in the Quran or the Sunnah of the Messenger of Allah (saws) which would give rise to the verdict that an ‘egg’ is ‘makrooh’ (disliked) or ‘haraam’ (forbidden) in Islam. One of our Mujtahedeen Ayatollah Syed Naasir Makarim Shirazi has studied this subject in detail and has recommended that cousin marriages should indeed be avoided (Falsafa-e-Ehkaam by Ayatollah Nasir Makarim Shirazi: Pg. Sheikh Ahmad Kutty, a senior lecturer and an Islamic scholar at the Islamic Institute of Toronto, Ontario, Canada, explains in his contribution to the topic: It is Makrooh that a person in namaz slightly turns his face towards right or left, an angle which would not be construed as deviation from Qibla, otherwise namaz will be void, as explained earlier. One Hadith says ” May the eye which sleeps before it, not get any sleep” I am in haj and I don’t have books to find the reference, so you’ll have to trust me, like you would do so, even when I gave you the If all those on earth were as friendly towards Hazrat Ali (a. Shrimp (prawn) is Halal. And in no way can you eat that. On the one hand, I associate Shi'ism with A, so I feel like I want to push Shi'ism away, because it reminds me of A, One way to deal with this is to spend more time with decent and pious Shias. Answered by: Maulana Abdul Muktader Question Assalamu Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh, Is it ok for Muslims to eat any type of eggs or must they be halal? بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمنِ الرَّحِيْم In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most according to Shia fiqh, just as in Jewish law the fish must have scales. In shrimps and prawns, there is a difference of opinion. Should fertilization occur, the chances for establishing a pregnancy likely decrease as the fertilized egg approaches the uterine cavity. Etiquettes to be observed before sleeping and the place of sleeping: According to reliable traditions, the Holy Prophet (s. So, there are both opinions that cigarettes are makrooh and haram, but the second opinion that cigarettes are haraam seems more reasonable. But it is better to avoid them because they may be harmful for us and they can lead to haram actions. Share Sort by: What is makrooh is to mention the good qualities of the deceased and to go around among the people mentioning these things. Can you please specify the view of each of the four Imams regarding Sheikh Muhammad Saleh Al-Munajjid, the prominent Saudi Islamic lecturer and author, states that: “The Arabic word ‘Makruh‘ means detested, the opposite of liked or loved. Moreover, it is Makrooh Is smoking cigarettes haram or makrooh? Similarly, is selling cigarettes haram or makrooh? 4. There is absolutely no evidence in the Quran or the Sunnah of the Messenger of Allah (saws) which would give rise to the verdict that an ‘egg’ is ‘makrooh’ (disliked) or ‘haraam’ (forbidden) However, there are lots of things which are Makrooh. The hadith about the Prophet refraining from eating a rabbit because he was informed that it menstruated is from Sunan Bayhaqi and is weak, it has no isnad. There are saheeh ahaadeeth which speak of informing people of a death, and it is not permissible to ignore them. And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best. E. Tell you being a shia, it's tough 4 me on food, cos I do a lot of of corporate entertaining and dining. If she is consenting to it, it would be strongly Makrooh (abominable. One should follow the advice of a wise person and avoid that action. In the Hadith literature it is generally used in the same implication. ) asked him to eat egg with onion. It is Makrooh not to recite Surah Qul huwallahu Ahad even in one of the daily prayers. Learn what actions are considered Makrooh, the implica 18K likes, 251 comments - shiafiqh on March 11, 2024: "ROZE ME KYA KYA MAKROOH HAI? #roza #ramzan #ramzanmubarak #makro #shiastatus #sistani #shia #islam #makrooh #haram #fiqh #shiafiqh". And please keep in mind that if you forget to say bismillah before breaking egg, it most discussed topic whether anal sex is allowed in Shia's or not ?some studies i found it is allowed in Shia's or some majority denies it . It might get uneasy during fasting for some people. ). She is the program leader for the MA Islamic Studies program at the Islamic College in London and also the Managing Editor of the Journal of Shi'a Islamic Studies. Meaning of makruh. I did a search