Modern black writers. Jul 23, 2021 · By writing on topics such as politics, sports, fashion and music, Black authors have helped cultivate our cultural landscape in so many ways. Spend this month reading Black authors, from modern favorites like Roxane Gay and Jasmine Guillory to classics like James Baldwin and Toni Morrison. Her books are folksy, funny and wise. Wheatle draws on his personal life experiences starting with a difficult childhood in the care system. An award-winning novel by JM Coetzee, Life and Times of Michael K evokes a desperately Best by African Authors flag All Votes Precolonial Black Africa by. (Black Classic Press) This anthology was viewed as the most essential assemblage of militant artists during the fiery Black Arts era. PS153. Alex Wheatle. 4. Twelve-year-old Shayla only wants to follow the rules. Her sister’s involved in Black Lives Matter, which Shayla doesn’t think is for her. Her novel Purple Hibiscus (2003) is Jun 15, 2020 · We are the Black Writers’ Guild, representing the black publishing community in the UK. Aug 28, 2013 · Contemporary African American Literature: The Living Canon. Born Chloe Ardelia Wofford on February 18, 1931, Toni Morrison is one of the most celebrated contemporary African American authors. Her most famous work I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings was May 15, 2024 · In 1953, Invisible Man was awarded the National Book Award, making Ellison the first African-American author to receive the prestigious honor for fiction. How to Be An Antiracist. Miller, the first text of its kind, presents the largest, most inclusive multi-genre anthology of contemporary (1970 to the present) African-American literature. score: 450, and 5 people voted Feb 12, 2024 · Getty Images. fire for her flag. 1 Bernard and the Cloth Monkey by Judith Bryan. fire licking the toes of a quiet brown man. African-American ethnic pride and creativity flourished during the 1920s. Contemporary Black Women's Literature. The Private Joys of Nnenna Maloney by Okechukwu Nzelu. Alexis Pauline Gumbs. Mar 7, 2023 · Published March 7, 2023 Updated Jan. African American literature is the body of literature produced in the United States by writers of African descent. William Julius Wilson (born 1935), author of When Work Disappears, The Truly Disadvantaged, and The Declining Significance of Race. American literature – African American authors – History and criticism. Jun 12, 2020 · Tola Rotimi Abraham. Born in Nigeria in 1977, Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie is part of a new generation of African writers taking the literary world by storm. Ward expertly addresses the effects of race and class on our country's identity. '". William Wells Brown and Charles Waddell Chesnutt are considered to be the first major African-American writers of fiction. Barbara Neely was a novelist, short story writer and activist who wrote murder mysteries. Adichie’s works are primarily character-driven, interweaving the background of her native Nigeria and social and political events into the narrative. This volume takes up the challenge of mapping the varied and Nov 13, 2023 · All the best books of 2022 by Black Authors at a glance: Best Contemporary Romances. No topic is left untouched. Newly rereleased. Apr 16, 2015 · 20 Black Poets You Should Know (and Love) By. His inspiration from music as writers of the mid-late 20th century also echoes throughout all of his work. Originally from the Clapham district in London, Blackman describes herself simply: “I’m just Malorie Blackman, a black woman writer. For GCSE English Literature, students will now have the chance to study Leave Taking by award winning playwright Winsome Pinnock as a modern drama text, as well as a refreshed selection works by black writers as Alex Haley's Roots (1976), Manuel Zapata Olivella's ambi-tious Afro-Colombian novel Chango', el gran putas (1983), and Toni Morrison's recently acclaimed novel Beloved (1987). Harper Lee, who wrote about race, is a favourite of e. By 1970, more than six million African Americans had migrated from an impoverished rural life offered in the southern United States to urban areas in the north, where they were met with opportunity rather than resistance. Beloved // Toni Morrison. We will read and dissect fiction, poetry, drama, and criticism published from the middle of the twentieth century to the present. At first glance, newlyweds Celestial and Roy seem like the perfect American couple. He’s a young executive, and she’s an emerging artist. Books by Black Authors That Don't Feature Slavery, Colonialism, Racism, or Poverty. Oct 10, 2021 · Alex Wheatle. II. Alex Wheatle is a British writer best known for his debut novel, Brixton Rock, published in 1999. Best Domestic Fiction. warning