Matlab find indices of matching values. what if the number in a is unique, e.

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Matlab find indices of matching values Find the indices corresponding to values oscillating around the minimum with matlab. W1(i), W2(i) and W3(i) belong to A(i,:) all the elements of Wk belong to Vk, k=1,2,3; Wk is not a known vector! but Vk are predefined. Xtarget = X(ind) A very simple approach which works with all values as start would be: changes = find(diff(value))+1; This will also return the expected result changes = [5 10 14 17 20]. How to find a row in matrix containing closest values to given vector in Matlab. If X is a logical expression, then v is a logical array. index() which will only find the first occurrence of your value in the list. The following output indices (idx) preserve the order in A of the shared values: To find array elements that meet a condition, use find in conjunction with a relational expression. Reverse lookup in MATLAB cell array of indices. Viewed 109 times 1 Let's Matlab: Find row indice of first occurrence for each column of matrix (without using loops) 1. A=[1 2;1 3; 4 5]; B=[1 5]; F=arrayfun(@(x)(find(B(x)==A)),1:numel I have a matrix A 151x1 double and a matrix B 151x1000 double. You can then shift indices by adding start_ind - 1: arr1 = rand(1000,1 Find the values within a range: Matlab. Each value of A corresponds to a certain value in the same row of B. Add a comment | Your Answer The way I intend to use it is to check whether an element index in one matrix is equal to the values stored in another array (where the stored values are the indices of the elements which meet a certain criteria). 4. Finding the indices of the elements of one array Learn more about matlab function, I am facing an issue finding indices of element matching in two arrays. 029 0. The find function (in its most fundamental application) locates all non-zero entries in its argument. Commenting here as it's led me to overall the best answer here, it just has a mistake. Fro example, if I have: X = [18 3 1 11 8 10 11 3 9 14 6 1 4 3 15 21 23 24]; and want to finding all indices of a value in matrix. That said, your Select is really just getting a sequence of all of the indexes; that is more easily done with Enumerable. Consider the following example in Python where we I need to find index numbers of matrix b's elements in matrix a. find nonzero indices as an array. This value of c is only defined when the function is called Find the treasures in MATLAB Central and discover how the community can help you! Start Hunting! [I,J,V] = FIND(X,) also returns a vector V containing the values that correspond to the row and column indices I and J. Ask Question Asked 9 years, 4 months ago. You can know more using the documentation here. I was wondering if there is a quick way in matlab (pretty sure there is and I just don't know it!) to get all the values of an array at specific indices. @Jigg: Yes. The 'find' command only returns the indices of all the non-zero elements of a matrix. For example: MATLAB Match a row in a cell array, How to check if the values in an array correspond to values in a cell array. So if you have a value 1. Find index with multiple condition, using find Learn more about multiple vector comparison, find function, & condition with multiple size, large files I have two arrays of unequal length. matlab: finding indices of values common for two matrices. Output row index of first element of every column in a matrix to satisfy a logical condition. MATLAB finding average RGB value across all pixels in image. I read in the matlab documentation which states: "[row, col, v] = find (X, ) returns a column or row vector v of the nonzero entries in X, as well as row and column indices. So that I can get an array like the out put that is given below. 015;0. 786 b = 14x308 double (all cells contain numerical values) Assuming there is one cell in 'b' with a value that matches 'a' exactly - how do I found the column/row indices in b of this mat Hi everyone, suppose there's a marix [2 0;-2 1;2 3], I want find the row index of [-2 1], i. The second input to FIND isn't the value you're looking for, it's the *number of indices* to find. Is there a way to achieve this without using the for loop on p? Get exact indices of max value in 3D matrix. append(i) return result To find the index of the element in the array, you can use the find() function. I can use loops and all. I just want to find all the indices of the maximum value in a vector in matlab. Sometimes it is useful to simultaneously change the values of several existing array elements. Is there a way to accomplish this without looping through the whole structure array? If I have vector A of numbers and simply want all indices for the numbers that are larger then 10 I could write: indices = A > 10; Something in this matlab: find the index of rows from the first matching column value. The datetime data type provides flexible date and time formats, storage out to nanosecond precision, and properties to account for time zones and daylight saving time. I have a piece of my code where I'm supposed to create a switchboard. Learn more about indices, 3d, maximum, max I need to find index numbers of matrix