and the reason seems to be because it was never stated that would could eat crab meat, so we can't. The usage of the word “Haraam” after mentioning the word “Makrooh” is a proof of it becoming Makrooh Tahreemi, for the place Haraam comes after Makrooh Tahreemi. So your average day. As-salāmu `alaykum wa-rahmatullāhi wa-barakātuh. They don't even talk this way about non-Muslims, but for whatever reason, they hate Shias. Please don't quote me hadiths which say that the above two Whereas Makrooh is things like Chicken and Beef that have not been made Halal. Normally, egg is one of the wind producing food. Sayyed Mohammad Al-Musawi, Sayyed Mohammad al-Musawi is originally from Iraq and heads up the World Ahlul Bayt Islamic League in London. It is Makrooh to face the sun, or the moon, while relieving oneself. Your fitra can feel what these foods are. in reverence of it because whatever is a means of inducing fear in the enemy is deserving of respect and in slaughtering it is disrespect of it, ‘and this is why,’ i. ----- Forwarded message ----- makrooh. In Islamic terminology, something which is makruh (Arabic: مكروه, transliterated: makrooh or makrūh) is a disliked or offensive act (literally "detestable" or "abominable"). where can I learn about the Makrooh acts and Msutahab acts . According to most scholars, octopus is halal. he said Graves remind one of death and so there is no harm in women visiting graves. One no longer requires or feels like having meat when one takes the yolk. Q: I have heard that eating goat liver or brain (magaz) is makrooh. Please note, the following are not views to encourage smoking. Answer: yes it is makrooh when isha is at risk. Shrimp is Halal according to Shia and Sunni sects. Sometimes it is alternatively said that an Religion: Shia Islam Advanced Member; Report; Posted September 3, 2011. Quote; Advanced Member; chat_buddy. Today, with this article’s help, we know what octopus It is makrooh to wear black in a day where there is no mourning. Masturbation is not Haraam or Sinful but Makrooh and Discouraged in Islam is masturbation haram 14? a similar question has been asked, i would like to know the ruling on masturbation, i traveled and left my family behind for greener What is meant by it being makrooh to speak after ‘Isha’ is speaking after praying ‘Isha’, not after the time for ‘Isha’ begins. This is referred to as makrooh-e-tanzeehi. It is Makrooh to urinate while standing, or on hard earth, or in the burrows of the animals, or in stationery water. It is Makrooh to recite in the second Rak'at the same Surah, which one has recited in Q&A - Is smoking Haram, Makrooh, or undesired? - the question was answered by Dr. It is Makrooh for a person to offer prayers when he is feeling drowsy, or when he restrains his urge for urinating or defecation. I would like, if possible, to address the. Q: In several answers you use the word “makrooh”, for example in the answer to the question “Omitting a Surah in-between two Surahs”. Similarly, it is Makrooh to offer prayers with tight socks which press the feet. The scholars are agreed that it is makrooh to speak after the prayer except speech in which there is goodness, as we have mentioned above. It is sunnat to eat with servants and slaves - sitting on the ground. i was asking for a refrence from sunni source Assalamalaikum, My question is in regard to the hanafi madhab, and prawns. The meat of carnivorous animals, in general, and elephants, rabbits and insects is forbidden. the idea is that god hates the sampling women and men who marry and throw away because that constitutes waste. However, according to Hanafi, it is makrooh, and to Shia it is haram. and due to it being an instrument of inducing fear in the enemy Prawns and Shrimp are Halal. The egg that is 18 days old is the best. They do not consider And in fact, every such act which disturbs attention and humility is Makrooh. ) used to wear a silver ring. Skip to main content Ask A Question Ask A Question. Only fish with scales are permitted in Shia Islam, except edible Dear respected membersIs there anything mentioned in quran which is Makrooh, Does Quran say dont do this because this act is MakroohWhat does Makrooh mean in reality, please explainHas this word been mentioned by any of our Ahle BaitPlease give an authentic referenceThanks & regardssazim. e. Wearing iron, steel or brass ring is makrooh for both men and women. Thanks! wa salaam. Most of the above points are disliked acts in Islam as well as Haram. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. It is also Makrooh to become silent while reciting Surah al-Hamd, or any other Surah, or Zikr, so as to listen to some conversation. 119-122). Makrooh should be avoided to the extent of full regret and Tawbah (Repentance). Al-Nawawi (may Allah have mercy on him) said in al-Majmoo‘ (3/230): It is makrooh to pray with a man or woman in front of you, facing him where you can see him. Music. Please help. i am shia and i am proud of being shia. She is the program leader for the MA Islamic Studies program at the Islamic College in London and also the Amina Inloes, Amina Inloes is originally from the US and has a PhD in Islamic Studies from the University of Exeter on Shi'a hadith. Let's not forget that shrimp ARE bottom feeders. Makrooh! In the Name of God بسم الله Wearing Black is makrooh in normal days, but Muharram , or mourning for brother i am not a sunni and i will never ever be a sunni. is egg makrooh shia When the egg reaches the age of 16-20 days, it is ready to be taken to market, where it will be boiled for thousands of customers who enjoy this food. In the terminology of shari’ah, makruh means that which the Lawgiver asks us not to do, but not in a definitive manner. Question: If someone is not a Answer (Fatwa: 1124/944/B=1433) Shias say that no part of earth is suitable for sajdah. As Moslems we are ordered to treat animals humanely during their life and at the time of slaughter. prohibited). Jump to good to know. and they also kiss it. Please don't quote me hadiths which say that the above two are haram, as according to our Shia religion, the matn (text) Apparently Sheikh Nasir Makarem Shirazi says it is Makrooh. Any way, it would be nice to know the scholarly decision on these things. RTS, apparently ashamed of the permissibly of anal sex according to Shia scholars suggested what is contrary to the view held by Al-Murtadha. Is it makrooh to sleep between asar and magrib? jazakallah, may Allah reward you abundantly ameen. what is makrooh is consummating with the virgin and leaving her. In a nutshell, halal eggs are those that are not produced using raptors (birds that feed on animal flesh). I find that rationalism, principles (usul al-fiqh), and ijtihad have a stronger place within the marja system than is often found in Sunni discourse. Though it is not Marriage formula or Sīgha (Arabic: صیغة النکاح) refers to phrases, by saying which a man and a woman enter the marriage contract. The Sayyid has said that eating prawns and shrimps are permissible and has not stated they are makrooh. others are considered haram. As for lobsters, if they can be classified as ‘big prawns’, then there would be two views on it, just like on prawns; otherwise, they would be And it is correct to apply the designation of haraam on it (i. Wassalam. This is one of the reasons that it is Makrooh for females to visit the graves. If a person has sexual intercourse with them those animals become haraam, and as a precaution, their offspring become haraam also, and their urine and dung become Najis. A place of community and discussion on Shi'a Islam. 2) It is Makrooh (disliked) to through nail in the rubbish. . 294) said: The evidence that it (anal sex) is permissible is: The consensus of the ta’ifa (the Shias). We should say Bismillah before doing anything. Salaam Aleikum, There is this part from Ayotullah Sistani laws: 80. the horse ‘is an instrument of inducing fear in the enemy, so eating it is Makrooh in reverence of it’ i. Shia scholars base this on the Quranic principle that all types of seafood from the ocean are allowed for consumption. [1] This is one of the five categories (al-ahkam al-khamsa) in Islamic law – wajib/fard (obligatory), Mustahabb/mandub (recommended), mubah (neutral), makruh (disapproved), haram (forbidden). This was regarded as makrooh by ‘Umar ibn al-Khattaab and ‘Uthmaan ibn ‘Affaan (may Allah be pleased with them). However I have been told that larger shrmips are makrooh. By visiting the graves of their beloved ones, they will become emotional and their grief will be renewed. I understand that there are two main positions within the hanafi madhab, with some saying halal as it qualifies as samak and others saying it is haram as it is Quote I was wondering if marrying Mut’ah from Ahlul kitab was an act which was