Note: These citations are software generated and may contain errors. I. Now 43% Off. Black writers Feb 26, 2018 · They work in Watts, Chicago, Oakland, and Harlem, go on vacation in Provincetown, MA, and return home to Otis, South Carolina (pop. Add to library. Submitted to Contest #244. “Sista Docta” Alexis Pauline Gumbs is a poet and activist hailing from North Carolina. The result is a literature rich in expressive subtlety and social insight, offering illuminating assessments of American identities and history Feb 2, 2022 · Few contemporary African American authors have achieved the degree of praise and literary acclaim as Alice Walker, author of the 1982 Pulitzer Prize-winning novel "The Color Purple. In honor of Black History Month, we are celebrating black excellence by highlighting some of the very best black artists producing and creating work today. Our exploration will focus on the emergence of a distinctly black modernist and post-modernist Feb 2, 2016 · February 2: The Book of Memory by Petina Gappah (Farrar, Straus and Giroux) Petina Gappah’s The Book of Memory is the only Nabokovian meditation on living in memory—from the perspective of an albino inmate of a Zimbabwean women’s prison—that you need to read this year. It portrays African-American life in Kansas, talking a lot about class, religion, and the community. Rarely is a debut collection lauded as an instant classic and justifiably so. To track down a missing girl, former Chicago PD detective Ashe Cayne will have to seek answers in dark places. 42 books — 33 voters. Liz doesn’t have great memories of her hometown in Pennsylvania, but she reluctantly goes home to attend her best friend’s wedding. The versatile, lyrical writer Jean Toomer produced only one novel during his long and varied career, which ranged from poetry to essays about his Quaker faith. Jun 8, 2020 · Without further ado, here are 17 books by black authors that are shaping our conversations about race. Zora Neale Hurston (1891-1960) at a book fair, New York, New York, circa 1937. a. Books. p. P. Export to Citation Manager (RIS) Jan 31, 2023 · The Nickel Boys (Winner 2020 Pulitzer Prize for Fiction) When Elwood Curtis, a black boy growing up in 1960s Tallahassee, is unfairly sentenced to a juvenile reformatory called the Nickel Academy, he finds himself trapped in a grotesque chamber of horrors. (Triquarterly Books) Holloway brings her period, place, and people alive and provides as a bonus a most unexpected culprit. N. Malorie Blackman is a British writer who held the position of Children’s Laureate from 2013 to 2015. Cate Holahan, Her Three Lives. Ward Jr. But when a young girl goes missing at the reception, Liz More for You. Apr 30, 2024 · African American literature is the body of literature written by Americans of African descent. -- The Atlantic. Mar 3, 2011 · Black writers have been at the forefront of unravelling the economic and psychological relationships at the heart of the Empire. Jan 1, 2000 · NEW BONES: CONTEMPORARY BLACK WRITERS IN AMERICA, by Kevin Quashie, Joyce Lausch, and Keith D. Among them are single parents Nov 30, 2006 · Although there are a number of reference works on African American writers, the emphasis tends to be on historical and literary authors. This National Book Award and Pulitzer Prize winner tells the story of resilient and courageous Celie, who grew up poor in rural Georgia. Chicago. But now in middle school, she’s no longer sure what the rules are. Below are 21 of the best black British authors who have published work worth reading and sharing with others. Ntozake Shange was a renowned black poet, playwright, and feminist who wrote about race issues. : Lovalerie King, Shirley Moody-Turner. Feb 12, 2020 · Published in 1952, Petry's tale of star-crossed lovers shines a harsh light on the ways that attitudes about race and class wreak havoc on people's lives. Hired by her wealthy family when a young woman goes missing, Cayne quickly uncovers secrets she’s been hiding from those who thought they knew ENGH 351-001: Contemporary Af-Amer Lit(Spring 2016) 12:00 PM to 01:15 PM TR. They include an Ivy League professor, an ex-CIA agent, a volatile ex-cop, a journalist, a domestic worker, an attorney, a Ph. 6. The book contains over 200 poems, essays, short stories, and plays by more than 70 writers and cultural critics of the period. Hope Wabuke is a Southern California-based writer and a contributing editor at The Root. fire for his home. close. One day he buys a gun, convinced that he can impress his fellow workers with it. 2. k. Ntozake Shange. Follow her on Twitter Mar 6, 2024 · Reclaiming Community in Contemporary African American Fiction by Philip Page As a reaction against persistent black exclusion from white American society, the novels