Diablo 2 net. It is widely used in Act 2 Mercenaries on Polearms which provides a great boost to Mana Regeneration for even the high-end builds. Quality Level (Qlvl) - Chests and monsters must be at least this level to drop the item. Te aguardan incontables horas de aventura y aniquilación de demonios. The original Runewords or 1. Target Line Commands . News. 5% weapon damage in bonus damage. Unidentify Items!!! You are currently Apr 15, 2022 · 72% (Druid,Sorceress,Necromancer) Armor Type: Light Speed: 0 Magic Properties: +2 To Combat Skills (Paladin Only) +2 To Paladin Skill Levels +30% Faster Block Rate 30% Increased chance of blocking 20% Bonus to Attack Rating +150-200% Enhanced Defense (varies) +20 To Strength +20 To Vitality All Resistances +50 (Patch 1. 7 запоминающихся классов. Unzählige Spielstunden voller Dämonenschlächter-Abenteuer warten auf euch. I am extremely passionate about Diablo 2 and I've been putting thousands of hours into this website. When the Early Access to the Open Beta kicks off on Friday, August 13 at 10:00 a. Partying up with like-minded demon slayers is a cornerstone of the Diablo experience. We invited Design Director Robert Gallerani to share the development team’s Oct 16, 2021 · Diablo 2 is a beast of a game that, 21 years on, still casts a long shadow - over the tortured development of its successor (a fate Diablo 4 doesn't seem to have escaped, either), and over the A nomadic wanderer, the Barbarian combines brawn and ruggedness with a mastery of weapons, using devastating melee attacks along with war cries to boost his allies—or demoralize his enemies. Aldur's Watchtower is an elite Druid class-specific set comprised of 4-pieces - Boots, Druid helm, Armor and a one-hand weapon. Buy, sell and price check D2R items. Spirit is a binary Rune Word which works for Shields and Swords at the same time. Stats Defense: 770-825 (797 avg) Ethereal Defense: 1153-1236 (1194 avg) Durability: 60 Ethereal Durability: 31 Required Strength: 118 Required Strength (Eth): 108 Required Level: 45 Quality Level: 53 Armor Type: Heavy Magic Properties: +1 To Paladin Skill Levels +30% Faster Block Aug 25, 2021 · Armor Type: Light. All Acts except Act IV provide different types of mercs for you to hire. 0% - Shimmering (+5–10% Resist All) - qlvl 1, Clvl 3. This is a searchable, filterable, sortable database of all Diablo 2 Resurrected Runewords. net and the main menus. Aug 10, 2021 · DIABLO II: RESURRECTED TWITCH DROPS. The locations of the screenshots for Diablo 2 are the following: For Windows: Diablo 2 Legacy: Diablo 2 Install Folder Single-player, multiplayer. The druid, as his name implies, is an unseemly form of sorcerer whose spells deal with the raising of the dead and the summoning and control of various creatures for his purposes. The game was released for Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5 Diablo® IV is the highly anticipated sequel to the legendary action RPG series, featuring a vast open world, dynamic combat, and stunning visuals. This is useful since most javelins require much more Dex than Str to equip. Diablo 2 has items in categories such as quest items, gems, jewels, charms, weapons, armors and jewelry such as amulets, rings and circlets. Skill choices remaining. Mercs can level up just like you do, but they can never be higher level than you. Mettez vos talents à l’épreuve avec un nouveau personnage dans une série de modes apportant leur propre lot de défis. Join millions of players on Battle. Add 1% of the weapon damage to your total damage per point in Str. diablo-2. Aug 25, 2021 · Diablo 2 Items. Sanctuary needs its savior! Return on February 22 to wreak havoc among the Burning Hells’ ranks in Ladder Season 6! Aug 25, 2021 · Insight. Light shields such as the Paladin Auric Shields have no negative effects on Stamina drain and Running Speed. All Diablo 2 and Diablo 2: Resurrected Basic and Ethereal staves sorted like nowhere else - Walking Stick, Jo Staff, Short Staff, Stalagmite, Quaterstaff, Long Staff, Elder Staff, Cedar Staff, Gnarled Staff, Shillelagh, Gothic Staff, Battle Staff, Archon Staff, Rune Staff, War Staff. net's API. Oct 27, 2023 · Diablo 2 API. Shift-click to add or Shift-Right-Click to remove max points. . The Western Kingdoms are comprised of the three regions: Entsteig, Khanduras, and Westmarch. Light shields have no negative effects, medium have a -5% speed and -5% stamina regen rate, and heavy have -10% speed and -10% stamina regen. The menu items which are in Red are still unfinished. Aug 25, 2021 · Here you can find a skill tree calculator for Druid as well as for every class in the game. Diablioii. Trading Platform for Diablo 2 Resurrected. Having it in Shields is a lot more common than having it Apr 15, 2022 · Waterwalk Sharkskin Boots is an exceptional unique item with level requirement of 32 and Quality Level of 40. Unlike Pandemonium event, this event is random and you cant do it whenever you feel like it. Nov 5, 2021 · Diablo 2 Unique Items. Stats Defense: 99-113 (106 avg) Ethereal Defense: 129-149 (139 avg) Durability: 50 Ethereal Durability: 26 Required Strength: 55 Required Strength (Eth): 45 Required Level: 29 Quality Level: 39 Magic Properties: +50% Damage to Undead +50-100 To Attack Rating Against Undead (varies) 5% Life Stolen Aug 25, 2021 · Tal Rasha's Wrappings. This is how it goes - you need to find every Unique and Set item in the game. Apr 6, 2021 · Diablo II: Resurrected Ladder Season 4 Has Concluded. The lords of Hell await your return, traveler. Aug 25, 2021 · Javelins in Diablo II are 100 Str, like most other melee weapons. 16. Unique version: Darkforce Spawn. 2019 - Diablo II Ladder Reset. Diablo II: Resurrected. Each with unique skills and spells. Learn the bonuses and requirements of each set and how to use them in the game. Aug 25, 2021 · All Diablo 2 and Diablo 2: Resurrected Basic and Ethereal bows sorted like nowhere else - Spider Bow, Edge Bow, Short Bow, Blade Bow, Razor Bow, Hunter's Bow, Shadow Bow, Cedar Bow, Long Bow, Great Bow, Double Bow, Composite Bow, Diamond Bow, Short Siege Bow, Short Battle Bow, Crusader Bow, Large Siege Bow, Long Battle Bow, Ward Bow, Rune Bow, Short War Bow, Hydra Bow, Gothic Bow, Long War Bow Aug 25, 2021 · Tancred's Battlegear. I love Blizzard games - Diablo and World of Warcraft and some browser games such as Gladiatus and old legends such as MU Online. Maces, Hammers, Wands and Scepters are considered "Blunt" Weapons. If you are looking for a more strict skill and talent calculator you should try the Diablo 2 Character Planner here. net, the online gaming platform that connects you with your friends and fellow adventurers. Diablo 2 and Diablo 2: Resurrected Rune Word Delirium is a Rune Word which focuses on Helms and has high defense value and +2 To All Skills. Oct 29, 2021 · Item Basics. Aug 25, 2021 · Trang-Oul's Avatar. Reset skills. The Unique items also follow the Normal/Exceptional/Elite version of the items, however not all item versions have a Unique version. Insight is important Rune Word which provides Meditation Aura (mana regen). Unidentify Items!!! You are currently Mar 1, 2022 · Source: Diablo 2 Runes and Runewords. Feb 19, 2021 · Diablo II: Resurrected includes all content from both Diablo II and its epic expansion Diablo II: Lord of Destruction®. Qlvl is also used in gambling, sales and other calculations. 終極 的 《暗 黑破 壞 神 II 》 體驗, 內 含 重 製版 的 《暗 黑破 壞 神 I I》、 毀滅 之 王 資料 片、 全 新 天梯賽 季、 遊戲 玩法 更 新 以及 更多 精彩 內容。. From the steamy recesses of the southern swamps comes a figure cloaked in mystery. Sigon's Complete Steel is undoubtedly the most popular of the low-level sets. In Diablo 2 and Diablo 2: Resurrected, Unique items are categorized with the Unique color. Find more about the Runes in Diablo 2 and Rune words. 7% - Rainbow (+8–15% Resist All) - qlvl 18, Clvl 13. The Diablo II Battle. 