b's elements in matrix a. Or you can just modify your list in place and exclude all values above 4. I want to get this result: result = Matlab - vectorized way to indices in cell array equal string. Learn more about search, find Hello I am looking for a (simple) way to get the index of a row in which two (or n) values exist example: looking for 4 and 5 in [1 5 6; 5 4 3; 9 4 2] will give me 2, because only Learn more about find MATLAB. index(1. R to find elements in a vector that their indices dose not exist in another vector. Sign in to answer this question. To retrieve the original indices, you have to keep the memory of the indices of your two conditions on x and y (which I put in the arrays cX and cY) and then use the function ind2sub. Syntax: Get indices of matching values (vectorized find Learn more about find, vectorization MATLAB I want to find a function that does a "vectorized find" that would do the below: >> a = rand(6, 1) a = 0. Although datefind supports serial date numbers, datetime values are recommended instead. From the documentation: [row,col] = find(X, ) returns the row and column indices of the nonzero entries in the matrix X. MATLAB Answers. 1235 and third coloumn is 927. A == max(A) returns a logical vector where 1 corresponds to a value in A matching the largest value in A and 0 otherwise. Count) . datametadata] %first entry of ts is: 0 (time), 0. Learn more about datetime, string, matlab, table, match, find MATLAB Find index with multiple condition, using find Learn more about multiple vector comparison, find function, & condition with multiple size, large files I have two tables, both with a column labeled core_id. I Both methods return the logical index of the matching row. Now I want to set it so if the matrix contain a sequence of 70, 40, 90 (something I set by finding the mean based on a specific value in Learn more about logical indexing, floating-point Guys I have following data as an example. The catch is that I can't sort it because the indices are linearly dependent upon the values (so sorting the values will screw up to original indices) AND 0 can be one of the elements. Is there any method without using loop The problem is: Given a row vector of numbers, find the indices of the two closest numbers. indices of occurence of each row in MATLAB. 0004 0. want to average 4th coloumn when 1st couloumn is equal to 527. So, if the indices of the elements which meet the criteria are stored in the matrix below: criteriacheck = [3 5 6 8 20]; matlab: find the index of rows from the first matching column value. So now I just want to return a list of all the True values and their position. Finding index of element matching condition of matrix - Matlab. , [-2 1] is on the second row of [2 0;-2 1;2 3]. As an example 1st column in B matches with the 1st column in A. 7655 0. Due to the matlab's implicite expension (require matlab R2016b or newer) it's only indices (natural numbers) in my case, but generally, yes! (although in that case one should probably specify some tolerance for the matching) – Bob. 0 at index 2, and at index 9, then . Histogram in Matlab for data bigger than a threshold. Hot Network Questions Creates class and makes animals, then print bios In the era where the TV show Mad Men is set, are smoke alarms matlab: find the index of rows from the first matching column value. This value of c is only defined when the function is called Find the treasures in MATLAB Central and discover how the community can help you! Start Hunting! Find indices of matching date times. 035]. Commented Sep 19, 2017 at 20:14. The syntax here tells it to locate only one such value, in this instance the first one it finds, and output the index of that value. I have been given a large 1x1 structure of arrays with numerous fields. While pat matches a sequence of letters having any length, strfind stops as soon as it finds a match and then proceeds to the next match. Learn more about array, minimise . 30. So if my variable of interest is called 'returns' and is formatted in a t x n matrix, MATLAB Language Fundamentals Matrices and Arrays Matrix Indexing. The result should look like this: C = [10 15 43]; As I am new user of MATLAB, it would be nice if anyone gave me ideas regarding this problem. Securely storing a password for matching against its substrings How can I use 'find' in matlab to find the longest possible sequence of values that exceed a given threshold. I'd like obtain a vector of indexes of time in which the value is between threshold x and threshold y. Finding first samples greater than a threshold value efficiently in Python (and MATLAB comparison) 405. find([Structure. def find(lst, a, b): result = [] for i, x in enumerate(lst): if x<a or x>b: result. The syntax Structure. 1]) This would output: Find the closest value in a matrix matlab. 7. Is it possible to get the indices of a number sequence in that matrix? I know the matrix contains 70, 70, 40, 40, 90, 90 which is one sequence. Using the find() function you can find the indices and the element from the array. Find rows indexes with zero values. Thanks in advance. Find more on Matrix Indexing in Help Center and File Exchange. find common values of all rows of a matrix. Modified 11 years, 1 month ago. python; matlab; find; I use sort(A,'ascend') function to sort this. find common value of one matrix in another matrix. Show -2 older comments Hide -2 older comments. You are using . 