of some recent African-American writers boldly celebrate the heritage of black culture. The Personal Librarian by Marie & Victoria – Amazon. This makes Jasmine suspicious because his partner was recently murdered. –MadameNoire. The Cambridge history of African American literature / Maryemma Graham, Jerry W. " In addition to her copious accolades as an author, Walker is a feminist and social activist who is responsible for coining the term "womanist. Alexis Pauline Gumbs | Courtesy of Sufia Ikbal-Doucet. However, this collection reads more like elaborate testimonies and perspectives of notable Back authors as opposed to fictitious tales of society. The Very Time I Thought I Was lost, My Dungeon Shook and My Chains Fell Off: Forthcoming Books for 2018 by Authors of African Feb 25, 2020 · In the spirit of Black History Month, we’ve compiled a list of contemporary black eco-poets to add to your reading list. Kendi is a black man and an award Mar 3, 2023 · Cooper, who died in 2014 at 82, was the author of five novels, seven short-story collections and 17 plays. the earliest examples from Olaudah Equiano to Ignatius Sancho in Dec 5, 2018 · Through his work with the African Poetry Book Fund and Calabash International Literary Festival, he motivates the new generation of African American poets. Nov 2, 2023 · Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie. This week’s reading list is curated by PEN America’s World Voices Festival team and features a mix of classic and contemporary novels, essay collections, and poetry collections. These men include those in the upper echelon of society, who, for one weekend a month, travel to a remote location that has a plantation with white slaves where they take part in Feb 24, 2021 · Richard Wright. Winner of the Pulitzer Prize, this poetic exploration of fatherhood, blackness, identity and what freedom Jun 11, 2020 · Slim died at age 73 in 1992—one day before the Los Angeles riots. ” “Didn’t mean to startle you,” said Brianna as she planted a kiss on her mother’s cheek. The oldie on the list, from 1983. This book was published in 1970 and it is remarkable how evergreen these essays remain. You Made a Fool of Death with your Beauty by Akwaeke Emezi – Amazon. The last five decades have generated new paradigms of racial formation and novel patterns of cultural production, circulation, and reception. It’s refreshing to read novels, poetry and works from a wide range of writers such as African American authors, for instance. The Private Joys of Nnenna Maloney by Okechukwu Nzelu Published by Little Brown. Its themes include the exploration of black identity, the condemnation of racism, and the celebration of the unique aspects of African-American culture. James Press Collection Dave Saunders is a 17 year old field hand who wants to be a man. Elwood’s only salvation is his friendship with fellow "delinquent" Turner. Her sister, Nettie, leaves their life of poverty to be a missionary in Africa, while Celie starts writing letters to God over a period of 20 years. Amiri Baraka and Larry Neal, Black Fire: An Anthology of Afro-American Writing. When she finally breaks free, her carefully calibrated African American literature has changed in startling ways since the end of the Black Arts Era. This week we’re focusing on 10 contemporary black playwrights you should know: Branden Jacobs-Jenkins. African American Plays. The belief that American black writers are invisible men in America writing in-. Interview by Cal Flyn, Deputy Editor. Barbara Neely. Title. Contemporary Black Men's Fiction and Drama. isbn 978-0-521-87217-1 (Hardback) 1. fire to leap from the gut of a furnace. Not with her friends and not with her classmates. Feb 1, 2024 · For modern audiences, the concept of the slave narratives was introduced in 2013 with the Academy Award-winning film, “12 Years a Slave,” based on Solomon Northup’s 1853 memoir, “Twelve Feb 5, 2020 · Jesmyn Ward. 1. Sep 7, 2013 · Influenced by Black authors like Langston Hughes, W. Modern black writers by Manitou Wordworks. Cheikh Anta Diop. Nzelu is a rising literary star – and for good reason. 