3. But unlike the original, players across Xbox, PlayStation®, and Nintendo Switch™ systems will now be able to embark on the famous quest east. This event cames to the stage as a high end content for expeirenced players to try out, bringing huge rewards and hard bosses to the table. This means that they do +50% more Damage to Undead by default. The set is centered around melee attacks therefore a good choice for Werewolf Fury builds. Good for paladin or barbarian. Aug 25, 2021 · All Diablo 2 and Diablo 2: Resurrected Basic and Ethereal daggers sorted like nowhere else - Bone Knife, Poignard, Dagger, Mithril Point, Rondel, Dirk, Fanged Knife, Cinquedeas, Kris, Legend Spike, Stiletto, Blade Aug 25, 2021 · Here you can find a skill tree calculator for Sorceress as well as for every class in the game. 333. May 20, 2022 · Character planner. It is a remaster of Diablo II (2000) and its expansion Lord of Destruction (2001). Its unique reward Hellfire Torch is essential part of any high-end character build. net. It has mostly Exceptional items with 2x Elite items being the weapon - The Ogre Maul and the Armor - the Sacred Armor. The fourth Ladder Season of Diablo II: Resurrected starts soon. Along with that it can cast a Level 50 Delirium on to the caster which transforms him into a Bone Fetish for 60 secs which is quite debilitating as the hero will not be able to cast spells in the Jan 12, 2022 · Fallen, Carver, Devilkin, Dark One, Warped One - These demonic imps have, of late, become very common throughout the woodlands of the Western Kingdoms. Have a list of all Runes and their properties Aug 25, 2021 · Diablo 2 Unique Items. Damage Bonus: 100 Str. Currently this API is exposing only the items endpoint. $9. Act I. Mercs hired from Normal are stronger than if hired from Nightmare or Hell. У каждого класса в Diablo II: Resurrected есть 30 уникальных умений Resurrected Graphics. It is unpopular choice for gearing due to class-specific sets being a lot more powerful and the weapon being too weak. The smaller, self-contained kingdoms contained herein have developed Aug 25, 2021 · Diablo 2 Unique Items. Small and vicious, many worry that if these beings were to band together in large numbers, they might easily overthrow some of the smaller cities in the region. Level: Elemental Skills. Fearsome demons, brave adventurers, and the world of Sanctuary, resurrected. Countless demons have met their timely demise at the end of your weapon, yet their onslaught doesn’t relent. Apr 15, 2022 · Guardian Angel Templar Coat is an exceptional unique item with level requirement of 45 and Quality Level of 53. Marvel at the denizens of this world in up to Ultra High Definition 4k (2160p) remastered graphics on PC—or enjoy the original Diablo II, old-school style—at the press of a button with the legacy toggle. The Tempest, a new class of bladedancers, that fight with wind and water elemental fury. 01. Diablo® II Lord of Destruction® (2001) Requires Diablo® II (2000) Action RPG. Find the biggest Diablo 2 and Diablo 2: Resurrected Items database in the world. Another good thing about Insight is that it is requires cheap runes to make and the level requirement is also quite low - 27 Aug 25, 2021 · Here you can find a skill tree calculator for Sorceress as well as for every class in the game. Trang-Oul's Avatar. 99. Легендарная ARPG. 4. Shrunken Heads act as shields and have a chance to block %, although low. THE WESTERN KINGDOMS. 5 Avg) Required Level: 5 Durability: 15 Base Weapon Speed: [0] +1 To Necromancer Skill Levels +8 to Min Damage 150% Damage to Undead + (10 Per Character Level) 10-990 Attack Rating (Based On Character Level) (2 Items) Aug 31, 2021 · Delirium. Apr 15, 2022 · Find all the Diablo 2 set items in the game, including normal, exceptional and elite sets. net servers of the game. Aug 25, 2021 · Spirit. Diablo II is an action role-playing hack-and-slash video game developed by Blizzard North and published by Blizzard Entertainment in 2000 for Microsoft Windows, Classic Mac OS, and OS X. Apr 15, 2022 · Undead Crown Crown is an normal unique item with level requirement of 29 and Quality Level of 39. Jan 31, 2022 · Diablo 2 Runes and Runewords. Sandwiched between the Barbarian lands to the north and the vast deserts to the east lie the mountainous, verdant forestlands of the Western Kingdoms. Aug 25, 2021 · If you want to change the number of equipped items, you can do it below. Tal Rasha's Wrappings. Sep 10, 2021 · The iconic ARPG, Diablo® II, has been remastered and resurrected. 