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Tiberium fanfiction

Tiberium fanfiction. Gate: Thus the GDI fought there by MrRandom37. She pointed at the base, signaling the charge. Nov 30, 2013 · On the site of a growing Tiberium field, a violent ion storm is blowing. For some reason, author is not updating it here. "Three, eject!" Chen ordered, and midway through his command the cockpit exploded open and the pilot launched out of the Firehawk's remains. The command center was in chaos. It was a city block of office buildings, relic of the old age that was covered in Tiberium but was still standing. It was too bad no one warned the gangs about pushing Taylor too far. Reviews for Tiberium: The Fires of Terra. However, it is also highly likely that this will lead to loss of containment on Tiberium and the formation of a GDI-antagonistic power block in under a decade, causing a 'cold-war' which may lead to a long-term threat to human survival. Tiberium infestation is one of the worst ways a person can die. Magecraft is at an all-time low, and abominations run rampant. If anyone is wondering, there are up to date version in Spacebattles. A Tiberium Born by the name of Emerald Belladonna finds herself in the world of Pokemon. The Tiberium is moving a quarter-mile a day in some places. Anyways, this new fanfiction is ANOTHER RWBY crossover! ( Because damnnit I only know the entirety of RWBY lore ) with the Gamer/S. Eagles Over Earth: A XCOM/C&C crossover, pitting a 2020 Tiberium Earth against the XCOM aliens' invasion. This fanfic also contains Unit Profiles and 'Unit Versus' sections which compares C&C units to Starcraft units and which one of them will be more likely to win in a fight. Even thought that GDI operatives are disguising themselves as one of the natives, some of the them have sensitive nose that will smell through GDI troops being different and will get curious because of their strange scents. Date: 3rd June, 2077. A dreary and Tiberium covered wasteland full of death and destruction. Chapter 5: Mass Effect. But for better or worse he is a tinker with the tech tree of NOD GDI and Scrin technology. In addition, the initial Tiberium roots of the first and second stage begin to expand deep into the Earth crust and starts the formation of liquid Tiberium. Watch as he deals with politics, conspiracies, and a whole lot of other BS Arknights has to offer. Private First Class Cale Winters keeled over and vomited a mess of preprocessed MRE all over the corpse of a Nod soldier. Like its predecessors, the Chameleon is able to cloak and hide itself from plain sight, and is armed with a powerful long range 180mm plasma shock cannon, which is rumoured to be The missile held a Liquid Tiberium warhead. In 2017, Australia declared its intention to colonize the Australian Antarctic Territory. The Spider mainly gets its new name from its appearance and its ability to launch Synthetic Web against foes, which can bind and immobilise any enemy non-massive biological Chapter Nine: Devil Dogs. "You fool, you've killed us both. It had been a long day reflected Captain Bowers as she made her way up the nearest hill in an attempt to gain a better viewpoint over the Tiberium fields her patrol was currently trying to navigate. Tiberium By: semsas. He has no idea what Worm is and how to react to this new reality. We thought fighting Nod in the Blue Zones was bad. They didn't mind. I don't own either franchises and Kane is in the character No heroics. Chapter Eleven: Awe. 72 femtogram. Tiberian Light By: ZWORZT WRITER. Revolution always comes at a price, but none were ready for what Kane had in store for the world. Chapter 2-Tiberium Dawn. "Talking Falmar, a world stricken by a mysterious green crystal we know as "Tiberium". Tiberium Wars Chapter 1: Prologue, a command & conquer fanfic | FanFiction. But it does answer to the same fundamental forces as everything else. "Probable result: GDI victory. A bad officer sees people. Tiberium Waste Veins are believed to be the result of two things; evolution of Tiberium in another direction, and mutation of several terrestrial plants. This tiny town is known for its lawlessness, as the colonists residing in this tiny worn down town had openly rioted against the Dominion regime countless number of times since its establishment. The probability of total Earth Sphere human extinction: 14. With the help of the voices inside her head, she rallied a small army of Tiberium fiends, including Tiberium Wyverns and even several mutated humans. New strains of Tiberium appeared, and for the first time we saw direct transformation of material