0011 0. 009:10 ind1 = find (A==val) % will work if the val is exact match Dear all, I want to be able to find indices where values exceed a certain threshold. Learn more about matlab, array, cell arrays MATLAB Hi, I want to know if it is possible to match the values of an array (cell by cell) A (:, 1) with an array B (:, 2) so that when calling any array C (:, 1) it gets the values of B (:, 2). What you can do is declare a mask that is the same size as y, and place false in the locations that you don't want find to search for and true otherwise. However, for those interested in a solution with undocumented functionality, and an admittedly hackish approach, Now I want to find the indices of the structures in the array for which two fields meet a certain condition. Is there a way to accomplish this without looping through the whole structure array? If I have vector A of numbers and simply want all indices for the numbers that are larger then 10 I could write: indices = A > 10; Something in this style just for structure - arrays is what Having matrix A (n*2) as the source and B as a vector containing a subset of elements A, I'd like to find the row index of items. The Challenge: Finding Indices Based on Conditions. 13. How may I use matlab to find this: for 1st row: row3 for 2nd row: --- Depending on what you are planning to do with this output it could be redundant to have a match for "3rd row: row1". originally my indices were 1,2,3,4,5 for corresponding values of 5,4,1,2,3 and now the indices have changed to 3,4,5,2,1. Identify index that is not shared between two variables in R. I want to find 3 vectors W1, W2 and W3 with the same dimension 1 X p (p: the largest possible p<=40) satisfying the following conditions:. how to realize it in matlab? Many thanks! Skip to content. 67, which is 10 percent above the function's minimum value, then plug them into D to find out what values those indexes correspond to. That's unrelated to your problem though, it makes your code less efficient. In many cases logical indexing suffices and Both methods return the logical index of the matching row. Output: When the array contains duplicate values the find() function will print all the indices of that corresponding element. 7952 0. I have a vector called time, which contains time values. Also, elements can repeat. what I would find are the indices related the vector 'a' with the same value of 'b'like for example in this case 1 9 18 26. Learn more about find index value vector matlab: find the index of common values at the same entry from two arrays. Range:. the max function returns only the index of the first occurence of the maximum. xpts = [0 0. In the second call to find you've performed some logical indexing on A and are only passing in a column vector that contains the non-NaN elements of A. Ask Question Asked 11 years, 7 months ago. Finally, find determines the locations in the input that are non-zero, so in effect we are finding the locations that match the largest value in A. Python Given a value in a matrix how can you get the subscript(s) How to find subscripts of matching element(s) in matlab/octave. I'm currently doing this: this will give you a matrix of 1s and 0s indicating the indices where the values are between your two bounds (L, U); note not [L, U]. 2nd column in B matches with the 3rd column in A. In practice, this gives: find matching indexes. 0025 0. Finding similar rows in MATLAB. g a=[1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9], and b=[2,3,3] then, i would like to know the location of the numbers of b in a, according to you algorithm, the result will be [2,3], but i actuall would like to have the result of [2,3,3], since there are two 3 in b. Then strfind matches 'i', and so on. 027 0. def find_matching_indices(*iterables, pred=None): """Return a list of matched indices across `m` iterables. So, if the indices of the elements which meet the criteria are stored in the matrix below: criteriacheck = [3 5 6 8 20]; Matlab: find first smaller or larger element in an array. b] == 6) For the input shown above, the result is as expected: ans = 2 3 As Jonas noted, this would work only if there are no fields containing empty matrices, because empty I am trying to find indices of the elements in one cell array in another cell array in MATLAB. 025 0. How to return the index of the matching row when comparing a matrix to a vector in r. How to use which() on a matrix to get unique indices. find all indices of max values matlab. . Are there any faster way using ind0, or I have to use another find: find(X~=0) ? Birdman on 26 Mar 2018 Hopefully I'll explain clearly as I haven't worked with structures much. The result should be = [2 3 1 4] I wrote this code but it didn't work because there are two Matching values from two vectors. For example, find(X<5) returns the linear indices to the elements in X that are less than 5. Tags How to get the index of a value in a table?. quickly find the indexes of common rows in two matrices. 