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Quran verses about deception

Quran verses about deception. Every soul will taste death, and you will only be given your [full] compensation on the Day of Resurrection. May 18, 2024 · The Quran says in several places that Allah is the best at deceiving people. Alif, Lam, Meem. Allah said, وَلَقَدْ عَلِمْتُمُ. (And whoever is moved away from the Fire and admitted to Paradise, he indeed is successful. In Islam, Taqiyya ( Arabic: تقیة, romanized : taqiyyah, lit. But be doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves. , the Quraysh. 11. Allah said, فَمَن زُحْزِحَ عَنِ النَّارِ وَأُدْخِلَ الْجَنَّةَ فَقَدْ فَازَ. Verse Concepts. Chapter (3) sūrat āl ʿim'rān (The Family of Imrān) Surah Ale-Imran (The Family of Imran) 1. View more context, or the entire surah. And in the Hereafter there will be either severe punishment or forgiveness and pleasure of Allah, whereas the life of this world is no more than the delusion of enjoyment. May 28, 2012 · Cheating and deception are despicable characteristics that are beneath a decent person. If this is boring to you or you are tired of listening to Middle East news, then please skip to more entertaining things. W. I will deliver you from those who disbelieve, and elevate your followers above the disbelievers until the Day of Judgment. Allah is with us (9:40); (2) Indeed, no one despairs of relief from Allah except the disbelieving people (12:90); (3) Allah is with those who are As-Saabiroon Verse 42:259, that entire section of the Quran is about Jesus, his birth, his ministry and his final moments. 3 Dunya in the Quran is a Diversion and Play. Now interestingly this translation translates the word “makr” as plot. completely [and perfectly] (1) and do not follow the footsteps of Satan. The life of the world that you incline towards is nothing but a play and deception for a person who does not perform actions to please Allah. This is a portion of the entire surah. Usul al-Fiqh. For such men are slaves, not of our Lord Christ but of their own appetites; and by their Sep 2, 2023 · [Quran 17:70] 2) Talk straight, to the point, without any ambiguity or deception. [102] The true life is in the Abode of the Hereafter; if only they knew. 2 The Deception of Dunya in the Quran. Worship None But ALLAH and be dutiful and good to parents, and to kindred, and to orphans and the poor, and speak good to people. Chapter 3. (It is He Who takes your souls by night (when you are asleep). Shun words that are deceitful and ostentatious. Whoever is spared from the Fire and is admitted into Paradise will ˹indeed˺ triumph, whereas the life of this world is no more than the delusion of enjoyment. Sahih International: Know that the life of this Praise be to Allah. English Translation and Commentary of the Holy Quran (2010) by Maulana Muhammad Ali Quran: Search & listen Chapter 15: Al-Hijr — The Rock (Revealed at Madinah: 6 sections, 99 verses) Section 3 (Verses 15:26–15:44): The Devil’s Opposition to the Righteous Translation: وَ لَقَدۡ خَلَقۡنَا الۡاِنۡسَانَ مِنۡ صَلۡصَالٍ مِّنۡ حَمَاٍ Quran 3 Verse 55 Explanation. This page shows seven parallel translations in English for the twentieth verse of chapter 57 ( sūrat l-ḥadīd ). In aII those verses the truth that has been impressed on the mind is: The life of this world is a temporary life: its spring as well as its autumn is temporary, Them is much here Jan 7, 2021 · 1. 13. And what is the worldly life except the enjoyment of delusion. to top. Etiquette, Ethics, Manners. ˹He is the One˺ Who has made the earth a place of settlement for you and the sky a canopy; and sends down rain from the sky, causing fruits to grow as a provision for you. Paul The False Apostle of Satan Verse Concepts. My Lord, Increase me in knowledge. Allah (SWA) says in the Holy Quran: “It is only those who believe not in the ayah of Allah, who fabricate falsehood, and it is they who are liars. Love can cause sibling rivalry. [1] [3] [4] [5] Generally, taqiyya is the action of committing a sinful act (such as feigning unbelief) for a pious goal. Due to their constant transgression and pride, Allah Ta’ala has predestined disgrace for them. And Jesus answered and said to them, “See to it that no one misleads you. G. In the name of Allah, the most Beneficent, the most Merciful. But if you do not - and you will never be able to - then fear the Fire, whose fuel is men and stones, prepared for the disbelievers. " A one-word translation would be "Dissimulation. 