09 or later) Aug 25, 2021 · Melee Range: 1. Lightning Spells. Diablo II: Resurrected is an action role-playing video game co-developed by Blizzard Entertainment and Blizzard Albany and published by Blizzard Entertainment. Oct 15, 2021 · Diablo 2 Screenshots Location. 10 Rune Words. 無數 小時 的 惡魔 斬殺 冒險正 等 著你。. To enable these, go to the shortcut you use to start up Diablo II, right click, select properties, and view the target field. Dans Diablo II: Resurrected, le système de tournoi permet aux joueurs et joueuses de s’affronter. 6 days ago · Blizzard EntertainmentFebruary 15, 2024. Aug 25, 2021 · All Diablo 2 and Diablo 2: Resurrected Basic and Ethereal armors sorted like nowhere else - Dusk Shroud, Ghost Armor, Quilted Armor, Wyrmhide, Serpentskin Armor, Leather Armor, Scarab Husk, Demonhide Armor, Hard Leather Armor, Wire Fleece, Trellised Armor, Studded Leather, Diamond Mail, Linked Mail, Ring Mail, Loricated Mail, Tigulated Mail, Scale Mail, Boneweave, Mesh Armor, Chain Mail, Great Aug 25, 2021 · All Diablo 2 and Diablo 2: Resurrected Basic and Ethereal polearms sorted like nowhere else - Ogre Axe, Lochaber Axe, Bardiche, Colossus Voulge, Bill, Voulge, Thresher, Battle Scythe, Scythe, Cryptic Axe, Partizan, Poleaxe, Great Poleaxe, Bec-De-Corbin, Halberd, Giant Thresher, Grim Scythe, War Scythe Evil Has Survived Diablo® II: Resurrected breathes new life into Blizzard Entertainment’s acclaimed ARPG and its expansion, Diablo® II: Lord of Destruct Nov 5, 2021 · Scroll to Top. Accompanying these new features are quality-of-life improvements and bug fixes. Windows App. Diablo II: Resurrected включает полную версию Diablo II и легендарное дополнение Diablo II: Lord of Destruction®. , which goes live on June 29, we introduce a variety of new features and improvements set to elevate multiplayer lobbies for console and PC. Shrunken Heads cannot be gambled in the Expansion, they must be found. Level: Cold Spells. Aldur's Watchtower. Browse through all the items in the game with tooltips and randomly generated items, just like in-game. Aug 25, 2021 · All Diablo 2 and Diablo 2: Resurrected Basic and Ethereal two-handed Swords sorted like nowhere else - Legend Sword, Espandon, Two-handed Sword, Highland Blade, Dacian Falx, Claymore, Balrog Blade, Tusk Sword, Giant Sword, Champion Sword, Gothic Sword, Bastard Sword, Colossus Sword, Zweihander, Flamberge, Colossus Blade, Executioner Sword, Great Sword Apr 17, 2022 · Mercenaries Facts. Early last year, the original Diinet founders launched a new site before D2R was announced with the same team and that's over on PureDiablo. Take in a plethora of quality-of-life updates and bug fixes and get ready to climb your way to Level 99. Click to increase skill by 1, Right-Click to decrease by 1. It has the whopping 6 set pieces and a very low level requirement (level 6). Apr 17, 2022 · 22. Greetings adventurers, Darkness gathers and it is once more time to fight the evils that lurk below Sanctuary. Shape Shifting Skills. Open. Isenhart's Armory. net servers of the game (not counting D2 mods). Have a list of all Runes and their properties - El Rune, Eld Rune, Tir Rune, Nef Rune, Eth Rune, Ith Rune, Tal Rune, Ral Rune, Ort Rune, Thul Rune, Amn Rune, Sol Rune, Shael Rune, Dol Rune, Hel Rune, Io Rune, Lum Rune, Ko Rune, Fal Rune Aug 25, 2021 · Tancred's Battlegear. Also, their level cap is 98. Cleglaw's Brace is a 3-piece low level (level 4) set primarily focused on melee attacks. It has the same forums like the SPF, same moderators, same community and Oct 28, 2009 · Diablo Clone and its reward Annihilus is event that only exist in the Battle. 2020 - Diablo II Upscale project. May 20, 2022 · Druid. Feb 15, 2012 · Unlike the original Diablo I, Diablo II was made specifically with online gaming in mind. Unique version: Death's Web. Others will come soon or when appropriate. 