29 avg rating — 415 ratings. The daughter of two formerly enslaved people, Zora Neale Hurston was a prominent figure in the Harlem by Erin E. fire for a bible-black cloak tied to a stake. Studying Black stories can create cultural change and open more doors for contemporary Black authors to share their stories and change modern-day perspectives. Our membership group includes over 200 published black writers, including some of Britain’s bestselling We stand in solidarity with writers, artists, and the literary community at large in the fight to confront anti-Black racism and to end police violence. Chesnutt: One of the first well-known modern Black novelists, Chesnutt published short stories, essays and novels that focused on issues of race and identity. Mar 11, 2021 · Camille Dungy’s Black Nature holds the distinction of being the first collection to anthologize nature writing by African American poets. Roxane Gay is an American essayist, short story writer, novelist, editor, and social commentator. “Brianna! I wasn’t expecting you today. "At a time when there is no shortage of recommendations for women on how to discipline or make peace with their bodies, Roxane Gay’s book, Hunger: A Memoir of (My) Body, stands out precisely because she begins it by declaring that she hasn’t overcome her 'unruly body and unruly appetites. 13. 14 African American literature and the Great Depression; 15 Weaving jagged words: the black Left, 1930s–1940s; 16 Writing the American story, 1945–1952; 17 Geographies of the modern: writing beyond borders and boundaries; 18 African American literature by writers of Caribbean descent; 19 Reform and revolution, 1965–1976: the Black Jan 30, 2024 · The introduction doesn’t specify whether this is the first of several themed lists or the only one, but either way, it’s a great start to adding more Black authors into your reading! These books range from this year to ten years ago, and they include modern classics as well as less well-known titles. Essays exploring contemporary black fiction and examining important issues in current African American literary studies. University of Illinois Press, 2001 - Drama - 243 pages. One of her contacts for rare books suddenly goes missing. Wilson (1825–1900), author of Our Nig and the first African-American novelist. She is fired and stumbles into an affair with Eric, a married older white man whose family she winds Sep 21, 2019 · We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. In addition to Oct 19, 2021 · T hink “classic literature” and plenty of white authors probably spring to mind: Shakespeare, Dickens, Austen, Hardy, Woolf, Fitzgerald. Feb 14, 2021 · Roxane Gay. Black Cake by Charmaine Wilkerson – Amazon. Before the high point of enslaved people narratives, African American literature was dominated by autobiographical spiritual narratives. But instead of making him into a man, he accidentally shoots the gun and kills the farm’s mule, and lies to try to cover it up. Caution The Color Purple by Alice Walker. Demonstrating the extraordinary versatility of African-American men's writing since the 1970s, this forceful collection illustrates how African-American male novelists and playwrights have absorbed, challenged, and expanded Mar 1, 2022 · Her first novel, The Bluest Eye, tells the story of Pecola Breedlove, a young black girl whose desire for blue eyes (a. The story depicts thirteen-year-old Jojo and the struggles of his impoverished black family living in the rural South. ”. Jun 8, 2020 · A Lucky Man by Jamel Brinkley. fire for Hephaestus. 2012's Best African American Literature. Apr 16, 2021 · Here, Jacqueline Roy —the novelist and lecturer in Black literature—selects five of the best books by Black British writers that deserve more attention. 5,000). Jasmine curates books for wealthy clients and she loves her job. Tayari Jones. African-American literature is written by black Americans of African descent. Karla Holloway, Gone Missing in Harlem. E. The information you will find here is related to two courses taught by Africana Studies professor Christel Temple. Beginning in the pre-Revolutionary War period, African American writers have engaged in a creative, if often contentious, dialogue with American letters. Mar 22, 2015 · The plot follows an African American lawyer in present-day times whose success in his field catches the attention of a group of men that are part of a secret society. 3. With 2017's Sing, Unburied, Sing, Ward became the first woman to win two National Book Awards for fiction. Named a MacArthur Genius in 2016, Branden Jacobs-Jenkins is on his way to being a Jun 19, 2020 · We rounded up this list of new fiction published across genres, including mystery, young adult, romance, fantasy, and science fiction for you to add to your Want to Read shelf. African Americans in literature. Publication date 2000 Topics Literature, Blacks in literature Publisher Detroit : St. Published April 16, 2015. Du Bois and Paul Lawrence Dunbar, her love of language developed at a young age. Here's a single volume containing 100 profiles of your favorite contemporary African American writers, along with lists of their works. (Kensington) “Edgy street fiction with an extra dose of suspense…”. Feb 6, 2018 · 2. She primarily writes literature and television drama for children and young adults. Kendi. Keith Clark. whiteness) obstructs her ability to see her own beauty. Adams. The period's exceptional Mar 27, 2023 · Maddie, who is nicknamed “Maame,” a form of endearment meaning “mother” or “woman” in Twi, embodies the role by caring for a sick father and maintaining a job she hates. $10 at Amazon. While Maddie’s mother is away in Ghana and her brother pursues a musical career, her life remains stagnant. 