21 For it is from within, out of a person’s heart, that evil thoughts come—sexual immorality, theft, murder, 22 adultery, greed, malice, deceit, lewdness, envy, slander, arrogance and folly. 1 Corinthians 15:33. Here are some of those verses: A. But there is another existential and psychological problem caused by the second statement in this verse. “Your dwelling is in the midst of deceit; Through deceit they refuse to know Me,” declares the Lord. Sahih International: Satan promises them and arouses John 8:44 ESV / 4 helpful votesHelpfulNot Helpful. Galatians 6:7. 5 It is You we worship, and upon You we call for help. 4 The Real Life is that of the Hereafter. Colossians 2:8. This topic is discussed in-depth in the various articles linked on this page (above and below). Aug 31, 2012 · Islam views cheating and deception as heinous sins, a source of shame to the one guilty of committing them, both in this world and the next. The home of the Afterlife is better for those who are mindful of Allah: doing what He has instructed them to do ( such as having faith and following Him ) and avoiding Oct 13, 2021 · Here is a list of Quran verses that Allah talks about what He loves, what he hates and how we can go about using the power of love. Remember when the angels proclaimed, “O Mary! Allah gives you good news of a Word from Him, his name will be the Messiah, Jesus, son of Mary; honoured in this world and the Hereafter, and he will be one of those nearest to Allah. The first is the tafseer of Abul Ala Maududi, the second is of Ibn Kathir. [2] It is based on Qur'anic verses that instruct Aug 3, 2023 · As to how he hoodwinked Adam and his wife, for example, the Qur’an uses the words dalla-huma bi ghurur, which is normally translated as “he caused them to fall by deceit (through deception)” (al-A’raf, 22). Allah! La ilaha illa Huwa (none has the right to be worshipped but He), the Ever Living, the One Who sustains and protects all that exists. Muslims are encouraged to live in the way of Muhammad, who was a slave owner and trader. 50] See how they forge the lie against Allah, and this is sufficient as a manifest sin. 3. Will you not then understand?” [al-An‘aam 6:32]. Jeremiah 9:6. We should not be deceived by the glitters of this world which is only an illusion and deception deceiving so many without realising the purpose of life. The Noble Quran has many names including Al-Quran Al-Kareem, Al-Ketab, Al-Furqan, Al-Maw'itha, Al-Thikr, and Al-Noor. Lying is never justified if it is meant for personal satisfaction, to make yourself appear superior, or to simply deceive or mislead, unless it is done in any life-threatening situation or to not hurt someone’s feelings. 10. A cheater presents themselves one way on the outside but acts deceitfully on the inside. 1 The Ups and Downs of the Dunya. The Quran states that lying is one of the significant qualities and causes of hypocrisy. “ Makara” which also derives from the same root word evil and immorality and to say about Allah what you do not know. Quran / Taha / 20:114 Sep 20, 2021 · Quran 16:106. The Biblical God As a Deceiver. ٥٥. Ala-Maududi. Juz. Satan makes them promises, and creates in them false desires; but satan’s promises are nothing but deception. “ Makaroo” which means “deception” is a derivative from the root word “Makr. ”. !Al-Baqarah, 2: 208! “O you who have believed, enter into Islam. The Quran promises the hypocrites a painful punishment for their lying by words and actions. The early Muslim community suffered many persecutions at the hands of disbelievers in Jan 16, 2024 · 1- The importance of not associating others in worship with the Creator who created and facilitated our life for us. Love is intimate. 12. The Quraish were the enemy of the Muslim community. Jan 1, 2013 · May Allah bring Peace Prosperity and Hidayah to the entire mankind so as to make preparation for the real life which is the Hereafter. 7 The path of those You have blessed, not of those against whom there is anger, nor of those Dec 26, 2012 · The word "al-Taqiyya" literally means: "Concealing or disguising one's beliefs, convictions, ideas, feelings, opinions, and/or strategies at a time of imminent danger, whether now or later in time, to save oneself from physical and/or mental injury. Chapter (3) sūrat āl ʿim'rān (The Family of Imrān) Surat 'Āli `Imrān (Family of Imran) - سورة آل عمران. This page shows seven parallel translations in English for the 120th verse of chapter 4 ( sūrat l-nisāa ). Feb 19, 2021 · 20 He went on: “What comes out of a person is what defiles them. We're hiring! Join the QuranFoundation team and contribute to our mission. The holy Qur’aan declares them to harbour the most enmity against us Muslims. 