such as rock into slabs of the crystalline substance. And the best is what they'll get. The Gods and Goddesses of Falmar, after some convincing by one of their higher-ups, finally open the Gate and hope for the best. Green Like Tiberium By: Mooarge. ) The killer here is the Tiberium shards the tree somehow launch using the discharge as a targeting sys!" "All units, stand by for artillery and Earthshaker strike. Pokémon: Tiberian [ON HIATUS] by Constantine XI. Three weeks into TW3, it was filled with three hundred thousand. The timeline of the entire trilogy will occur simultaneously along with the timeline of Starcraft 2, at year 2504 and beyond. AN: This is a stupid plot idea I had after playing the Scrin Campaign in C&C3 and watching Game of Thrones. Murdock noticed a shadow of structures at the corner of his eyes. I is now a super state for the wealthy and lucky few who lived in blue zones before they became blue zones. New York, just like any place on earth, had changed severely. Games Command & Conquer. The exposure of Europe to this new form of Tiberium was only a taste of what would follow in the next four years as Blue Zones were slowly pushed back and GDI found itself unable to process Tiberium. The Soviets begin experimenting with Scalar Vacuum Imploder weapons. -Seth, Supreme Commander of Nod. Badly. ) Disclaimer: If I owned any of this I would not be writing fanfiction. Chapter Eighteen: Talking Heads. While not up to the level of flying cars, mile high towers, it was getting their. It had been a long night. The Conversion Bureau: Tiberium Wars by Jack of Tales. The towering skyscrapers were lit by brilliant neon lights while the silent clouds above look infected from the patches of the city light. I am not making profit from this story. If you like the story thus far, go and check on Avatar-of-Kane own original Fanfic as well! He deserve to be credit as well! Command and Conquer belongs to former Westwood Studios (I refuse to acknowledge it is made by EA Games) and Starcraft belongs to Blizzard Entertainment. We need to construct more aircrafts to defeat the Protoss. But the firestorm of war continues, and GDI must now not only fight the crumbling armies of Nod, but the planet itself. Wherever Tiberium grows, the land from which it grew upon will gradually wither like a weed leeching the life of a garden. He had always brought some very rare Forgotten flowers to put on her gave every year. "Get some!" -Common "moto" call, United States Marine Corps. Tiberium. Ironwood, Team RWBY - Chapters: 2 - Words: 3,112 - Reviews: 12 - Favs: 22 - Follows Mar 20, 2018 · Author has written 9 stories for Command & Conquer, Halo, and StarCraft. "A good officer sees numbers, locations, formulae, priorities, costs, and solutions. Firing first from cover, Charlie and Echo intercepted and eliminated half the Nod unit before forcing the rest of the militia to withdraw. Without the voices in her head, it was quite eerie. Reactions, just like the last one, are done by me. I'm focusing specially on GDI in this fic, so NOD fans shouldn't expect any appearance of either Kane or his followers. semsas chapter 20 . Nod had done a number on the aircraft at Langley, but though anything that had been on the runways had been quickly destroyed We will show them the strength and the power of Tiberium to our enemies, and convince them to join us in our crusade. Chapter 2. This was but a herald of what we suspected was coming in the following years. In an assault on the Rocky Mountains Complex, with back up from the Black Hand, Nod forces capture the Tacitus. Unfortunately, war hasn't seen its fill of me. " "Not quite," the man smiled thinly, closing the briefcase again. Somewhere, from a hilltop a large distance away from the base in construction, named Aurora Base, another Crystal Menace watches. " -Nod Battle Commander Logan Rawne. They upgraded it in 2019 as a makeshift shelter in case of ion storms. (Flashback, 10 days ago) 5 Vultures drive into the small secluded town of Riksville. The city of Lungmen stretched as far as Murdock could see from his current height. WARNING: There are many unmarked Spoilers for Young Prologue - Tiberium Dawn =Year: 1995, Midday, Tiber River, North of Rome, Italy= Several hours after a meteor struck near the banks of the River Tiber and spewed forth particulate matter which created a dusty haze that was difficult at best to see through would take a few days to settle; It was perfect cover for those who didn't wish to be noticed. A secret attack force is waiting your command; you must show no mercy, for GDI deserves none. R/Tiberium Wars! Is it going