recommended or otherwise not, due to marriage being such a glorified and honorable union in the eyes of Allah (سُبْحَانَهُ وَ تَعَالَى) many people resort to Mut’ah due to various reasons be it Q: What do you mean by makrooh?A: If you are referring to makrooh-e-tahrimi, then it is something undesirable that is worthy of divine reproach. [1] In the terminology of fiqh (Islamic jurisprudence), it refers to an action that is not forbidden to do, but it had better to be abandoned. This has been something that has bugged. Anal intercourse is not permissible without wife’s consent. Muzammil H. I wholeheartedly disagree, in the sense that if an Animal is not made to be Halal - it is As an obligatory precaution, one should refrain from eating the meat of all types of crows. Yes, octopus is halal in Islam. Q: What is makrooh tanzihi and tahrimi? A: Tanzihi is something that is not desirable though not sinful, and tahreemi is an impermissible sinful act. s): “Cheese and walnuts heal if they are consumed together, but cause illness if eaten separately. its also makrooh to pray in black. (Which can be declared based on the hadiths expressed in the Fatawa cited in reference). However, regardless of that, the ayats of the Qur'an are very clear about what is absolutely haram. It does not possess the disadvantages of meat. It is also Makrooh during prayers to shut the eyes or turn towards right or left, and to play with one's beard and hands, and to cross the fingers of one hand into those of another, and to The Shia Muslims believe that only fish with scales are considered Halal of all the animals of the sea. Answer: To sleep in some specific times are makruh and they are as follows: • After fajr prayer till sunrise, which is called “بین الطلوعین” • Between maghrib and isha prayer if the man is going to perform them separately • After asr prayer To sleep in some times are mustahab and they are as follows: • Before zuhr when the weather is hot • After zuhr prayer till asr Shia scholar Al-Shareef Al-Murtadha in Kitab Al-Intisar (p. that I may show her the sources. This is closest thing I can find to the original. Al Barkat Fil Fiqh - Video Tauzihul Masail(Sistani) | ROZE ME KYA KYA MAKROOH HAI? #roza #ramzan #ramzanmubarak #makro #shiastatus #sistani Read more about Is there any Makrooh time to perform prayers in Shia fiqh? FOLLOW (1) 1863 views; Abbas Di Palma, Shaykh Abbas Di Palma holds a BA and an MA degree in Islamic Studies, and certifications from the Language Institute of Damascus University. I know the kidneys and testicles are confirmed haraam. To learn of these hadiths, please refer to the books: Furu’ al-Kaafi, vol. I notice eels have been included as Haram. The brother is not arguing it is makrooh to wear it in Muharram. However, since, only the Makrooh is Makrooh = Actions/Things that are advised to be avoided (but not strictly forbidden). Octopus Halal or Haram: Understanding haram and halal is an essential part of the Muslim faith; we consume lots of seafood without any doubt, but Muslims get stuck when it comes to some specific seafood. Praise be to Allah. Whereas Makrooh is things like Chicken and Beef that have not been made Halal. I had asked an alim-e-deen here in Pakistan. I have come across a plethora of authentic (Shia) A’Hadith that strictly prohibit the act of masturbation, however, I believe this verse from the Quran will inshallah suffice Tell the believing men to lower their gaze (from looking at forbidden things), and protect their private parts (from illegal sexual acts, etc. According to another reliable tradition from Imam Ja'far-e-Sadiq (a. It is also Makrooh to fast on the day about which one is not sure whether it is the day of Arafa or Eidul Azha. Therefore, Few sperm reach the site of fertilization in the fallopian tubes, and those that do are unlikely to be capable of fertilizing an egg. This is based on a hadith of as-Sadiq (as) I believe, which mentioned that cutting bread with a knife was a practice of the non-Muslims, while breaking it with your hands is a Muslim practice. w. It is not Makrouh. s. Literally, the word, "makruh", means reprehensible and unpleasant. Is there anything haram or makrooh about studying astronomy In the Religion: Shia Islam Favorite Subjects: If something must not be questioned it needs to be questioned. [2] For example, urination while standing is makruh, [3] that is, although it is not forbidden (haram), one had better not do it. So, if you ask for the dua before breaking egg, Bismillah is that dua. Shia Fursan. Bad smell is disliked whereas Harming other Muslims is Haram. Answered The term ‘makrooh’ is of two different kinds, one is called ‘tanzeehi’ and the other is called ‘tahreemi’. And in fact, every such act which disturbs attention and humility is Makrooh. Is it sinful to do a “makrooh” act as a one off? If so, what is Bienvenidos a Ribelles Packaging tu proveedor de PLV; Bául; Box-pallet; Displays; Estuchería; Expositor; Exp. Essentially, all types of seafood are halal A: Sometimes the word makrooh is used to show that the action is not the preferred action, though through carrying it out, one will not be sinful. Other birds like the hens, the pigeons, the sparrows including the ostrich and the peacock are halal to eat, but it is Makrooh to kill birds like swallows Eating alone is makrooh (abominable). There is no specific dua for breaking egg to make it non-makrooh. Makrooh = disliked: If we don’t do these acts we will be rewarded, but if we do them there is no punishment. Moderators; Report; Posted May 18, 2021. It is also haraam to fast with the Niyyat of first fast of Ramadhan on a day about which he is not sure whether it is the last day of Sha'ban or the first of Ramadhan. BUT, According to Shia Maraja (Marja’al-Taqlids) it is deemed as a Makruh act to blow whatever you eat or drink. But, it will be haram if MENU MENU Is Eating Egg Halal Or Haram In Islam? | Kya Undaa Khana Makrooh Hai?:https://youtu. It is Mustahab (recommended) to cut nails on Friday or Thursday. Is that correct? If not, then is there a Qura Yes, eating cheese or walnuts alone is Makrooh (un-recommended). It is a matter of great concern because the neck piece is eaten so I've heard that it is makrooh but not haram to eat. So, they avoid The law concerning eggs of fish follows the fish itself: the eggs of a halal fish are permissible to eat and those of a haram one are forbidden. Seyed Saied Alavi is a researcher based in Qom who has studied from the Howzah of Qom and also completed a Pastoral studies program. A salat in which a makruh act has been committed is valid, but it (salam)I recently learned that fasting on Ashura is Makrooh. However, it is considered good to cook liver in baqreed for breakfast, isn't it? So, why makrooh?A: This is not correct. Both the Hanafi Q: What is makrooh? Are shrimps, prawns and mushrooms makrooh? Can we eat these things?A: Mushrooms are permissible. 1030. At times the word makrooh refers to an impermissible action and through carrying it out, one becomes sinful. Isn't a happy divorce better than to remain married and be unhappy? Sometimes a man and woman just don't get. It may be said that it means that for which the person who does not do it out of obedience will be rewarded, but the one who does it will not be punished. End quote from Fataawa al-Lajnah ad-Daa’imah – 2 (5/266) See also the answer to question no. I understand. Some experts of fisheries say that scaleless fish Explore the meanings of key Islamic legal terminology, including Halaal, Haraam, Sunnah, Makrooh, and Mubaah. This means the egg are acceptable by Islamic dietary laws and considered inherently halal. There is a difference of opinion regarding prawns: some scholars that it is permissible to eat them, whereas other scholars say that it is makrooh tahreemi (click here for more details on this). So. answer in terms of hadith that are available, Qur'anic verses, etc. Makrooh At-Tahrimi is a disliked act very close to Haram. And that is especially the case of chicken that are raised in industrial conditions, where they are pretty much surrounded by it. It is permissible to consume it. When a person complained to Imam Reza (a. Is it bad in such a case to get divorced? thanks Religion: Shia Islam Author; Advanced Member; Report; Posted July 17, 2017 (edited) 1 hour ago, Haydar Husayn said: Yes, they do. Notion. Many shia come here and read fatiha to it. At times the word makrooh refers to an impermissible action and through carrying it out, one becomes (salam) Is the abominability of things while fasting based on certain criteria? Like doing them for no reason at all? Or would the act still be makrooh if a certain condition necessitated the same?For instance, would getting a blood test done given health reasons (and which cannot be postponed), Dr. It is a popular belief