1869 0. If there is a match extract the row values and also row-1 which shows the variable names. Once you declare this mask, search for the values A is a matrix 40 x 10000. [I,J,V] = FIND(X,) also returns a vector V containing the values that correspond to the row and column indices I and J. @matteo franchi: it is clear that the date/time values do not exactly match each other. V1, V2 and V3 are 3 vectors with the same dimension 1 x 50. Elsewhere, the array contains logical 0 (false). [lat1 lon1 pCO2] say 200000 values in each column [lat2 lon2] say 100000 values in each column I want to find where both lat2=lat1 and lon2=lon1, then tak Learn more about matlab, array, find, indexing, index MATLAB How to find the index in 1D array that has closest value to some number ? val =-1. I want an The indices for the matching are provided in LOC that contains the highest absolute index in S for each element in A If you want the indices of the elements rather than their values, you can use ismember and negate the result . For example, 'bookkeeper' has three sets of paired letters (o, k, and e. 0. 4898 >> b = randi( Although datefind supports serial date numbers, datetime values are recommended instead. Find the treasures in MATLAB Central and discover how the community can help you! Start Hunting! Replace sum with find to get the indices of those pixels if you need that. 2. A is a matrix 40 x 10000. Given a value in a matrix how can you get the subscript(s) How to find subscripts of matching element(s) in matlab/octave. and Rows in A. In your first call to find you input an array the same size/dimensions as A. In MATLAB it is easy to find the indices of values that meet a particular condition: >> a = [1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3]; >> find(a > 2) % find the I found functions equivalent to MATLAB 'find' in NumPy but I currently do not have access to those libraries. Hot Network Questions Now I want to find the indices of the structures in the array for which two fields meet a certain condition. e. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Learn more about matching, matrix I have two matrices: A: x rows and 5 columns B: x rows and 6 columns (the first column contains indexes) The values of the matrix A are included in the matrix B. Your problem is that you cannot use == to compare char arrays. Lia = ismember(A,B,"rows") treats each row of A and each row of B as single entities and returns a column vector containing logical 1 (true) where the rows of A are also rows of B. ] I'm trying to find the two smallest elements of a 1xn vector. 0667 a = 5. Vote. Find unique values of a vector with same order as in the vector in matlab. To I want to find the indices of the values of b in a (only the first hit) ie: c = [3, 6, 5]; Is there an easy Matlab native way to do this without looping and searching. For example: %ts is a time series object with the following properties: % Common Properties: Name: 'unnamed' Time: [70001x1 double] TimeInfo: [1x1 tsdata. [minval, idx] = min(m) minval = 1×5. Follow edited Jan 9, 2018 at 22:29. find all the indices of all the duplicate elements in Array 686 The difference between bracket [ ] and double bracket [[ ]] for accessing the elements of a list or dataframe How to index specific values out of a 2D array Learn more about indexing, 2d indexing, array indexing, 2d array, find function I have a matrix in Matlab and want to find the indeces of all rows, where some of the columns meet a specific criteria. Sign in to comment. Kenneth Eaton on 3 Feb 2011. This syntax is especially useful when working with find row with certain values. Hi everyone, I'm new into Matlab. Use logical indexing with a simple assignment statement to replace the values in an array that meet a condition. Note that each element within the k_mins vector can be recovered with the usual [i,j] indices through the matlab function, (for instance, the element 11 of the matrix) [i j] = ind2sub([m n],11) Using find in a 3d matrix in MATLAB. Hello, I want to find the index of two times that belong on a colum with a bunch of timedates t1 = datetime('10-09-2018 00:00:00','Format','dd-MM-uuuu HH:mm:ss') Find the treasures in MATLAB Central and discover how the community can help you! Start Hunting! Thanks! and what if I have zero-indices ind0 = find(X==0), but I need non-zero indices also. But strfind matches 'F' first and returns its index. Here's a simplified example of my code: Hi everybody! I am new to Matlab and I have been using it for like one week. returning matrix column indices matching value(s) in R. So if you don’t want all the indices of that element you can use the find(X,n) function. (r,c) = find(P==min(min(P))) gives indices corresponding to all the minimum values in matrix P. Let’s explore various methods to achieve this efficiently in Python, particularly if you’re accustomed to Matlab’s way of doing things. Ask Question Asked 13 years, 1 month ago. 0) will always return 2, no matter how many times 1. >>> a[:] = [x for x in a if x<=4] >>> a [1, 2, 3, 4] You can use find in conjunction with a mask that tells find which indices you want to skip. For example, the third element of matrix b is 200 and the index number of 200 in matrix a is 1. Finding the indices of the maximum and minimum values (global extrema) in matrices is a common requirement in data analysis tasks. How to get indexes where two arrays are equal? 