to be a mess? YOU BET YER Tiberium isn't just a terraforming agent. The night sky is alive again; but not from the sun. Colonel Jason Valencia sat back in the pilot's couch, letting the cybernetic feeds in his wrist connect to the control computers of the aircraft. Prologue. Commander Logan Rawne: Your orders remain unchanged. Rated: Fiction M - English - Chapters: 4 - Words: 20,273 - Reviews: 7 - Favs: 17 - Follows: 19 A song of Ice, Fire and Tiberium. White phosphorous cut through even the most euphoric drugs, he mused, and he loosed a second shell. A few weeks ago, an uprising had occurred across this small town, in which th Tiberium Dawn: Nod Africa. This process causes radiation that creates ion storms, both are deadly to "Good," McNeil sighed, "Tiberium requires full commitment of resources and manpower," She continued, stressing the point, "any distraction threatens the effectiveness of containment operations. Now, Tiberium has changed again, evolving as it always has, this time shedding the shell of organic mutations. She was going to fix the world, even if she had to break it first. (One-Shot) Remnant, a world of bloody evolution. Tiberium Void By: undead3. Tiberium is a green crystal that changes it's surroundings into more of itself. Below this threshold, the concentration of exotic particles is too low to stabilize Tiberium, leading to the transmutation of Tiberium to more conventional elements by Beta decay or neutron capture. By the way, I recommend you guys to check up on MegaAuthor's special spinoff of this fanfic series: Starcraft AU Tiberium Galaxy Primus. When injected into a person, it very carefully and safely mutates the person's genetic build slightly to make Tiberium an asset rather than a danger. While Earth's Tiberium became immune to Harmonic Resonance some time after the Third Tiberium War, the sonic waves still proved their worth as an anti-structure weapon. (Stage 3 Tiberium have a critical mass of 117. Guy wakes up in Brockton Bay, in a different body and with stranger memories. Like the full uses of Tiberium, the Einstein drive and the proverbial elephant in the room; WMD usage and the Orbital Defense-Intelligence Network (ODIN). Sort by: Hot. It has been a month since the ascension of Kane and the rest of his Brotherhood followers which signifies the end of the long and brutal 78 years of conflict between the Global Defense Initiative and the Brotherhood of Nod and a month after the world rejoiced at the absence of Tiberium Rated: T - English - Sci-Fi - Chapters: 5 - Words: 20,197 - Reviews: 12 - Favs: 62 - Follows: 76 - Updated: May 15, 2013 - Published: Apr 24, 2013. It's also an energy source. He wanted equality for his people. This form of Tiberium is extremely dangerous to organic life forms, capable of killing a fully grown adult within a minute of exposure to even a single milligram-sized particle. I know the GDI have weapons and equipment that can destroy a entire city if they want with just a few personel, but every Earth human life is now being counted, if Earth got destroyed by the Scrin we are litterary in the verge of extinction and GDI don't have such endless personel right now, so it would make sense to start recruiting Sarkaz people, when they introduce themselfes to the public But we're losing in the Everglades. L. That's best case scenario. Tiberium Eclipse By: Warmach1ne32. My name is Darkfire7881, and I am the author for the Command and Conquer fanfiction series: Project Genesis. Two imperial guardsmen stood in front of an inactive portal. E. Come in to read stories and fanfics that span multiple fandoms in the Star Wars and Command & Conquer universe. The Tiberium Waste Vine is basically a large living entity like the Venus flytrap. # 1. Titans and Juggernauts, bipedal mechs built for frontal assault and long ranger artillery respectively, walked through, their polished guns glistening in the sunlight. The spinning orb that contained the Beyblade universe, shot out of the screen and over peoples head's. 1K 22 2. Oct 14, 2019 · Remnants of a Tiberium Future By: Runescripter. At the moment of impact, the Liquid Tiberium warhead within the missile detonated, unleashing a devastating green explosive yield of more than 200 megaton thermonukes, the same type of explosive that had devastated Earth and Mar Sara before. Sorry for the fact this is called "Tiberian Galaxy" and doesn't have Tiberium yet, I just thought it would've been a great idea to start with what is canocially first. All rights of Young Justice belong to DC Comics. My only complaint is the reliance on 'telling' rather than 'showing'. The Brotherhood