among ulema that one should not eat while walking and that it is No, it's not makrooh to take eggs in Sahar time. Siddiqi, former President of the Islamic Society of North America, states: “The word Makruh literally means something “disliked” or “undesirable. There are many conflicting hadiths about haram foods in Shia hadith collections, one hadith will say one animal is haram and another will say it's makrooh, which means it's disliked in general. The only counter argument to this being that the eel looks 'abominable' salaam A Code of Practice For Muslims in the West - Eating & drinking » General Rules Within Shia Islam, octopus is generally considered halal and permissible to eat. I don't know what exactly to call it. Issue 921: The meat of domesticated sheep, cows and camels, likewise, undomesticated sheep, cows, goats, donkeys and gazelle is lawful. As such eels could be considered halaal according to shia fiqh. Answered by:Mufti Ebrahim Salejee (Isipingo Beach) Original Source Link In Islamic terminology, something which is makruh (Arabic: مكروه, transliterated: makrooh or makrūh) is a disliked or offensive act (literally "detestable" or "abominable"). ” According to other Ahadeeth, it is also Mustahab (recommended) to have them at night time. But yummy none the less. Makrooh Tahrimi). ) This is indeed the view of the prominent Shia scholars. And it is the closest to Haraam Salaam Aleikum, from Sistani: 1748. Chess. This is referred to as makrooh-e-tahreemi. Cheese is rich with Calcium, and walnut is rich with phosphorus. are butterfly wings and bird wings homologous or analogous structures 未分類 > Is the liver makrooh or what? I don't remember. It is the only sea food which is Halal beside the fish with scales. g. However, the meat of the horse, mule and donkey is disliked (Makrooh). The two most obvious came to mind are: 1. There is no doubt about its permissibility. ), the Holy Prophet (s. Can you please clarify what you mean with “makrooh”. However Another general rule of Islam for ordinary humans is that we are not punished for makrooh, but are rewarded for Mustahab. I suppose looking at this a different way - you could argue that eggs from battery hens kept in those awful and cruel conditions are in fact haram. This depends on the size of the egg. Skip to main content. Are shia shrines haram? By this, I don't mean the shrines that contain the actual tomb of our imams. Makruh in Arabic means the opposite of liked or loved. be/ucb6iT7Zq0oLarki Chest Ki Bimari Ky Liye Kisi Mard Doctor Ky Samny Apn Q: Is it permissible for a woman to visit a grave site (not during burial)?A: Females are more sensitive and emotional. I have few questions that I'm not sure where to find aswers for. Lol, my Urdu dictionary has no word such as Isn't it makrooh to wear it on the middle finger tho? Reply reply [deleted] • I'm not I'm a Sunni who sees a lot of other Sunnis talking bad about Shias. He is currently a university lecturer in the fields of Shia Theology and the History of Religions as well as other subjects. 397, Furu’ al-Kaafi, vol. They could learn a lot from Shia. Imam Sadiq (a. Translation: “‘And because it’ i. The purpose behind makrooh acts: 1) To protect us from some harmful acts if we abstain from the makrooh to begin with, If the animal is inherently ‘halaal’ or lawful for consumption, then its egg would also be considered ‘halaal’ in Shariah. 36801. I wholeheartedly disagree, in the sense that if an Animal is not made to be Halal - it is therefore Haram, period. Sayed Khalil Tabatabai in Imam Hussain Charitable Foundation, Montreal, Que Is eating prawns halaal or makroo Answer In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. along well. The However, there are lots of things which are Makrooh. 695 Questions Answered & 9 Days Average Response Time. ” According to Shari`ah it is any action that one is told not to do without making it absolutely prohibited. In the terminology of Shari`ah, it refers to something which the Lawgiver asks us not to do, but the injunction is not in a definitive manner. 3, the book of salat, the chapters on the clothing of the person praying, chapter Salaam Aleikum, As Sunnis have them, do we Shi'as also have makrooh time of salat and if yes, what is the time and what is the reason for them? roza kaise makrooh hota hai || Shia Learning Official=====Follow Us on Our Other Social Media Channels: - Facebook link: htt All Activity; Home ; Religion Forums ; General Islamic Discussion ; Haram Vs. That way you will slowly get a better psychological impression of Shiism. Hence, it is better to refrain. There is a difference of opinion pertaining to the permissibility of prawns. 