1 The Transience of Dunya in the Quran. This is one of the reasons the Muslims don’t get along with them. g. A. Thus, whilst you say that the Joseph 'engages in a deception'. 1 Dunya in the Quran and Being Tested. Jul 4, 2020 · 1. (29:64) The present life is nothing but sport and amusement. When he lies, he speaks out of his own character, for he is a liar and the father of lies. Toggle. 3 The Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. Whoever does this shall have no Quran 3 Verse 185 Explanation. e. Aug 30, 2023 · The primary Quranic verse sanctioning deception with respect to non-Muslims states: "Let believers not take for friends and allies infidels instead of believers. Satan makes promises to them and fills them with vain hopes, but whatever he Pilgrimage (Hajj) and Kaaba (The House of God). Surat Al-Baqarah [verses 18-24] - Deaf, dumb and blind - so they will not return [to the right path]. Welcome to the Quranic Arabic Corpus, an annotated linguistic resource for the Holy Quran. ولا الظلماتُ ولا النور. In the name of Allah, the Entirely Merciful, the Especially Merciful. and establish prayer and give zakat. The Prophet (S. Hypocrisy – Cheating involves hypocrisy, deception, and two-facedness. Tip: try navigating with ctrl K. For those looking for commentary to help with the understanding of Surah Imran ayat 55, we’ve provided two Tafseer works below. 2Al-Baqarah. Before we move forward on whether the verse gives approval of such, let’s first look at the verses in its historical context, why it was revealed. 33. We hope to make it easy for everyone to read, study, and learn The Noble Quran. ” (19-22). Read in Arabic and English. In Quran, Allah Almighty says: “I have created the jinn and humankind only for My worship. 23 All these evils come from inside and defile a person. Aug 11, 2008 · This honesty, an essential ingredient of the Muslim character, includes being truthful towards God by worshipping Him sincerely; being truthful to oneself, by adhering to God’s laws; and being truthful with others by speaking the truth and being honest in all dealings, such as buying, selling and marriage. The Noble Quran has many names including Al-Quran Al Dec 5, 2019 · Nevertheless, the Times seemingly did nothing to prevent her from describing “the doctrine of taqiyya” as “the command to deceive for Islam. And those who do not judge by what Allah has revealed are ˹truly˺ the wrongdoers. ) meaning, whoever is kept away from the Fire, saved from it and entered into Paradise Here you can read various translations of verse 120. Jihad - Crusade/ supreme efforts in the way of Allah. We ordained for them in the Torah, “A life for a life, an eye for an eye, a nose for a nose, an ear for an ear, a tooth for a tooth—and for wounds equal retaliation. 105) From this verse Allah (SWA) is saying that his Messenger Welcome to the Quranic Arabic Corpus, an annotated linguistic resource for the Holy Quran. And He revealed the Torah and the Gospel. [103] 102. Read Chapter All Versions. ) 6:60, and It is a huge theological problem that the Qur'an ascribes deception to Allah. ( Al-Hadid [57] : 20) Collapse. [Surah Ali-Imran; 3:45] 5. 40 Islamic Quotes About Lying with Images. 39. Firstly: Allah mentions in His holy Book the oath of the accursed Iblees and his threat to the children of Adam to misguide them and lead them astray, and that he will carry on doing that until the Day of Resurrection, and he will not leave any way of filling Hell with the progeny of Adam (peace be upon him) but he will pursue it. He has sent down upon you, [O Muhammad], the Book in truth, confirming what was before it. But whoever waives it charitably, it will be atonement for them. ١٨٥. Dec 3, 2019 · We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Romans 16:18. Ka’b was a tribal leader who gave assistance to the pagan Arabs i. 2. He was a murderer from the beginning, and does not stand in the truth, because there is no truth in him. According to the Qur'an, Allah is the "best of deceivers" (3:54; 8:30). Tazkirul Quran. [6] Hiding one's beliefs has been a feature of Punishment of lying, cheating and backbiting. The intention of this so-called deception is to get at the truth. And what is the life of this world except the enjoyment