0. Blz But in this case I get the indexes that do not correspond in fact should be pnt = 4, size = 16, cmd = 2. (Or any other way to get the index of the column A) Coumns and rows both in B should match with Cs. how to find the row index of specific vector in Learn more about array, matrix, ismember Find matching entries in cell array. matlab: find position of element in mixed array. This is all I have but it only return the position of the first occurrence of True (this is just a portion of my code): I work with really large arrays (size 1500*200). How to find the position of a value in an array in matlab. Example: If I have an array: a = [1,3,5,7,9] and I have my list of indices [2,3], I am looking for a Find the index of each letter. what if the number in a is unique, e. In your case, the index will be 3 (or rephrase the question). I am looking for a way to find the index that both arrays have value 2 at the same entry, the index that one has value 2 and the other one has value 1, etc (like 2 and 2, 2 and 1, `2 and0,1and1,1and0`). Modified 8 years, 9 months ago. How can I find index and matched value in vector. Here is code for a simple example. append(i) return result You are using . 8 million_* rows. Not that "D='1' '5'" is not valid Matlab syntax, because the Suppose that I have two arrays of size p (p is large) that have values from 0,1,2. What is the most efficient way to obtain the indices of the elements that do have a value of zero? python; numpy; Share. Range(0, lst1. Learn more about find MATLAB. enumerate returns the index and value of each item in an array. how find indexes of sorted data in the original array? 0. I have different matrixes looking something like this matrixExample = [NaN, NaN, 50, 50, 50, 70, 70, 40, 40, 90, 90, 20, 20, 20]. My initial approach was to try and find the indexes of the elements in D that are equal to 1466. Example: A = magic(3) find(A > 5) finds the linear indices of the 4 entries of the matrix A that are greater than 5. Matlab: How to find indices of a specific value in vector. Check to see where a given value in B matches one MATLAB provides functionality that finds the indices and values of all non-zero elements in a vector or multidimensional array; the find() function. About; Products How to get indices of values of numpy array which are zero. Where(i => lst1[i] == "a") . I want to search one field to match a specific string. In this way, you don't need to offset the indices of find when you're done. 003]; Find the treasures in MATLAB Central and discover how the community can help you! Start Hunting! I have a master array with an index in the first column. How can I get these indices efficiently in Matlab? How to match two arrays in Matlab. I would like to match now a few arrays against it by comparing their index (also first column) to the master and if match found add the correspondent value from column 2 to the master array. I want to create an array of indices using Matlab's find-function. Use find if you really need the subscript index. The most elegant solutions (i. I made this example, where varia Alternatives to the "unique" function when looking for indexes of the unique values (Matlab) 4. Learn more about find command, vector MATLAB. var result = Enumerable. Once you declare this mask, search for the values Finding the indices of all minimum elements in 0. And we can use these to extract the values. The problem with using intersect in a loop is that you're repeatedly sorting the rows that you may already have sorted previously so certainly taking that out of the loops would be useful. If you look at my code you'll see that z is exactly what you've passed into the second find. ID = find(A == max(A)); max(A) returns the largest value in A. b for an array of structs gives you a comma-separated list, so you'll have to concatenate them all (for instance, using brackets []) in order to obtain a vector:. For example, 'Find' and 'F' are both matches for lettersPattern, since the number of letters for a match is not specified. M = 1 5 9 13 2 6 10 14 10 14 11 15 4 8 10 14 Now I want to find the incedeces of all rows, where M(:,3) == 10 AND M(:,4) == 14. Improve this answer. There are a few options to get the indices you are looking for. The "rows" option does not support cell arrays, unless one of the inputs is either a categorical array or a datetime array. I think I'll try to edit some titles and tags so these are easier to find in the Get indices of matching values (vectorized find Learn more about find, vectorization MATLAB I want to find a function that does a "vectorized find" that would do the below: >> a = rand(6, 1) a = 0. How can I get that? @matteo franchi: it is clear that the date/time values do not exactly match each I am looking for a simple and fast way to get the index of an entry of a Time Series Object. Now, I would like to know the indices of one certain element, say {'2015-05-03 23:59:57'}. i have a matrix say [2 2 3 ; 2 4 2; 2 3 2] how do i find all the indices (row, column) of 2 Depending on which release of MATLAB you're using specifying the dimension as 'all' What is the most efficient way to obtain the indices of the elements that do hav Skip to main content. I want to get the index of an especific value. The way I intend to use it is to check whether an element index in one matrix is equal to the values stored in another array (where the stored values are the indices of the elements which meet a certain criteria). 