of Nod offered this and more. " "This is one of the main reason behind the First Tiberium War, the Brotherhood of Nod encouraged third and second world nations to embrace Tiberium and use it to provide cheap energy at the cost of spreading Tiberium. Which brings me to the second thing. We thought driving them back into their own hellhole Yellow Zones would be easier. Just a few moments ago, the Tiberium area is almost purged by the Protoss I also want to see GDI shenanigans. Meanwhile, a brillant, overwieght, formally Soviet scientist, Doctor Ivo Robotnik, was in New Guinea, when he discovered that Tiberium mutated animals could make great power sources for his automatons. Can you imagine a green toxic gas to smell nice? (2) Unknown to the terrans, these seemingly ordinary blue minerals are actually blue Tiberium, which in this case forms by leeching much higher concentrations of minerals As mentioned in the brief description, this fic is based on the GOOD GDI ending (Only happens if you win the Tiberium Wars' GDI campaign without using the Liquid Tib Bomb). The fanfic Paradox Timeline, Strike Alert series and possibly the Journey Through the New World (TAMnI x Kamen Rider) will be updated…although I need time since I still have writers block and such. Here's another new chapter for Starcraft AU: Tiberium Galaxy. It was death and destruction as the aliens rained hell onto their entrenchment. Peace could only be brought through unity. If I use NOD, it's just for reference purposes. Each ship was emblazoned with a sigil of a red arm bearing a whip, the symbol of the Sons of Korhal. He closed his eyes for a moment, and then opened them wide, holding them still. Just on time, the captain muttered. gate. Worst case scenario is the build up of Tiberium in your blood stream causes, for lack of proper explanation, a massive surge of cancerous cells that rips apart your body and turns you into what is known as a Tiberium visceroid, a dangerous, mindless, violent A Month Later,. They built Shepard Stadium about 2011 for sports shows. Follow/Fav Tiberium Margaritas By: InTheNameOfKaneNothingIsTrue Desmond Miles lives a much more cheerful life as a seasoned bartender at Bad Weather, as he deals with his rowdy, militant new customers who moved into town nearby. A moment later, the Pitbull shook violently, a deep crunching sound filling the air as it smashed light metal and ceramic. crystal. Welcome to my new fanfic! Which will admittedly probably die soon, but alas writer's block is a problem. Within these ancient columns were constructed hovels, lean-twos, and shacks out of anything one could find: scrap, tents, trash, even gutted vehicles from as far back as the First Tiberium War. Like a lot of GDI's vehicle, the truck they provided to replace their old non-tiberium resistant one was functionally armored, proof against even Nuclear, Biological and Chemical threats if the manual wasn't lying; more a precaution than a necessity here outside the SJZ but one that he still thanked the federal authorities and GDI for providing. However this only means that it is now a even more tempting target to forces outside the Dominion's understanding. Everest. Please review and tell me what I can do better. It'll simply cost us more men trying to recover the wounded in battle, and we've got the manpower to replace the injured if they die in the meantime. Taylor hung over the city, a silent and unseen Sword of Damocles. Earning a few curses from a few, before it shot back up to the rest of the universes above it, who Tiberium was discovered in the Queen Maud Land in 2003, but the severe cold restricted its spread. Scratch that, she thought after a quick glance at her Raider suit's HUD. It has many tentacles that overlap each other and form what looks like a carpet of vines on the ground. " A low wave of chattering broke out amongst the Eurasian troopers with the AI's announcement as the GDI lieutenant quickly checked something on her EVA interface before speaking to Follow/Fav Tiberium: The Fires of Terra By: bluerockmen War has just be declared after a terrorist attack wiped out the leaders of the United Nations between the Earth Alliances and PLANT but the first shot has yet to be fired. That was Ground Zero, the hell on earth. C&C: Fall of Soviet, Rise of NOD. This would be used as the ground for the final decision of whether their civilian networks will be allowed to interface and interact with the locals after the solar system wide conference in May. Feb 24, 2003 · Peptuck is a fanfiction author that has written 29 stories for Final Fantasy VIII, Final Fantasy VII, Halo, Legend