of delusion. Jun 2, 2020 · The Quran contains numerous Ayahs (verses), some of which speak on how to be positive, despite aversive circumstances. Quran. This article is primarily about Israel versus Iran, and how Muslims seel to subjugate non-Muslims. ٤٥. E. com. The above verse has been used by critics that Muslims are allowed to lie in all circumstances. Indeed, he is to you a clear. (I will take you and raise you to Myself) while you are asleep. Apply now! Read and listen to Surah Fatir. [4. [Quran 3:167] James 1:22-27 ESV / 56 helpful votesHelpfulNot Helpful. He said, “The life of this world compared to the hereafter is as if one of you were to put his finger in the ocean and take it out again then compare the water that remains on his finger to the water that remains in the ocean” [Sahîh Muslim (2858)]. As We began the first creation, We will repeat it. (And indeed you knew). Do not be deceived: “Bad company corrupts good morals. But the triliteral root, rā ḥā mīm (ر ح م), leads us to the following variants: bil-marḥamati Welcome to the Quranic Arabic Corpus, an annotated linguistic resource for the Holy Quran. The sacred scriptures unequivocally declare God’s abhorrence for lies and the severe consequences that accompany deceptive practices. Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, this he will also reap. The Day when We will fold the heaven like the folding of a [written] sheet for the records. Answer. [Quran 17:53, 2:83] 4) Always speak the truth. . 47. Quran 3:185. Click on the Arabic text to below to see word by word details of the verse's morphology. Every soul will taste death. It was developed to protect Shi’ite Muslims, who usually were in the minority and under pressure from rival Sunnis. " 2:24. 1. See to it that no one takes you captive through philosophy and empty deception, according to the “The life of this world is only the enjoyment of deception (a deceiving thing)” [Aal ‘Imraan 3:185] “And the life of this world is nothing but play and amusement. “ Al-makireena” means “those who deceive. Alif-Lam-Mim. In this article, we've gathered the Qur'anic verses about lying. That is “The reality of it is no more than the children’s engaging in a sport and pastime for a while, and then returning home. In all these verses the truth that has been impressed on the mind is: The life of this world is a temporary life Feb 15, 2024 · The life of this world is only the enjoyment of deception. Allah said in a similar Ayat, وَهُوَ الَّذِى يَتَوَفَّـكُم بِالَّيْلِ. So he who is drawn away from the Fire and admitted to Paradise has attained [his desire]. 1. Delivery of the Holy Message to the whole of mankind. Jul 14, 2016 · } [Quran 5:51] “The last part of the verse is an indication that taking the Jews and Christians as allies is a reason for apostasy, because if a group of hypocrites and those who have weak faith among the Muslims continue taking the Jews and Christians as allies, then it is feared that they will slip away from the faith. Chapter 3 verse 54 says regarding Jesus’ final moments: And they plotted, meaning the disbelieving Jews, and Allah plotted too and Allah is the best of plotters. If he achieves his goal through this diversion, then the fire of his enmity will cool down Quran. Allah – there is no deity except Him, the Ever-Living, the Sustainer of existence. But if you know the significance of events in the Holy Land as it relates to Jun 25, 2013 · Taqiyya. , all verses about patience, prophets, or parents. The Bible And Taqiyya=Deception. ), too, clarified the value of this life in relation to the hereafter. ˹Remember˺ when Allah said, “O Jesus! I will take you 1 and raise you up to Myself. This is simply not true. ( Ali 'Imran [3] : 185) Collapse. Ibn-Kathir. Interpreting the Holy Quran Nov 30, 2023 · 31+ Bible Verses About Deception (with Explanation) Deception is a recurring theme in the Bible, woven into the fabric of its teachings as a cautionary thread against the pitfalls of falsehood and dishonesty. For he looks at himself and goes away and at once forgets what he was like. The verse reinforces the idea that Allah is the All-Hearing and All-Knowing, implying that seeking His protection is the appropriate response when faced with temptation from Satan. When we examine the Quranic verse (Quran 41:36), it advises believers to seek refuge with Allah if they are tempted by Satan. This page shows seven parallel translations in English for the 55th verse of chapter 3 ( sūrat āl ʿim'rān ). (See