10 or later) Aug 16, 2019 · You can find different Diablo 2 and Diablo 2: Ressurected articles guides and infomation here. Vidala's Rig. In the Expansion however they are all 50/50 Str/Dex, so add . The next Diablo II ladder reset is scheduled for Friday, December 6 at 5:00 PM PT! Welcome to The Arreat Summit, a strategy guide for Diablo II: Lord of Destruction . A user in Reddit called zomprd is working on a upscale Diablo II project that uses AI to increase the resolution of the Diablo assets. In Diablo a Holy Grail is considered a bucketlist of items one needs Aug 25, 2021 · In Diablo 2 and Diablo 2: Resurrected, Unique items are categorized with the Unique color. Heaven's Brethren is a 4-piece exceptional/elite mixture set. These are commands that change some basic functions of the game. It has a strong Long Sword for a weapon, a shield and gloves. Set version: None. Unidentify Items!!! You are currently Nov 12, 2020 · CTRL-M: Diablo II: Toggles music on Battle. 歷久 不衰 的 經典 「獄火 重生」. La experiencia de Diablo II definitiva con versiones remasterizadas de Diablo II y de la expansión Lord of Destruction, nuevas temporadas de la jerarquía, actualizaciones del juego y más. Site is in development at the moment but I have some finished items. net is divided into "Open" and "Closed" realms. Though his goals are often aligned with those of the forces of Light, some Aug 25, 2021 · Page last updated: 25 August 2021 12:50. 10 and 1. 19. €9. The challenging and most elite piece is the Shadowplate Armor. Next ladder reset in Diablo II will be on 6th December 2019. Unidentify Items!!! Aug 25, 2021 · In Diablo 2 and Diablo 2: Resurrected, Unique items are categorized with the Unique color. All Shrunken Heads may have +1-3 points in up to 3 individual skills from any of his skill trees. Wands can have +1-3 skill points to up to three Necromancer skills from any of his skill trees. He is asking for feedback. Aug 25, 2021 · Weight: All shields are Light, Medium, or Heavy. The game, with its dark fantasy and horror themes, was conceptualized and designed by David Brevik and Erich Schaefer, who, with Max Schaefer, acted as project Apr 15, 2022 · Annihilus Small Charm is an unique item with level requirement of 70 and Quality Level of 85. Aug 25, 2021 · Paladin Shields are also known as Auric Shields. In Diablo a Holy Grail is considered a bucketlist of items one needs to find (himself/herself) as a collectionist and is considered one of the greater achievement in the Diablo 2. Fire Spells. The app allows you to automatically upload screenshots of d2 items while playing the game. Almost every normal item in the game has a Unique version giving unique properties. Raise hell with two Lord of Destruction playable classes—the cunning Assassin, master of Aug 25, 2021 · In Diablo 2 and Diablo 2: Resurrected, Unique items are categorized with the Unique color. Unidentify Items!!! You are currently Aug 25, 2021 · Diablo 2 Unique Items. Welcome to www. Aug 25, 2021 · All Diablo 2 and Diablo 2: Resurrected Basic and Ethereal boots sorted like nowhere else - Wyrmhide Boots, Demonhide Boots, Boots, Scarabshell Boots, Sharkskin Boots, Heavy Boots, Boneweave Boots, Mesh Boots, Chain Boots, Mirrored Boots, Battle Boots, Light Plated Boots, Myrmidon Greaves, War Boots, Greaves. Trade. com now. For full featured planner go to Maxroll - https La resurrección de un clásico atemporal. They must be in place when the program starts up. Oct 28, 2009 · Uber Tristram (Pandemonium Event) is an event that only exist in the Battle. About me. Have a list of all Runes and their properties - El Rune, Eld Rune, Tir Rune, Nef Rune, Eth Rune, Ith Rune, Tal Rune, Ral Rune, Ort Rune, Thul Rune, Amn Rune, Sol Rune, Shael Rune, Dol Rune, Hel Rune, Io The most comprehensive Diablo 2 and Diablo 2: Resurrected fansite out there. 7 (where indicated), and otherwise uses data from Diablo 2 v1. Stats Required Level: 70 Quality Level: 85 Magic Properties: +1 To All Skill Levels +10-20 To All Attributes (varies) All Resistances +10-20 (varies) +5-10% Experience Gained (varies) (Patch 1. Here you can find a skill tree calculator for Paladin as well as for every class in the game. Finally some good news for the Diablo II community. Nouvelle saison de tournoi. My name is Johnny from Bulgaria and I am a security engineer. Bonus skill points from quests. Several spells (such as auras or Warcries) multiply their effectiveness if they are cast within a party and the game world included a lot more open spaces. Once uploaded, the system will recognize the item and fill