of Zelda, Command & Conquer, Firefly, Terminator Viper Three was dropping into a nosedive, one engine gone and another leaking flame and smoke. Anyways, hope you enjoy this chapter and keep follow, fave and review with more suggestions on how I should make this story more interesting for For Kane's plans to work, the Commander must make sure that the Protoss ground forces are fully defeated, forcing the Protoss fleet to have no choice but to use their planetary incineration against the Tiberium-Zerg mutants. It sprouts from plant-like pods as it leaches minerals and nutrients from where it grew with its roots, killing surrounding plant life. The putrid smell is the smell of the toxic mixtures of gases and spores from green Tiberium, which I guess it to be stinky. T. When I read other Command & Conquer and Mass Effect crossover they remove Tiberium Twilight from they're stories because of its lame Command & Conquer finale that would make an onion cry, but it's still reveal some things that without it would make no sense, like how is Earth going to survive Tiberium infestation or Willik fired a longer stream of shots on his side, and let out a yell of triumph. . Works and bookmarks tagged with Tiberium Series will show up in Command & Conquer (Video Games)'s filter. Capacity was about forty thousand people. Its wings were shredded and the EAA core was destroyed. It could graze and infect his plane. Taylor Hebert with the powers of Superman and nothing left to lose. They separated from the main forces and were now on their own. We need equipment. Rated: Fiction M - English - Adventure/Mystery - Chapters: 15 - Words: 125,522 - Reviews Mutant Hydralisks launch Tiberium shards instead of spines, while Mutant Roaches spit out liquid Tiberium. Indi Chartreuse turned to face them, his right hand raised with the detonator, a Scroll, in hand. 6 Stories. We need at least a hundred more to contain the Tiberium in Florida. " "Agreed…" Lia nodded, she could see why fighting a war while trying to contain an alien substance like Tiberium wasn't a good idea. Nov 1, 2017 · Tiberium radiation sets you on fire, and you die horribly. Distantly, the grenadier could hear the fanatics' screams. This is a fanfiction for non-profit entertainment. The group consists of 2 rifleman squads, a sniper team, 3 Zone Troopers, a Grenadier squad and 2 downed pilots. It was rather quiet, save for the gentle hum of the air conditioning. "I just washed this thing!" Peterson shouted, laughing, and Willik cheered at the death of one of the Nod bikes. This form of Tiberium is extremely dangerous to organic life-forms, capable of killing a full grown adult within a minute of exposure to even a single milligram sized particle. (I know this Prologue is rather minimalistic, but that is on purpose. Soon, Russia and the Union start to become a little clearer of Tiberium. All other characters other an OCs beyond to their respective creators and owners. It looks like a Tiberum A moment later, a grenade arced over the Nod troopers, and a brilliant explosion of white-hot rain screamed down over them. As a living enigma returns, the world can only watch in mute shock as all that was believed to be true is turned on its head. It's opposed to the ground below, that is dark as if it's the abyss itself. After thinking for some time, I have decided to make Starcraft AU: Tiberium Galaxy into a trilogy like the Starcraft 2 trilogy. Ironically enough for a next gen GDI service weapon, the GD-12 is based on reverse engineered Nod laser technology obtained from the laser weapons captured in the Third Tiberium war. Using liquid Tiberium and some simple chemical alteration, it is what we call a Tiberium infusion serum. Brother-General Dego is in command of the facility. The world has changed due to the alien crystal Tiberium. W3N NEWS with Marcia Swayze Disturbing events have been made public after a leaked internal GDI report on the covert study & experimentation of Tiberium's effects on Humans was released last night. A. With Tiberium, we will crush anyone that dares to resist us! With Tiberium, we will ascend once more and this time, we will find our true destiny!" The loudest cheer from the crowd so far echoes throughout the stage. D. Rated: Fiction T - English - Kane, Ozpin, J. Lightning clouds cover the entire sky, with countless numbers of lightning strikes ravaging the ground for every minute. It was a five sided war, and all over one thing: Tiberium. We only have about a hundred sonic emitters in this area, and three-quarters of those are covering the Mississippi River. The Chameleon self-propelled artillery