Ibn Kathir's comments on (verses 22-3 - Ed. She goes on to enlist the claim of a deceased Ibn al-Qayyim (may Allah have mercy on him) said: 1. The one has become a king here, has not become a king in 36. ” (Surah Nahl v. For if anyone is a hearer of the word and not a doer, he is like a man who looks intently at his natural face in a mirror. Know well that the worldly life is but a play and an amusement, and a show of beauty, and exchange of boastful claims between you, and a competition of increase in riches and children. And you will only receive your full reward on the Day of Judgment. They persecuted the Muslims for many years in Makkah, to the point that the Quran. Apr 23, 2024 · Weapons of Mass Deception – Part 1, by R. Page. 6 Guide us to the straight path. 2 The Dunya in the Quran is a Means for Attaining the Hereafter. But Satan does not promise them except delusion. [That is] a promise binding upon Us. You are reading a tafsir for the group of verses 2:102 to 2:103. It empowers Muslims to deny their faith or commit otherwise illegal or blasphemous acts while they are at risk of persecution. For example, raḥmatan translates to mercy. They began using deceitful means to avoid honoring the Sabbath by placing nets, ropes and Abridged Explanation of the Quran. Sahih International. The methodology was to compile all the Qur'an verses that shared the English word's Arabic triliteral root. ” And it is He who created the night and the day and the sun and the moon; all [heavenly bodies] in an orbit are swimming. You are of your father the devil, and your will is to do your father's desires. “وما يستوي الأعمى والبصير. 'prudence') [1] [2] is a precautionary dissimulation or denial of religious belief and practice. For those looking for commentary to help with the understanding of Surah Imran ayat 185, we’ve provided two Tafseer works below. Unfortunately majority of us don't understand the purpose Aug 14, 2023 · Not equal are the living and the dead. Then to Me you will ˹all˺ return, and I will settle all your disputes. This page shows seven parallel translations in English for the 64th verse of chapter 29 ( sūrat l-ʿankabūt ). 2. Aug 27, 2023 · Quran (10:21) Makara, Makr=Deception? Response To Critics Claim ‘Allah Is A Deceiver’ – Quran 3:54. ” (Quran, 51:56) From the ayah, it is clear that the creation of humans, as well as jinns, is for the purpose of Read the Quran online in English and compare different translations of Surah Al-Isra, verse 81, about the triumph of truth over falsehood. Quran Surah Baqarah: Verse:83. Satan promises them and arouses desire in them. The phrase is often translated into English as "best of planners," "best of schemers," or "best of plotters," but the root word ( makr) means "deception. Islamic Quotes About Lying. The main reason for this enmity stems from jealousy. In many situations, the Quran highlights the link between hypocrisy and lying. However, the word dalla means to “let, hang or haul down,” “to lower” and “to suspend. Explore the verses of the Qur'an organized by topic or subject matter. 4. There are a few early Quran verses that seem to encourage truthfulness: 70:32-33, and it bears mentioning that many Muslims are no less honest than anyone else. 45. The first diversion is that through which the Shaytan tries to lead him to disbelief in Allah, His religion, the meeting with Him, His perfect attributes and what His Messengers have told us about Him. " Hence, the following Qur'an verses should be rendered as follows: Qur'an 3:54 —And they (the unbelievers) planned to Ibn Kathir (Abridged) Ma'arif al-Qur'an. [Quran 33:70] 3) Choose best words to speak and say them in the best possible way. Applying the Quranic messages; Quranic contexts science contributes to applying the messages of the Holy Quran in daily life by understanding the context in which the verses were revealed and identifying the circumstances facing Arab societies at that time and the events they were exposed to. Nov 26, 2023 · Taqiyya ( تقية alternative spellings taqiyeh, taqiya, taqiyah, tuqyah) is a form of religious dissimulation, [1] or a legal dispensation whereby a believing individual can deny his Islamic faith or commit otherwise illegal or blasphemous acts while they are at risk of significant persecution. Sep 17, 2021 · It is claimed by some that Ka’b Ibn al-Ashraf was killed as a result of him annoying the Prophet (p). S. Tafsir Surah Al-Baqarah - 102 - Quran. To understand this theme fully one should keep the