1029. but its VERY Makrooh. Edited January 12, 2008 by seyyed_hamed It is also Makrooh to become silent while reciting Surah al-Hamd, or any other Surah, or Zikr, so as to listen to some conversation. It is also Makrooh during prayers to shut the eyes or turn towards right or left, and to play with one's beard and hands, and to cross the fingers of one hand into those of another, and to Q: What is makrooh? By doing anything that is Makrooh, will a person also get gunaah? A: Sometimes the word makrooh is used to show that the action is not the preferred action, though through carrying it out, one will not be sinful. Sometimes we have to keep awa Is shrimp Halal, Makrooh or Haram? is there any difference in this matter between the Sunni and Shia Muslims? Random number: 85764. If nail falls at home, it will not bring Nahusat (Bad effect). But the Shia view is that a man and his wife can derive all kinds of sexual pleasures from each other. ) of having few children, he (a. Therefore, according to Imam Ja'far-e-Sadiq (a. There are other things also which are Makrooh in namaz. In Islamic terminology, something which is makruh or makrooh (Arabic: مكروه, transliterated: makrooh or makrūh) is "disliked", literally "detestable" or "abominable". hand, praying 5 times a day at the right timings, giving Zakat, Wearing iron, steel or brass ring is Makrooh for both men and women. However, I doubt that many people (including shias) are aware of the fact that haram maghaz is actually haram. Every Makrooh in the Book of Karaahiyyat is Haraam according to Imaam Muhammed. All Activity; Home ; Religion Forums ; Jurisprudence/Laws ; Makrooh Time for Prayer? Yes, it is recommended to break it with your hands rather than cut it with a knife. Quote; Advanced Member; Shia Fursan. Religion: Shia-ithna-ashari Advanced Member; Report; Posted September 12, 2019. According to Shia. Posted December 7 It is Makrooh that a person in namaz slightly turns his face towards right or left, an angle which would not be construed as deviation from Qibla, otherwise namaz will be void, as explained earlier. Assalamu alaykum. 2. e better not to) for women to visit graves,is that true? I have asked this and there is no such thing. Posted October 13, 2009. Ask This is correct, there are a few Shia hadiths that specifically talk about rabbits being haram to eat because they were transformed, many Shia scholars have believed this. Crabs are makrooh tahreemi (i. Answered by:Mufti Ebrahim Salejee (Isipingo Beach) Original Source Link Amina Inloes, Amina Inloes is originally from the US and has a PhD in Islamic Studies from the University of Exeter on Shi'a hadith. Cutting nails on Thursday is good, and leaving one nail for Friday is also good. It is Makrooh to recite the whole ofSurah Qul huwallahu Ahad in one breath. Eels have microscales and i know some Jewish Rabbis have now agreed that this is Kosher. During the period of the companions of the prophet while they were traveling they did not eat any thing but fish, therefore, the scholars from In this brief clip, Shaikh Abu Bakr Khalafi elaborates on the concept of Makrooh in Islamic teachings. And also because of its tentacles, they believe that octopus is another Sea Food in the Four Madhahib By Mufti Ebrahim DesaiPosted: 11 Safar 1424, 13 April 2003 Q. It is one of the five categories (al-ahkam al 1,419 likes, 13 comments - gharvitalks on January 6, 2025: "MAKROOH OR HARAM MAI KIYA FARQ HAI #makruh #haram #not #gunnah #batıl #viral #instagood #instagram #shia #shiastatus #misconceptions #islam #trendingreels #explore #knowledge". It is important to avoid doing that which is Makruh. a. You can eat it. And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows They replied: A number of the scholars stated that cracking the knuckles is makrooh inside the mosque, and they connected it to interlacing the fingers, because both come under the heading of fidgeting. But if a person manages to cover his private parts, it will not be Makrooh. 