30, 2024. Nov 30, 2018 · Parker is one of this generation’s best minds, able to hold herself and her world, which includes all of us, up to impossible lights, revealing every last bit of our hopes, failings Aug 20, 2020 · Charles W. Linda Wagner-Martin covers all six of Angelou's autobiographies, as well as her essay and poetry collections, while also exploring Angelou's life as an African American in the United States, her career as stage and film performer, her Nov 3, 2020 · 8 Mysteries and Thrillers by Black Authors. With influential writers such as Toni Morrison and Langston Hughes and contemporary writers like Daniel Black and Brit Bennett, there are a lot of great books to read during Black history month and beyond Black writers began to be called contemporary writers after what is known as the Great Migration to the North(Circa 1910-1970). The long-awaited first novel by the author of An Elegy for Easterly Aug 28, 2020 · The Black Woman: An Anthology by Toni Cade Bambara and Eleanor W Traylor. Her first novel, Blanche on the Lam (1992), introduced the protagonist Blanche White, a middle-aged mother, domestic worker and amateur detective. Forde quickly turned around, causing the dish she was washing to slip through her fingers. by Ibram X. The first published African-American fiction appeared in the mid-1800s and was similar in content to slave autobiographies. Section Information for Spring 2016. In 2016, Roxane Gay made history as one of the first women, alongside poet Yona Harvey, to be hired as a lead writer at Marvel. 22 books — 5 voters. She has received multiple Lambda Literary Awards. Indiana University Press, Aug 28, 2013 - Literary Criticism - 392 pages. 2 The Emperor’s Babe by Bernardine Evaristo. Tola Rotimi Abraham ( @thatTola) is an Iowa Writers Workshop graduate and the author of Black Sunday, a searing debut novel about Nigerian twin sisters whose Modern black writers--notably Baldwin, Ellison, Malcolm X, Eldridge Cleaver and Imamu Baraka--have succeeded in engaging the sympathies of Americans and raising the artistic level of their dilemma to heights not achieved before. Looking for a list of contemporary Black North Carolina authors to read for Black History Month (and beyond)? We have a long list of pieces published by and about Black authors in the North Carolina Literary Review, specifically our 2019 issue featuring North Carolina African American Literature and our 2016 25th Anniversary Issue with an interview with NC Poet Oct 16, 2020 · A classic in the tradition of anthologies by Langston Hughes, Children Of The Night is an anthology of modern Black writers starting post-Civil Rights era up until now. cm. Kathy Y. It begins with the works of such late 18th-century writers as Phillis Wheatley. Terry McMillan. Focusing on the friendship between four women as they navigate complicated love lives, Waiting to Exhale has also been made into a hit 1995 movie. Particular emphasis is on works of literary fiction by lesser-known authors. Morrison began her career working as an editor at Random House during the 1960s. Dungy’s selections—including work by Rita Dove, Gwendolyn Brooks, and Natasha Trethewey, as well as several emerging writers—not only broadened the concept of African American poetics but also helped May 15, 2024 · The Harlem Renaissance was an African American cultural movement that flourished in the 1920s and had Harlem in New York City as its symbolic capital. I will concentrate here on modern black authors and on some of the strategies they use in remembering slavery in literature. Ward, Jerry Washington. Wilson (d. flag. Aretha Phiri, Rhodes University. It was a time of great creativity in musical, theatrical, and visual arts but was perhaps most associated with literature; it is considered the most influential period in African American literary history. If you are looking for bestsellers by Black female authors, An American Marriage was one of the top fiction books of 2018. fire for pyres’ sake. Objectives: The student will: Recognize and discuss the multiplicity of African‐American identities. edited and with an introduction by Harold Bloom. Feb 3, 2020 · Malorie Blackman. His first published work Feb 6, 2023 · The Tradition by Jericho Brown. Amazon Publishing. Credit: Copper Canyon Press. Her first novel, The Bluest Eye, was published in 1970 and remains popular due to its poignant commentary on race, class, and gender May 8, 2019 · A Good Kind of Trouble by Lisa Moore Ramee. Before I Let Go by Kennedy Ryan – Amazon. Roxane Gay. 5 days ago · Analyze literature and polemics advocating a black arts movement. 