walker is the current continuation of the Nod's fabled Spectre line of stealth artillery systems in the previous Tiberium Wars. Dec 3, 2021 · This story is a work of fanfiction and is for entertainment only. +8 more. Read up MegaAuthor's profile if you want to know more. The rare forgotten flowers were the only thing that one could say that Tiberium had changed for the better. The company was taken into a series of ancient ruins: likely 1st century Roman by the columns. Parker could only watch in painful anticipation as the battle raged on. K. Chapter XXII: Bargain. Hello ladies and gentlemen. This fanfic is being overhauled, and is hibernating for a while. If there's three things the Brotherhood has in plentiful supply, those are Tiberium, hate, and manpower. United Nations, Sol System, Earth, New York City. As Tiberium spreads across the Earth, the Global Defense Initiative finds itself facing a reforged and vengeful Brotherhood of Nod, and an even more mysterious, inhuman force that holds the secrets to the green crystal Jan 25, 2024 · It was death and destruction as the aliens rained hell onto their entrenchment. Power shifts quickly in the Brotherhood. "FOR THE BROTHERHOOD OF NOD! Aug 13, 2012 · A/N: Welcome one and all to Warmach1ne32's first ever story Tiberium Eclipse. Guikoi and I don't own RWBY or Mass Effect. If you disagree with his current course of action, you are free to express your concerns with him, but the Brother-General is the one who makes Lost and Forgotten. " - Major Jack Granger, at the end of the Firestorm Crisis, 2030. The Kaprulu sector was open to a period of peace and prosperity. Tiberian Light Chapter 1: Prologue, an Arknights + Command & Conquer Crossover fanfic | FanFiction. A group of GDI soldiers marched through this hell. Thunder cracks across the entire landscape for every lightning strike. However, the mutant zergs are weak in a large-scale battle, mainly because the mutants do not act as a single coordinated unit and will only act based on the instincts of the Mutant Overlord or mutant hive cluster controlling them. We were wrong, and by the time we reached Sarajevo, seven million men and women had paid for that assumption. Just something that was the mix of a regular flower, with clear see through crystal on top. " "Keep telling yourself that," Rau snorted, thoroughly unimpressed. Location: New Adana, GDI Medical Research Facility, Turkey's Blue Zone. Starcraft AU; Tiberium Galaxy Trilogy story arch belongs to Avatar The year is 2047 and G. Probably not me, if I ever post this chapter. This shatters Tiberium Crystals into small pieces, often below its critical mass. I notice that one of the Ancient races, the Vampire Sarkaz try to sniffed Mr. "Tiberium as GDI calls it, is an enigma in many ways. Chapter XX: Dust. The forgotten flower was as it was a rare mutation Tiberium. In addition, the initial Tiberium roots of the first and second stages begin to expand deep into the Earth's crust and start the formation of liquid Tiberium. Rated: Fiction M - English - Adventure/Mystery - Chapters: 16 - Words: 125,639 - Reviews: 327 - Favs: 262 - Follows: 341 - Updated: Jan 25 - Published: Jun 27, 2020 - id: 13628262. The venture was largely backed by Australian mining interests, and a pilot colony – New Sydney – was established in 2021. "LEGION, relay orders to all bases to construct Air Towers. GDI found its resources overtaxed and diminishing quickly as it took care of the remaining world population, being forced to ration resources Continuation of the dreaded Reaper Cyborgs of the Firestorm Crisis and the Fourth Tiberium Wars, the Spider Cyborgs retain the features of both models of its predecessors. # 2. When a series of portals connect a world under siege by shadowy beasts with one rotted to the core by a green plague the inhabitants of both find themselves in a very strange position. Her body was covered in strange fabrics that seemed to actively resist the Tiberium's attempt to make more of itself. Kane's goals were unknown at the time, but it caused a world war to break out. Taking in a deep breath, Indi shrugged off his trench coat, the men behind him gasped as they slowly started to back up, barking at the other passengers to flee whilst they called for back-up. "It didn't take long before I'd seen my fill of war. "This vial is filled with what Armin and our biology and Tiberium research teams have created. As soon as the psionic mercenary stepped in, 2 High Confessors and Agent Archie himself, adorned in a helmetless Confessor powered combat suit and armed with a C-1X heavy gauss rifle, fired upon the shadowy Apr 27, 2023 · The Heroes loved harping on about the dangers of pushing the gangs too far. Falmar, a world stricken by a mysterious green crystal we know as "Tiberium". A fanfic based in the world of a popular franchise Command & Conquer Tiberium Wars Saga & Gate:Thus the JSDF fought there. A simple accident, a single twist in time, and the world is changed forevermore. Tiberium was also shown to have mutagenic effects to its surroundings and organic life. Almost reflexively, the captain then sent a flurry of orders. War is dirty, violent, and unpleasant, but a good officer never, ever lets it become personal. Tiberium Wars By: Peptuck. "-Anonymous Nod tactician. Commander Logan Rawne didn't like aid stations. A Command & Conquer player gets ROB'ed towards Terra with nothing but a single GDI MCV. To MegaAuthor: The High Confessor is a unit in Tiberium Twilight. Command and Conquer/Worm fanfiction. A novelization of Tiberium Wars. Recommended by Lamborghini Racer 640; Status: Dormant Tiberium Chapter 4, a Command & Conquer + Arknights Crossover fanfic | FanFiction. Academic understanding of the conversion process doesn't prepare one for the pain of crystals erupting throughout the body like bladed cancer, twisting your organs into rigid shapes that cut and tear through the rest of your body, spreading the infection until you suffocate to death on crystal-infested blood. Follow her adventures as she adapts to her new environment and becomes a Pokémon Master. Chapter Seven: Flames of Nod. Once we were outside the Blue Zones, we could let loose with the heavy firepower. The influence of alien technology had given earth a massive leap. As it is probably implied, I am a huge fan of C&C, and it is my goal to novelize all the games (well, the Tiberium games mainly) Tiberium Eclipse Chapter 6, a Command & Conquer + Mass Effect Crossover fanfic | FanFiction. Jul 5, 2020 · In Under the Shadow, you'll experience the Third Tiberium War with all new characters, settings, and technologies, and gain a unique look at the Global Defense Initiative's fight against Nod, Tiberium, and eventually, the Scrin. 732%. Splendid read! Thank you for inspiring me to write my own fanfic. Rated: Fiction M - English - Adventure - Chapters: 2 - Words: 3,168 - Reviews: 2 - Favs: 2 - Follows: 5 - Updated: 5/17/2020 - Published: 5/2/2020 - id: 13572416 Dawn of the Crystal Age By: JohnDeath. "A Tiberium crystal," Rau snorted. This is what would have happened if Tiberium Twilight is included into Mass Effect history. The GDI troops suffered no losses. Tiberium Series has been made a synonym of Command & Conquer (Video Games). It was a twelve-minute firefight, with the six-man rifle squad and the platoon's four-man grenadier team, Echo, against a dozen Nod light militia. Chips of masonry screamed past him, scraping his face as blood rained down. Nov 27, 2022. The Tiberium grew too tall. Unwilling to utilize the Tiberium based powercell powering Nod's versions of lasers, G-Lab instead developed a system of capacitors connected to an 'Ion lattice This story is by: Guikoi. As Tiberium threatens to consume the Earth, and render mankind extinct, another force begins to move. In the year 2057, a decade after the devastati wars. Who is it? Why, none other than the GDI. Chapter 2 – The Invasion is close. Rated: Fiction M - English - Sci-Fi - Chapters: 14 - Words: 49,843 - Reviews: 105 - Favs: 362 Suddenly, a small Flotilla of Terran Ships led by a single Behemoth-Class Battlecruiser, Hyperion. Join a wide The Tiberium mage opened her eyes and sat up, noticing that she was in a rather brightly lit room. The portal stood at the end of a nearly endless corridor. Aug 16, 2021 · One Vision, One Purpose. OC/SI. He hadn't planned to, but the man had previously had a head, and while he'd had that head, he'd been raising a pistol, as his rifle had The story takes place in the 1960s because, well, 1981 seemed to far away from the period that Red Alert was actually set in. Once again Kane has been defeated, his Brotherhood threatening to collapse into civil war. + - < Prev. In 1946, just one year after the dreadful World War 2 which ended in the death of more than 500 million people and countless more who became homeless, a man named Albert Einstein created a device called the Chronosphere. She wanted to be a hero. Amon, Kerrigan , and Arcturus were gone. An idea popped into his head. Firing the Tiberium combi-gun in beam mode, Tosh blasted his way through the gate before stepping into the operations command chamber. Star Wars and Command & Conquer crossover fanfiction archive with over 3 stories. co pb qh lq wq vs li zh qr ut