following verses of the Quran in mind: (Surah Aal-Imran, Ayat 14-15); (Surah Younus, Ayat 24-25); (Surah Ibrahim, Ayat 18); (Surah Al-Kahf, Ayat 45-46); (Surah An-Noor, Ayat 39). There are many texts from the Quran and the Sunnah […] Who Shall Gain Ultimate Victory. By the above, this is not correct, and in a way, is misleading itself. [Mention] when Allah said, "O Jesus, indeed I will take you and raise you to Myself and purify you from those who disbelieve and make those who follow you [in May 11, 2015 · Chapter 35, Verses 2 – 7: Do not be Deceived by the Great Deceiver Chapter 3, Verses 78-80: Flawed beliefs and maliciousintentions Chapter 3, Verses 144 & 145: Fundamental Truths about Life and Death Chapter 63, Verses 9-11: Do Not Become one of the Losers 1 In the name of God, the Gracious, the Merciful. But far better is the house in the Hereafter for those who are Al-Muttaqoon (the pious). This essay will focus on six of those ayahs: (1) Don’t be sad. What you will learn. In connection with these two verses, some commentators have reported certain Judaic traditions, which have given rise to a number of doubts, especially in the minds of Muslims with a Western orientation. Quran (8:30) Makr – Makara. Dec 27, 2017 · In above verse, Allah states that the reality of this life is one of deception and we should not fall for its temporary enjoyments. Surah. 2 Praise be to God, Lord of the Worlds. This is very different from a deception whose intention is to deceive, to falsify, to mislead whether it is one person, a group or a whole nation. Basic principles of the economic system. Only then can it be said, lying is acceptable. 4 Master of the Day of Judgment. “Taqiyya” is a doctrine of deception. (v) Here the Qur'an refutes the fairly popular view that Satan first misled Eve and later used her as an instrument to mislead Adam. Intentionally distorting the truth in order to mislead others contradicts the values of honesty, which requires an attitude of sincerity, straightforwardness, and fairness that leaves no room for cheating, lying, trickery, or deceit. Chapter (29) sūrat l-ʿankabūt (The Spider) *36) To understand this theme fully one should keep the following verses of the Qur'an in mind: Imran; 14- 15, Yunus: 24-25, ibrahim: 18, AI-Kahf: 45-46, An-Nur: 39. 36. enemy. ) The Qur'anic version of the story is that Satan attempted to mislead both Adam and Eve, and in fact both fell prey to his guile. Such nifaq (hypocrisy) is severely reprimanded in Islam. Love can become lust. He captured slaves in battle; he had sex with his slaves; and he instructed his men to do the same. 171] O followers of the Book! do not exceed the limits in your religion, and do not speak (lies) against Allah, but (speak) the truth; the Messiah, Isa son of Marium is only an apostle of Allah and His Word which He communicated to Marium and a spirit from Him; believe therefore in Allah and His Quran. Aug 27, 2015 · For the benefit of our readers, we have provided the meaning of the essential Arabic words in Surah 3:54: “ Khayru” means “best of. [These letters are one of the miracles of the Qur'an, and none but Allah (Alone) knows their meanings]. com is a Sadaqah Jariyah. The Prophet, may the mercy and blessings of God be upon Surah Ali-Imran. !Al-Baqarah, 2: 268! “Satan threatens you with poverty and orders. 1 Mufti Taqi Usmani. ولا الظلُ ولا الحرور. Monday, August 7 2023 Verses about Hypocrisy and deception. 3:55. In fact, a large part of the Sharia is dedicated to the practice. [Quran 22:30] 5) Say with your mouth what is in your heart. ولا يستوي الأحياءُ ولا الأموات. 1Al-Fatihah. This page shows seven parallel translations in English for the 191st verse of chapter 3 ( sūrat āl ʿim'rān ). Here we have a message of inequality, illustrated through contrasting metaphors for – as most Quran. This Ayah means, O Jews! Remember that Allah sent His torment on the village that disobeyed Him and broke their pledge and their covenant to observe the sanctity of the Sabbath. The Quran and Hadiths make it clear that any kind of cheating, dishonesty, or deceitful behavior is haram (impermissible) in Islam. Or [it is] like a rainstorm from the sky within which is darkness, thunder May 11, 2024 · Islam neither ignores nor condemns slavery. Allah said, إِنِّي مُتَوَفِّيكَ وَرَافِعُكَ إِلَىَّ. For all practical purposes, however, the doctrine Verses from the Noble Qur’an categorized according to subject and accompanied by a beautiful recitation. xw wc eu kw lr rv ls cg ao zs