2022), journalist, columnist, playwright, and commentator. N5G685 2010 Feb 4, 2021 · Kiki Swinson, Public Enemy #1. Caught off guard, Mrs. Jan 26, 2022 · Rare Danger By Beverly Jenkins. Jemisin and powerhouse wordsmith James McBride, as well as debut authors just beginning Mar 7, 2024 · Pym by Mat Johnson A comic journey into the ultimate land of whiteness by an unlikely band of African American adventurers Recently canned professor of American literature Chris Jaynes is obsessed with The Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym of Nantucket, Edgar Allan Poe's strange and only novel. Wheatle, who is of Jamaican descent, grew up in South London where he lived in a children Harriet E. The Fat Lady Sings. " Feb 21, 2019 · Harper. African Americans – Intellectual life. This list includes novels and short story collections written by black women from approximately 1980 on. Richard Wright, famous for his memoir Black Boy and the novel Native Son, among others, is often ranked among the most influential Black writers of the 20th century. They acclaim a people once dispersed by racism and humiliation but now restoring its legacy Apr 11, 2022 · Eds. . William Wells Brown and Charles Waddell Feb 15, 2024 · By Devra Thomas, Digital Editor. D. Major Modern Black American Writers. Part thriller, part horror, this small-town suspense tale is a hypnotic, atmospheric novel that’s spellbinding from start to finish. 148 books — 87 voters. Apr 30, 2020 · Life and Times of Michael K by JM Coetzee. Entries include primary bibliographies for each author and excerpted criticism providing a comprehensive overview to the critical reception of each author. Best Historical Fictions. The queen of Black romance has released a murder-mystery-romance novella later this year. B. student whose best informers work in a beauty salon, and a saxophone-playing street musician. 20. Cane by Jean Toomer (1923) Buy on Amazon. They center on Black characters, most of them women Without further ado, check out these 30 must-read African American literature books. Hinton Nov 3, 2020. With heart and humanity, Man explores the emotional lives of black men and boys. Not Without Laughter is Hughes’s debut novel and one of the most famous books by black authors. Studying Black Literary History Black representation in novels is essential to understanding African, African American, and Afro-European culture, identity, and history. To verify accuracy, check the appropriate style guide. Here you’ll find some favorite authors, such as triple Hugo Award winner N. Fifty years ago, when college courses in Black American literature were rare; when Zora Neale Hurston’s novels were out of print and Toni Morrison Jun 11, 2020 · A writer to watch, Mendez writes exquisitely on longing, lust and the desire to forge connections. Brinkley’s prose is poetic and lush, and each story is a rich world unto itself. by Jacqueline Roy. Hope Wabuke. $23 at Bookshop. The cover of Feb 3, 2020 · An American Marriage. fire for smoke signals. “The Guilt” by Mary M Reid “Knock, knock. He is humiliated when his lie is found out, by both his family and the May 21, 2024 · Maya Angelou by Linda Wagner-Martin A comprehensive biographical and critical reading of the works of American poet and memoirist Maya Angelou (1928-2014). fire to shape gun muzzle and magazine. Nov 30, 2018 · Today’s black writers approach the subject of race, if they approach it at all, with greater freedom than ever before: Many writers today do handle the subject, obliquely or head-on. Sep 27, 2023 · This guide offers an introduction to literature of the African diasapora, including works by black writers from America, the West Indies, Africa, and Europe. New York :Chelsea House Publishers, 1994. This 2nd edition covers approximately 170 of the most important black novelists, poets and dramatists of the 20th century. When he discovers the manuscript of a crude slave Oct 13, 2022 · Its protagonist, Edie, is a 23-year-old painter and low-level employee at a New York publisher. Ibram X. Outcome 4: Upon completion of this course students will be able to interpret examples of contemporary African‐American literature. –Kirkus Reviews. By publishing Not Without Laughter, Langston Hughes showed that he wasn’t only a great poet but also a brilliant novelist. Contemporary African American Literature. K. Evaristo became the first Black female author to win the Booker prize in 2019, with the prize stating her book “presents a gloriously new kind of history. This book covers all topics including race, sex, politics, entertainment and the economy. by qo rx kx lu tx gm af jz zh