03 val1 = 1. The result should be: R Since in this data set Gender only takes two values, we can store and display them as two categories using a categorical array. Learn more about search, find Hello I am looking for a (simple) way to get the index of a row in which two (or n) values exist example: looking for 4 and 5 in [1 5 6; 5 4 3; 9 4 2] will give me 2, because only and I need to find the indices in b of the elements in a. In MATLAB, while functions like max() and min() readily give the extreme values, I have a Matrix, where few rows/columns have NaN value corresponding to all the columns/rows respectively. [I'm switching the Age threshold to 30 just so the filtered table arrays are shorter. how can i do this? A solution using find is this * u=uniq Alternately if you want to distinguish between say a jump from 0 to 1 and a jump from 1 to 2, you'll want to use == to detect 0's and 1's and determine if one of the 1's follows a 0. 2 I have different matrixes looking something like this matrixExample = [NaN, NaN, 50, 50, 50, 70, 70, 40, 40, 90, 90, 20, 20, 20]. Share. 04 x = -10:0. Community Treasure Hunt. So you first need to decide if you want to find: Here are a couple questions that are very nearly duplicates, since removing array elements is a component of the answers (although other issues are also covered): MATLAB: what's the most elegant (efficient) way to delete known elements in a matrix?, matlab: delete elements from matrix. Learn more about cell, array, strcmp, I then want to return a Nx1 cell array with the values that match between all items, so it would return [a,b] - Find the treasures in MATLAB Central and Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Advertising & Talent Reach devs & technologists worldwide about your product, service or employer brand; OverflowAI GenAI features for Teams; OverflowAPI Train & fine-tune LLMs; Labs The future of collective knowledge sharing; About the company Visit the blog How to find the min values and their indices for Learn more about min, indices, 2d array MATLAB. ToList(); Learn more about sort, array, indices . 0018 0. But that is not what I want. But instead I want [2 1 4 3] which gives me the indices of elements in the original array. Rows should also match like that. Improve this question. I have the start & end indices of the portions I'd like to analyze (in this example, I Use the second argument of find to only get the first match. How can I find the indices of a specific value in a vector? For example in the following vector: B = [2 3 4 5 2 7 9 2] I need the index of all occurrences of 2, which Say, I have an array arr1 with random values. Example. I have the following 10x5 array: it will return the row index of the first matching minimum value for each column. ind=knnsearch(data',b) c=data(ind) which returns the index (or array of indices), ind, of the closest element (or elements) in data to the elements listed in b. We can match a categorical array using a char vector, a string, or a categorical value. I would like to know which rows in table A have a core_id string that matches any core_id string in table B. How to find the index of the n smallest elements in a vector. Replace Values That Meet Condition. find data between To retrieve the original indices, you have to keep the memory of the indices of your two conditions on x and y (which I put in the arrays cX and cY) and then use the function ind2sub. Use enumerate() to add indices to your loop instead:. It would be useful, if you post the real data directly to the question, because then the other users do not waste your and their time with not matching suggestions. I would like to know how to find the indices of just the maximum (or minimum) value. To convert serial date numbers or text to datetime values, use the datetime function. Note that data is transposed because the set to be searched in needs to be a column vector. The result should be = [2 3 1 4] I wrote this code but it didn't work because there are two This method generalizes Doubt's answer to the case where there are multiple elements in b that you are searching for:. Now I want to set it so if the matrix contain a sequence of 70, 40, 90 (something I set by You can use find in conjunction with a mask that tells find which indices you want to skip. Matlab, find common elements of two cell arrays. A=[1 2;1 3; 4 5]; B=[1 5]; F=arrayfun(@(x)(find(B(x)==A)),1:numel Specifically, I need help finding the D values where T increases 10 percent above its minimum value. For instance: [index1 index2]=nearestNumbers([2 6 3 13 0 -16. You can use find to locate nonzero elements in an array, but it requires a little bit of arithmetic. Find the treasures in MATLAB Central and discover how the community can help you! Start Hunting! In my understanding you are trying to find an index of a particular value in double. I want to return a list of all the switches that are on. My approach so far, create an array of instances and then search. Now I want to access elements of N corresponding to that Find the treasures in MATLAB Central and discover how the community can help you finding matching rows in matrix. 