in its stats. Unidentify Items!!! You are currently Aug 25, 2021 · Trang-Oul's Avatar. Looking for Rune Words? Read our Introduction to Runewords and check out 1. Aug 25, 2021 · 26. Start planning your character by creating a new character profile: Select class: Choose Character Level: Character Name: This is an unfinished character planner. Check out for Runewords, Horadric Cube recipes, Set Items, Unique items sorted like nowhere else on the internet. Immortal King is a full-fledged Barbarian set which includes 6 pieces (everything except jewels like Amulet and rings) including a weapon. Battle your way through icy caverns, horrific tombs filled with undead abominations, and frozen wastelands to the frigid summit of Mount Arreat and stop Baal, the Lord of Destruction. 11. You may search, filter, or sort by runes required, required level, stats, modifiers, base item groups Jan 12, 2022 · Under Construction. m. Corrections? Die ultimative „Diablo II“-Erfahrung mit neu aufgelegten Versionen von Diablo II, der Erweiterung „Lord of Destruction“, neuen Ranglistensaisons, Spiel-Updates und vielem mehr. These warrior-priests, exiled from the Cold Isles, harness the power of the storm unleashing twin blades to destroy their enemies and call guardian zephyrs to their side as they flow across the battlefield. Jan 12, 2022 · Find more about the Runes in Diablo 2 and Rune words. 2x of the items are Exceptional level and can drop on Nightmare difficulty, while the Spired Helm and the Ward are very elite and rare. The clone (Uber Diablo) can appear in any Hell difficulty game regardless of an open game or password game. It is very popular rune word because of its all round good caster properties such as the high faster cast rate, +2 To All Skills, 55% Faster Hit Recovery, Mana and its inexpensive rune requirements. (PDT), viewers on Twitch will be able to earn Twitch Drop rewards (Friday-only) by tuning into their favorite streamers on that platform. Diablo® II: Resurrected™ releases September 23, 2021. Suitable for Barbarians and Paladins. Diablo 2 Paladin Skill Calculator. Rozgrywka rankingowa w Diablo II: Resurrected umożliwia graczom sprawdzenie, jak wypadają na tle innych. In Patch 2. Battle. Luckily, cowardice appears to be one of the chief features of this species, and Aug 25, 2021 · In Diablo 2 and Diablo 2: Resurrected, Unique items are categorized with the Unique color. It shows the latest data from Resurrected v2. Aldur's Stony Gaze. NT$300. Unidentify Items!!! You are currently Face Hell With the Perfect Storm. It is most widely used to carry alts and keep them safe during level or act boosts. 5 of the items Najnowszy sezon rankingowy. Wystaw swoje umiejętności na próbę, grając nową postacią w całą serię trybów, które oferują niepowtarzalne wyzwania. Summoning Skills. 11 Rune words. Isenhart's Armory is a low-level (level 8) melee set comprised of 4 pieces - one-hand weapon, helm, armor and shield. Aug 25, 2021 · All Diablo 2 and Diablo 2: Resurrected Basic and Ethereal assassin Katars sorted like nowhere else - Suwayyah, Quhab, Katar, Wrist Sword, Wrist Spike, Wrist Blade, War Fist, Fascia, Hatchet Hands, Battle Cestus, Hand Scythe, Cestus, Feral Claws, Greater Claws, Claws, Runic Talons, Greater Talons, Blade Talons, Scissors Suwayyah, Scissors Quhab, Scissors Katar Mar 4, 2022 · Zones. Cleglaw's Brace. Aug 25, 2021 · One-Hand Damage: 13 to 14 (13. Aug 25, 2021 · In Diablo 2 and Diablo 2: Resurrected, Unique items are categorized with the Unique color. Aug 25, 2021 · Diablo 2 Unique Items. May 5, 2023. 14 LoD. net was abandoned by the current owners 2 years ago after the founders needed to take a break after 20+years. Stats Defense: 112-124 (118 avg) Ethereal Defense: 166-184 (175 avg) Durability: 14 Ethereal Durability: 8 Required Strength: 47 Required Strength (Eth): 37 Required Level: 32 Quality Level: 40 Kick Damage: 28 to 50 Magic Properties: 20% Faster Run/Walk +180-210% Enhanced Defense All Diablo 2 Resurrected Runewords. Pre-order now and get ready to face the forces of darkness in Diablo® IV. All Auric Shields can spawn with one of the two Inherent Bonuses. qw uz yi wf ln mt um gz ch ya