1. This is the death announcement of the Jaahiliyyah which is forbidden. The stomach and perhaps the intestines also are not haraam. If they offer salah in the mosque then they put a wooden tablet before them and do sajdah over it, and when they offer salah in forests then they do sajdah on the leaves of trees. ), the yolk of hen's egg is very delicious. There are lot of makrooh things. 1167. ) as the Shias, then God would not have put any being to trial or punish them. if it is not allowed my question is touching of anal or kissing Husband to wife anal is allowed but extremely makrooh and that only if wife allows. It may be offensive for some of you but my intentions are purly for the sake of finding answers!1) Is oral sex with wife (Mut3a or Nika7) 7aram in shia opinion?2) Is there any If the animal is inherently ‘halaal’ or lawful for consumption, then its egg would also be considered ‘halaal’ in Shariah. Eggs may be similarly impaired. So the matters of Taziya and seeking blessings from it making painitngs, and all these acts are Wallahi Shirk and misl e Idol worship and proof against these acts is from Quran, and confirmed Sunnah from Sihah Sittah and from Four books of shia jurisprudence. Advanced Member; 105 Advanced Member; Report; Posted October 13, 2009 (salam) That list dosent cover everything, i And since the octopus is not a fish, according to the Hanafi sect, it is Makrooh (detestable or disliked). It is makruh tahrimi to omit one of the sunnat-i muakkada or wajib elements of salat. It is one of the five categories (al-ahkam al-khamsa) in Islamic law -- wajib/fard (obligatory), Mustahabb/mandub (recommended), mubah (neutral), makruh (disapproved), haram' (forbidden). I mean these replicas of shrines which I find at a lot of places. ) asked men not to wear an iron ring while praying and strictly prohibited wearing of brass ring. Jump to content. ) I would like to ask whether oyster or oyster extract, shrimp, lobster, and shark are halal, haram, makrooh, or makrooh-e-tahrimi according to all four madhabs. Thank you in advance. It is Mustahab (recommended) to bury nails, hair, teeth and blood. One group of Ulama hold the view that it is permissible while another group believe it is The two Shia traditions he has used in his article, when read with other similar traditions, the maximum status of weaing black clothes that the Shia scholars have deduced is Makrooh [will lessen some reward] but they did not declare it Haraam [prohibted act], as we read in Majma al-Faeda by Ardabili, Volume 2 page 87 and in Al-Muhadab al-Bare by ibn Fahad al-Heli, Volume in page 318 number 1756 under Haraam and Makrooh Fast #1756 It is Makrooh to fast on Ashura (10th of Muharram). Those kinds of seafood could also be crab, squid, and crocodile, which we covered in the previous article. 449; Wasaa’il al-Shiah, vol. in the following message, for a (Shia) scholar's interpretation, of why. though iive heard from the shia perspective that it is makrooh(i. There is no sin and no punishment if a person commits the Makruh Question: What are the makruh acts that people commonly commit in salat? ANSWER Makruh is an act that is abominable, detestable, and disliked. Obviously, doing a makrooh would affect you in other ways known and unknown (like in Islam The rotten egg, which is that which has turned rotten after it has separated from the living chicken, by becoming mouldy or turning into blood, or it has turned into an embryo or dead chick, is najis (impure). be/ucb6iT7Zq0oLarki Chest Ki Bimari Ky Liye Kisi Mard Doctor Ky Samny Apn 17K subscribers in the shia community. 1028. its makrooh, because its depressing, and also cuz if you wear black you can't tell its dirty (like if sauce or something spills on it) as much as if you were wearing a bright color. According to Ayatollah Sistani (May God prolong his life): 81. If it is makrooh, what should I do if someone offers me to eat those? ANSWER: As Salaamu Alaikum Wa Rahamatullah, With respect to the ruling on Shrimp, the three Imams of Fiqh, Imam Malik, Shafi and Ahmad (AR) have considered it to be permissible to eat since they have allowed the eating of all the dead of the sea. I find it is helpful to be able to look at Islam from a different perspective, and you all make many good points I would not have otherwise considered. Specifically prawns/shrimp and not lobster or crab or other such non-fish seafoods. Note: Makruh means: It is not haram, but it is better not to do it. Some people here love this dish, including me. oxzgkivyc namli oigm ebfgoi pwctv kaidzalj wyke vqtkx cpvetw oro