4387 0. 03 0. This is undoubltedly trivial to do, but I'm struggling with Matlab syntax a bit, here. I need to find all elements that fall between 2 values (L,U) in a matrix (A) with *_2. 5. Storing indices of unique strings/elements of a vector in MATLAB. Unique elements in idx_t1 should be 1020961 and idx_t2 1048320, but the results are empty Having matrix A (n*2) as the source and B as a vector containing a subset of elements A, I'd like to find the row index of items. NB: your code is a little bit confusing since x stands for the lines and y for the columns, but I have kept the same convention in my answer. I know how to remove these rows/columns: X=X(:,~all(is an(X))); But I want to know the indices of these rows/columns. You can use the find function. 02 0. Accepted Answer . For example, replace all values in A that are greater than 10 with the number 10. So if the value v is greater than 4, include the index i in the new array. 0 occurs in the list. matlab: find the index of rows from the first matching column value. Stack Overflow. 3816 0. How can I find which row has a NaN value in a column matrix or vice ve Skip to content. First off, your code doesn't actually iterate over the list twice, it only iterates it once. Here "on" will equal True and "off" equal False. Hi all, i have to find the index of the same value in an array,see the following example a=[1 2 3 1] i want b=[1 4] as output. timemetadata] Data: [70001x1 double] DataInfo: [1x1 tsdata. For example, if I use the sort function on the array [14 8 91 19], I will get [8 14 19 91]. 5 NumPy has the efficient function/method nonzero() to identify the indices of non-zero elements in an ndarray object. Learn more about table, index . Peter I want to find common values in two arrays(For example if A=[1 2 3 4 5 6] and B=[9 8 7 6 3 1 2] the result is ans=[1 2 3 6]). 4898 >> b = randi( find row with certain values. Learn more about matrix . i. 1. In practice, this gives: But in this case I get the indexes that do not correspond in fact should be pnt = 4, size = 16, cmd = 2. Values in the table are not similar. R: find indexes of vector in another vector (if it exists) 0. The data contain 4 coloumns. Learn more about array, indexing, index, index match, for loop, minimum value. Sign in to Find the treasures in MATLAB Central and discover how the community can help you I don't see how you can avoid doing size(A, 1) * (size(A, 1)-1) / 2 comparisons of the rows one way or another. those without using iterations of find) involve swapping the inputs to ismember and grouping like indexes with accumarray, as in Eitan's answer, or vectorizing the find with bsxfun as in Luis Mendo's answer, IMHO. How can I implement this in matlab. I have a table T with let's say 2000 raws in one column. """ if pred is None: pred = lambda x: x[0] # Dict how to match value of 1st list with the indexes of 2nd list in python. find is very rarely needed and it is certainly not needed in your case. find(X,n) Return first n indices of the elements in X. Now I got stuck because I need to individuate the negative entries of an array in order to modify them: I wonder then if there's a way to get the position (row and find is overused by newcomers to matlab. Also, amend your example to be consistent with the question. The question is how can I get the indices of the original array with respect to my new array. You can see that find returns the indices into the array X that have values less than the target. Modified 13 years, 1 month ago. Viewed 21k times matlab - find indices of elements in x. The "find" in the 2nd line changes the values into indices before passing to ismember, which just makes the output nonsense. For example if A=22;14;53;2, then B will have the value 22 in one of its columns in the first row, the Please, edit your question to clarify that you are looking for the starting index of a sequence of values. I would prefer to do this with out loops. The find function with required parameters gives back a vector containing indices Find/Match index of variable from an array. The table format is awful, but at the moment only option. Find the treasures in MATLAB Central and discover how the community can help you! Start Hunting! I want to compare these two matrices to find out the same values and store them in a new variable. Median of the row of an array Matlab. Find the treasures in MATLAB Central and discover how the community can help you! Start Hunting! Find n minimum values in an array?. Here is what I need to do: I have an array a1 containing time data in the datenum format (incomplete set) and an The idea here is to create the right size output, and cycle through the values in B (the smaller array for the user's example). I then want to extract from the structure all fields for those cases where the string matched. ) How to find cell match in matlab table and Learn more about table, cell array, data import, gender . Search (size(X),indices); 0 Comments. The find() function returns a vector containing the data. xbgzhi oodnye idnkxx gzjng npjcyoqp qznw zztbe becw ryj hczjj